Cisgender Privilege Checklist

For the privileged people who don't even know what cisgender means, it is a term for people whose gender identity matches the sex that they were assigned at birth. Your gender matches your biological sex. For example, someone who identifies as a woman and was assigned female at birth is a cisgender woman. Cisgender is the opposite of transgender.

Chances are the majority of people reading this are cisgender. You may not be aware of this but being cisgender offers you many advantages in life. Below is a short list of some of the many unearned benefits of being cisgender. Read them and please take into consideration just how privileged you are that your gender matches your birth sex. Being aware is a great first step.

Cisgender Privilege Checklist

1. Cisgender people don't have to face potential transphobia when trying to make friends or date.

2. Cisgender people can generally blend in with society instead of constantly being stared at or whispered about.

3. Cisgender people don't have the authenticity of their gender constantly scrutinized.

4. Cisgender people don't have to worry about facing harassment just for using the bathroom that aligns with their gender.

5. Cisgender people can purchase/wear clothes and shoes that match their gender identity without be laughed at or questioned.

6. Cisgender people don't have to hide their gender identity due to fear of harassment or discrimination.

7. Cisgender people are less likely to commit suicide.

8. Cisgender people aren't barred from competing in sports on the basis of their gender identity.

9. Cisgender people are less likely to be murdered or attacked just because of their gender identity.

10. Cisgender people can expect to have their gender pronouns be respected without protest.

11. Cisgender people are less likely to be homeless.

12. Your gender identity is not considered humorous or a joke if you're cisgender.

Those are just a few examples of the many benefits cisgender people enjoy. Cisgender people please don't feel bad or ashamed for having these advantages. It's not your fault. Just be aware of how privileged you truly are.

Thank you

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Most Helpful Guys

  • Yeah, that's called being 99% of the population because transgenderism is exceedingly rare. That's not privilege if 99% of the population has it, period. transgender people are at a disadvantage, that doesn't mean every one else needs to feel bad. People who have fair skin are at a disadvantage too because they are more likely to develop skin cancer and they are a hell of a lot more common then transgender people. So are we calling for every person who can get a tan to feel bad about their "privilege"? Being tall for men makes them more attractive, their are a hell of a lot more tall guys then transgenders, does that mean that tall people need to feel bad for being tall? How about good looking people, their are far more good looking people then transgender people and statistically they are better off for it, should they feel bad about their privilege? What about people who are AB+, if they need a blood transfusion they are better able to get that, should they feel bad about their privilege? What about people with 20/20 vision? People who are not color blind? People who aren't sterile? People who have all their fingers and toes, should they feel bad for their privilege? This is the most idiotic thing I've ever heard of.

    Also your wrong. Transgender people are not more likely to be murdered, if that was the case we would have a lot fewer murders. What we do see however is that on the rare occasion that it happens its usually because the person in question did not disclose they where transgender and lied and mislead and manipulated some one (is that considered a privilege? To lie and mislead people and then be viewed as a victim for it?). Cis people are not less likely to be homeless, the overwhelming majority of homeless are cisgendered MALES, 80% to be precise. Transgender people are not barred from competing in sports, however they are being barred from women's sports for those who are born male because they have an unfair advantage (which is why the second they where allowed in every single record set by a woman was handidly beaten by a transgender. When allowed to in combat sports they destroy women (a trained MMA fighter had her skull fractured in one hit by a her transgender opponent. That's not just unfair (and transgender privilege) its dangerous!). As for transgender suicide rates, so what? I'm not saying its a good thing but what the fuck do you expect every one else to do about it? What fucking "privilege" do cis gender people have that prevents them from killing themselves? Your sitting their and shaming 99% of the population because 1% kill themselves because they are transgender? Fuck you! What about soldiers who are more likely to kill themselves, does that mean that non soldiers are privileged because soldiers are more likely to commit suicide? Does that mean that women are privileged because they are less likely then men to commit suicide? Does that mean teens and children are more privileged because they are less likely to commit suicide then those ages 25 and up?

    • So are healthy people privileged because some people are unhealthy? Is this how it works? What do you expect them to do about it? You want them to feel bad because some one has it worse, that's fucked up. Why are you not considering your privilege? I mean your not dying of cancer so clearly your so fucking privileged. Your not starving to death like so many others because your so fucking privileged. You didn't have to have your child die, clearly your privileged. Your not hideously deformed, have an extra chromosome, suffer from mental retardation, your not so poor you can't afford to live, your not getting shot at your living in a civilized nation and city with running water, you don't have parasites eating you from the inside out because of the complete lack of sanitation in your nation or region, you live in the modern era (that's a HUGE privilege), you didn't get beaten and raped and starved by your parents as a child, so what about YOUR privilege? You want others to feed into this self pity bullshit but you don't fucking realize how privileged you are, transgenders are and so many others are. Their are straight cis white men who are suffering in ways you couldn't even fucking imagine but fuck them right? They don't have the right group identity so their suffering doesn't matter. Fuck the individual because who cares right? Its not like every one has their own shit to deal with, their bad and their good, lets just lump people into fucking groups because as we all know individuals don't matter only the fucking collective right? What is the greatest minority group of them all though? The individual.

