For the privileged people who don't even know what cisgender means, it is a term for people whose gender identity matches the sex that they were assigned at birth. Your gender matches your biological sex. For example, someone who identifies as a woman and was assigned female at birth is a cisgender woman. Cisgender is the opposite of transgender.
Chances are the majority of people reading this are cisgender. You may not be aware of this but being cisgender offers you many advantages in life. Below is a short list of some of the many unearned benefits of being cisgender. Read them and please take into consideration just how privileged you are that your gender matches your birth sex. Being aware is a great first step.
1. Cisgender people don't have to face potential transphobia when trying to make friends or date.
2. Cisgender people can generally blend in with society instead of constantly being stared at or whispered about.
3. Cisgender people don't have the authenticity of their gender constantly scrutinized.
4. Cisgender people don't have to worry about facing harassment just for using the bathroom that aligns with their gender.
5. Cisgender people can purchase/wear clothes and shoes that match their gender identity without be laughed at or questioned.
6. Cisgender people don't have to hide their gender identity due to fear of harassment or discrimination.
7. Cisgender people are less likely to commit suicide.
8. Cisgender people aren't barred from competing in sports on the basis of their gender identity.
9. Cisgender people are less likely to be murdered or attacked just because of their gender identity.
10. Cisgender people can expect to have their gender pronouns be respected without protest.
11. Cisgender people are less likely to be homeless.
12. Your gender identity is not considered humorous or a joke if you're cisgender.
Those are just a few examples of the many benefits cisgender people enjoy. Cisgender people please don't feel bad or ashamed for having these advantages. It's not your fault. Just be aware of how privileged you truly are.
Thank you
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