Alright, everybody prepare for an angry rant. I don’t typically do these all that often but today I had another experience that just tipped me over the edge and brought up a whole lot of past resentment. Before I start, I just want you all to know that this is NOT intended to be a “fuck men” bashing sort of take, this is a take that is specifically complaining about SPECIFIC types of men I have met, not men as a whole.

With that said, I can’t believe how often I find myself absolutely repulsed and turned off by some of the dudes out there. I get it, when you find somebody attractive, you want to tell them … but there are SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE WAYS DO SO without puking out: “Nice tits honey” or “Hey mama, you wanna ride?” or “Wanna know what I’d like do to you?”

No, no I would not sir. I’m also not your mother, and I know my boobs are nice but you can appreciate them silently like everyone else.


I want to meet the person who told these people that making remarks like that will get them girls. I also want to meet the girls who are into that kind of shit so they can help me understand just why it is that this is apparently just so kosher and normal to some folks. Literally, I do not understand the guys who think if they honk at me and invite me in their car (while I am dressed MODESTLY) that I will actually do so, or if they make comments about my body I’ll suddenly be so swept off of my feet that I’ll just hurl myself at them, or that if they tell me they want to do dirty shit to me that my pants will just hit the floor like magic and their fantasies will be fulfilled. What fairytale do these people live in? Tell me, please.

So, here’s just a recap list of things that immediately turn me off when being approached by guys on the street ... grab a drink and a snack for this one:

Sexual remarks about my body

If you think I’m beautiful, just say that instead of: Oh baby, your tits are nice. That ass! I’d like to hug those curves! Stop … just … stop. You may as well have just shouted at me: I’m a creepy, horny fucker who can’t stop ogling you and I severely lack social awareness and self control, so I am absolutely NOT the kind of guy you would ever go out with. Remember that the next time you want to make a remark about a woman’s body. Especially if pepper spray is legal in your state.


Staring at my boobs like I don’t have a face

And no, before anyone asks, I don’t wear revealing clothes. I get that you can’t always help but look, but you do NOT need to stare like you’re making eye contact with my nipples, okay? It’s rude. Stop it.


Asking me to get in your car when I don’t know you

I don’t know what kind of parents you had, but mine taught me to not get into vehicles with absolute strangers. To even suggest to a woman you see on the street to get in your car with you says three things about you:

- You’re probably a fucking rapist
- You’re wrongfully assuming I’m a prostitute even though I’m completely covered
- You’re yet again a creepy, horny fucker who is so naïve that he thinks I’m going to get in his car and show him a good time no strings attached. AKA: You’re poorly socialized and delusional.


Shouting at me to try and get my attention, especially when you refer to me as any of the following


If I’m across the street, the bar, or wherever, you either come up to me or wave to get my attention. Don’t start shouting at me; its super rude and embarrassing considering it catches EVERYONE ELSE’S ATTENTION considering EVERYONE CAN HEAR YOU! If you can’t approach me just let it go, man.


Continuing to pursue me when I reject you/tell you I have a boyfriend

Buddy, I’m a nice girl. If you approach me and try to flirt with me I won’t immediately grow horns and pull out the mace, alright? But I am going to reject you or tell you I’m with somebody to try and end the situation, something you need to accept. DO NOT … under any circumstances continue to pressure me into giving you my number, social media, or to go out with you, because all that says about you is: “I don’t give a single shit about your comfort or your status because I am a self-centered dog that’ll probably cheat on you.” There’s persistence … and there’s being a total pest.


Trying to block me in/corner me

Worst places to get hit on are on buses, planes, and elevators. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been cornered by a guy on a long bus ride. Literally, I have had guys block me in my seat and physically put themselves in front of me with their arms propped up thinking they can box me in, etc. It’s fucking intimidating. You might think that by forcefully keeping me there or cornering me that your chances of getting with me are raised but they aren’t. You’re actually scaring me, I’ve labeled you a total creep, and the second I can escape I am going to and make sure I never run into you again. Just do not do this shit, please.


Refusing to let me leave when I said no

If I say no to your advances and I try to leave, don’t … ever … grab my hand or arm to try and prevent me from leaving. Don’t try to block the exit or beg me to stay, let me leave you clingy, desperate creep. It is NOT going to change my mind about you, period, so just knock it off, PLEASE.


Cussing me out, apologizing, and then expecting me to un-reject you

If I reject you and you decide that’s grounds to call me every dirty name in the book … well, all I can say is fuck you too, you self entitled prick. But if you plan on doing this, at least be a man and follow through. Don’t try to apologize to me later and then expect to be in my good graces, let alone expect me to reconsider going out with you. You weren’t my type to begin with, then you called me a: “Fucking stupid ass cunt and a cock tease” … yeah I’m not going out with you, nutjob.


Trying to guilt me into going out with you

Please don’t give me the poor me crap if I reject you. I hate to say this, but I don’t care. It isn’t because I’m cruel, but it’s because you’re a stranger, I do not know you, and you can’t make me pity you enough to go out with you. So don’t tell me: “Oh I’m a great guy, but no one gives me a chance, I thought you’d be different” or “You just won’t go out with me because I’m ugly. You really shouldn’t be so shallow. I’d treat you like a princess!” Stop. I’m sorry you’re having a hard time, but trying to make me feel like shit is not going to light the fire necessary for me to be attracted to you enough to go out with you. It makes you seem petty and manipulative. Besides, you only approached me because you thought I was hot, hypocrite.


Touching me ... period

If I am not reciprocating your advances, don't touch me. At all. Period. Don't grab my waist or hip, don't try to hold my hands, touch my arms, brush my hair out of my face, none of that shit. If I am not your girlfriend, do not grab my ass, rub or touch my thigh, try to whisper in my ear, or get anywhere near my boobs. I will make the biggest scene if you touch me.