    • So I mean this with the absolute utmost courtesy I can muster but fuck you, your an asshole. If the individual doesn't matter to you then the group doesn't matter and you just ignored the individual entirely in this. I was beaten and tortured as a child, I am considered "impoverished", but I have to think about my privilege even when their are transgender people out their who are actors making more money then I EVER will, who have fame and fortune and people who love them, parents who loved them, but I'M privileged because I happen to be "cis"? Again, fuck you.

    • If I where to say transgenders are bad because they are far more likely to be sex offenders (according to data about half of transgender inmates where in prison specifically for sex based crimes) would we consider that be fair? No. No it would not. So why the fuck is it okay to claim 99% of the population is "privileged"(having special rights, advantages, or immunities. i. e. if it applies to 99% of the population its not privilege) without ever actually considering them as individuals? The answer is its not. So I say this wit the hope that it gets through to you, that you understand what I'm saying and that you realize what you have done so you can be a better person and you know, get your head out of your ass and see the world for what it is. Until then fuck you, you don't have the right to tell me I have to feel bad because I'm not suffering in a specific way, that's a real asshole thing to do and quite frankly is incredibly self aggrandizing as you try to show how virtous you are or if you are apart of this group to guilt people into treating you differently.

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  • Cisgender Privilege Checklist

    People who use "cis" instantly lose all credibility in debate. The show instantly that they have mental issues and adhere to the snowflake "outrage" culture.

    Gender dysphoria should be treated, not blindly accepted as another "gender".
    If you take this exact post and put "Pedophilia" in it's place... you could make the same arguments because those people "can't help being who they are" either... but unlike trans they wouldn't get the societal benefits and acceptance like the trans community does.

    • Exactly However trans people aren't hurting anyone but themselves, pedos is another story

    • I would like to start this by saying I am not anti trans, people have the right to choose for themselves whatever they wish. But the movement has actually hurt a lot of different groups of people, the trans movement itself has a history of inserting itself into other movements and usurping and downplaying the original message of the rally or walk. There is nothing wrong with wanting to change part of yourself l, but I do feel there is an inherent disconnect with the expectation that the world bend around you to confirm to your point of veiw.

    • @Pulimuli But, Trans people often deceive straight people by withholding their true sex before it becomes sexual. That is wrong. The trans population also push to allow children to mutilate their bodies before they are even old enough to know what it means. Some as young as 8 are being given puberty blockers and other hormones. This is very damaging. And as a simple point of contention... many people who have pedo sexual preferences don't offend, they aren't actually hurting anyone. It's the ones who DO offend that are a problem.

Most Helpful Girl

  • You are just being life priveledged, dead people are always overlooked at job interviews and even housing. Have you ever seen any Dead people get asked out on a date? Don’t let your life priveledge bias you in your life. Give dead people a chance.

    • If there is a bias for cis gendered people it is because evolution favors those who can actually procreate. Also for most of humanity the biggest problem was people dying of even small infections so society punished people for being gay because you were not being useful if you were not making more babies. In today’s time we are overpopulated and don’t die young so it makes sense that being gay and lesbian is more acceptable as it should be

    • I would say that cisgendered people have it the hardest

    • @Joker_ I disagree gay and lesbian are persecuted people judge others when it is none of there business I just disagree with saying cis priveledge

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  • I understand your concerns. With every "privilege" you've written of, I get the feeling of the difficulties trans-people face. And I am sorry that that is the case. I also understand your need to express your anger (that's what it comes off as) over the issue, however, we must remember that it is always a better idea to explain what WE go through rather than complain about what we think (cause you can't be sure unless you're talking about yourself) others have that we don't. I'm not going to tell you that "we should be happy with what we had because someone somewhere has it worse than us", etc. If you want to allow yourself to feel bad and miserable about something, by all means, go ahead but please don't try to guilt people for supposedly having it easier than you.
    That said, I hope things get better for all of us someday...
    Have a great one~

  • I just read the last sentence in your post after I wrote the things below but I'll keep it the way I initially wrote it:

    I understand people being frustrated that their gender identification is not accepted but people who identify as male or female biologically isn't the issue in itself. It is the fact how people treat others with different gender identification. It isn't a privilege that anyone asked for. It the people who choose there is a gender hierarchy who are the problem.

    I'm honestly a bit salty being born something specific like race, gender identification, being a woman whatever and getting lumped in with other people without knowing me personally.
    It's literally the genetic/hormone influence in the womb roll of the dice with all of us. While I might get the so called cisgender privilege inheriting the anxiety/depression genetics and the bad appendix (ruptured) and gall bladder gene hasn't been a thrill a minute. Try convincing medical staff at the emergency room i have a real medical problem not an anxiety attack.

    We all have pluses and minuses that we are born with. You have brought up some very important points on how people with different gender identifications are treated and it should be addressed in any society for us humans to grow. That said it can't be thrust back on people who are innocent of not doing anything on the list.

  • Almost all of those points would not apply if the transgender person wasn't extremely FUGLY, anti-social and being a political attention whore.

  • 13. Cisgender people are not mentally ill, at least not when it comes to this.

  • I'm not cisgender, I'm just a woman and i will not call myself cisgender to make anyone else feel comfortable.