Confessions of an Unbridled Nymphomaniac... Questions That May Never be Answered!

Confessions of an Unbridled Nymphomaniac... Questions That May Never be Answered!

Just wondering...

Is nymphomania a disease or a symptom of one? Why are orgasms so incredible that some of us become addicted to them? I mean, to the point of even doing the wildest things sexually that we may never do otherwise, while caught up in the psychotic whirlwind of erotic splendor. Is it unfair or are we considered lucky? addiction that takes over our entire body, mind and soul, leaving us, in many instances, out of control.

I know nymphomania is rare, but why does it take over the lives of those of us that have it? When I orgasm, I scream nearly at the top of my lungs, without refrain. My fingernails may puncture, pierce or even scratch until bleeding, those unlucky enough to have invaded my airspace and succumb to my embrace.

Confessions of an Unbridled Nymphomaniac... Questions That May Never be Answered!

How can I stop it?...or should I? When I am at work, all I can think about some days is having my next orgasm. Is that fair to me, or to anyone else that needs my undivided attention at the office? I practically run to my car when the workday is up. Usually, I go to exercise hard, physically, in the gym, and that takes my mind off of my desires temporarily, but when I get home, unless I'm too exhausted, I have to orgasm in some way, or another, and soon!...and usually, multiple times!

Is it even curable? Or, better yet, should it be cured? Or is every minute of unstoppable passion and every last drop of unencumbered lust to be enjoyed and coveted while it yet remains?

Confessions of an Unbridled Nymphomaniac... Questions That May Never be Answered!

Have I been so fully immersed in this addiction for so long that I may never rise back to the surface of normalcy? Or am I in an eternal place of nirvana and bliss to be envied? My consistent advice to everyone else is to love yourself for who you are. But does that advice apply to me in this situation, because that's who I am?

Am I being too open and honest, and unlatching the flood gates to a river of ridicule? Does anyone get it? Am I all alone? Just another isolated neurotic nympho? Or am I to succumb to my punishment now for my transgressions by being attacked as an offender of the refined, as I usually am, when I expose my heart on social media?

Will my questions ever find an answer?

...Just wondering?

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18 36
  • I think with the sexual revolution came sexual freedom and openness to enjoy sexuality, which in turn unleashed many women's hidden desires.
    The reason I specify women is the stigma that was attached to sexuality was more so on women than men.
    I think there may well be more women like you MS. Laurie then you think, and as sexual freedom and enjoyment become even more commonplace, society will see even more women embracing their sexuality openly.
    The question is can a man or woman that has experience most forms of sexual gratification ever remain in a solid stable relationship with its ups and downs, work and financial loads, children, which all consume time and energy and many times slow down or even tame sexual exploration.
    If a men and women are always looking for the next best orgasm, will they be able to be satisfied with a somewhat "normal"sex life, which can take place when the above events occur.

    • Good take Mr Rock, thank you!

  • Great thanks

  • Nympho are not faithful in relationship, but i would love to meet one to see who are more sex addict she or me 😁😁😁

    • You are very perceptive Mr D and that is why I don't get into any relationships. I believe in faithful committed relationships though and if I did get into one I would be faithful but, I agree the challenge would be great :) Maybe there is such thing as a male nympho then for your description Mr D... lol

    • My ex told me that i am sex addict 😂😂😂 because i wanted at least 4 times sex per week, she tried to hold me below 3 times , that's why relationship hold one and half month she was a bitch and thinking selfish.

    • You can always find someone who will be in an open relationship with you. Or try the swinging lifestyle. I believe a lot of nymphos are in these situations because said issues of trying to be sexually stable to one person. But sexual hunger doesn't mean you aren't emotionally committed to one person or can't be.

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  • Great informative take..

  • I hope you have many partners

  • Some people needs to learn limits & boundaries

  • Ha. You saying “Am I all alone? Just another isolated neurotic nympho?” made me think of Green Day’s “Basket Case”…
  • I believe it's a hormonal problem, medically speaking. Sometimes stems from genetics and early childhood sexual abuse trauma.

  • Having a high sex drive isn't as unusual as some would have us believe. Most people will only share the details of their sex life with people that are close friends. We live in a highly judgmental society with a view of sex that is more compatible with the 17th century puritans. And the fact that the nation is moving further and further to the right only makes it worse. It is difficult to be open about ones sexuality in a repressed environment and that certainly keeps the discussion from being fair and informative. Sex and sexuality in america has always been considered dirty and probably always will be.

  • I'm kind of a selective nympho :P

  • you ned jesus. simple as that. its a demonic spirit possession. neurology has little to do with it.

    • She just needs to come and be serviced by me. But all females should. Or bring their men to me, so's I can school 'em.

    • @Ahsthen so very true we can share the girls and learn there guys how to please there girls lol

    • @BOUNTYGUY9 : you know it, mijo. Then televise it for all the proles to see.