That’s all the rant juice I have in me. I want to reiterate that this does not apply to men as a whole; it’s likely a very small portion of men who are just ignorant, poorly socialized or just plain weirdos. Thanks if you read all the way through and you guys have a good one.

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What Girls & Guys Said

14 70
  • Seriously, sometimes, I feel like this sometimes.

    Good Take!!!

  • Are there really that many creepy guys out there?

    • Yes. Tons. I'm 14 and have had this happen to me

    • @Elizabeth21__ Wow I always thought girls were exaggerating. Sometimes I even get these looks from girls as if they think I'm some sort of creeper.

    • Lol some girls are just over exaggerating

    • Show All
  • I cringed at the blocking thing. That was just horrific.

  • @MissNowhere

    ^^ may tell you otherwise in terms of me.

    • @ #TakeOwner "" If you grope someone," Good job taking my words out of context (yall love to do that on here) cuz I never said that anyone should be groping anyone #JustSaying " sorry sensei for using your post to post my Op after she blocked it -_-

    • You're a creepy exception 💋

  • Girl, tell me bout it. Too many weirdoes nowadays

  • yeah there are some guys behind me in my environmental science class that ooze sleaze

  • Yeah, THOSE guys are retarded. They have no respect or backbone whatsoever.

  • Until women stop playing games and start approaching men, we have no choice but to be aggressive if we ever want to have relationships. Men have to deal with our share of bullshit, too.

    • So it's completely acceptable to make sexual remarks to a woman and then proceed to grab her ass because she didn't walk up and talk to you?

    • No, it's not okay, but you're not the only one who has to deal with bs. Men have our own *stuff* to deal with. Women don't really give us sympathy so why should we give any to you? I feel no obligation to look upon the entire female gender with paternalistic empathy. Women killed chivalry, so don't blame me.

    • I never claimed I was, but I can't write from the male perspective. I wrote from MY perspective for MY mytake. If you literally would have no empathy for a woman getting assaulted then I think that's more of an interpersonal issue rather than a chivalry issue.

  • I agree with this take, but what makes it think it's okay for you to touch a guy?

    • *you not it

    • Couldn't continue the conversation as @lilac_flowers has blocked me from posting.

    • Yeah, anything but bowing to her for her enlightened opinion will get you blocked.

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  • I seriously doubt any of the pricks you encountered will be reading such a long and rambling essay on why they should re-evaluate their lives, on this website of all places... The thing about perverts (I mean blokes, like me) is that they don't want to know what the other gender (read 'women') thinks. They think they know everything about chicks... I'd know.

  • Good for you. I happened to read past, nice tits, and I know for a fact that guy's treat women like meat, or game. I've seen it first hand, and as a farther of two daughters. I want to say you're right nobody deserves to be treated that way. And if it were my daughters, that person would definitely remember her! Even when I was stupid young, I never acted that way. So good for you

    • Thank you for being the first positive male commenter. I really appreciate it.

    • My pleasure I'm just being honest. If guys don't like the truth ahhh. Fuck em.

    • Hey did you write that whole thing yourself on the fly. I'm very impressed!

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  • The I have a boyfriend line is worn out bro

  • No bus approach? :(
    There can be so many cuties in it

  • And this is the girl that pretends to be pissed about all those things but deep inside her is enjoying al this attention she gets. Because if all this stops all of a sudden she will get depressed, come back here and post a question about it ''OMG! No guy is giving me any attention! What do I do?''

  • This is all legit.

  • Unfortunately a lot of girls will even label a guy creepy during the first approach

    • I'm not talking about those guys. Why are so many guys in favor of harassment these days?

    • So saying that some girls jump to conclusions and being in favor of harassment are the same thing? They're not. Stop warping the meaning of what he's saying to support your non existential point.

  • Well I only got 2 of them I guess I'm not that bad.

  • Lol helI I'd never wanna meet someone who rants this much and yea only one of em suits me, tits. That too, only when they big lol

  • hot guy doing creepy things = secret admirer, confident man
    non attractive guy doing creepy things = creep, weirdo, psycho, eeeeeeew

    the end.

    • yup welcome to reality. If you're ugly don't hit on women like you're a hot dude, simple as that. Your best bet is to be a reliable, compassionate dude with money. Do you expect women to be like "ZOMG that super ugly dude is confident and sexy." Lol nope. Just like most men aren't into 400 pound acne ridden whales.

    • @serp777 Looks. Money. Status. Chose your game. It's bizzare how women are in denial about this, but you don't have to be a scientist to see it working in every day life.

    • This is stupid. Looks aren't even a priority for me (and I'm sure, other girls) even though I know I could get an equally sexy guy. It's amazing how hot "less attractive" guys could get with really hot girls with just confidence and a good attitude (aka, not bitter, like some of these responses) Creepy is creepy. It has nothing to do with base attractiveness, and more to do with: A. How you care for yourself (basic cleanliness/hygiene, extra effort/if you eat well/workout, dress in decent/clean/nice looking clothing), B. State of mind while approaching (if you're approaching with anxiety some lesser girls might be nasty about that, but anyone approaching with a desperate-ness is going to be unappealing C. Intent and/or Timing (If she's the kinda of girl that's not looking for a one-night-stand or maybe just not at that time/place/etc, and you approach looking her up and down with some over-sexualized pick up line. THAT will feel creepy to her. Regardless of if YOU are creepy or not.)

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  • I think a lot of these guys are deliberately trying to make you creeped out for "kicks" they know it won't get them inside your pants just for laughs

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