Cringe-Inducing Parts of 2017

You know those trends, whether it be lifestyle fads or fashion statements, that make you roll your eyes and doubt your faith in humanity seemingly more and more, thinking it can’t get any more stupid, only to be proven wrong with the next one you see plaguing your IG newsfeed a few weeks later?

Think ‘on fleek’. Pre-teens walking around looking like they just finished shooting porn as they dab for no other reason than to demonstrate how much growing up they have ahead of them.

..yeah. I know. 2017 was filled with such things that are truly cringe-inducing so I felt like there was no better time than the last day of the year to round up some of the more wide-sweeping fads to make room for whatever 2018 may bring.

Hyperinflated Lips

This one’s one of the first trends that has gained popularity throughout the year largely thanks to celebs such as Kylie Jenner. I realize that overdrawn lipliner is a look that’s already been hip and happenin’ since the 90’s. Not only is that make-up style back and better than ever, but it’s now often seen in combination with lips puckered out so much that it makes you second-guess if the chick in question just got some lip injections or (based on how young she is) simply thinks that it’s ‘cool’ to walk around looking like you just gave head.

Cringe-Inducing Parts of 2017

Hip-high Boots

Gone are the days of those cute ankle-height boots or ‘booties’. This year, they seem to have been replaced by boots that are a bit of a crossover between what you’d expect to see on a hooker walking the streets. Even worse when you realize that the target clientele is, as per usual, pre-teens who have yet to be in their first romantic relationship, much less being legal to engage in any kind of sexual relations.

Cringe-Inducing Parts of 2017

'...just got out of the shower.'

As someone with pretty damn thin hair from the get-go, this one’s really beyond me. I mean- doesn’t it feel like just yesterday that it was the norm to accept that most girls wouldn’t go in the pool during social outings because it’d ruin their hair-do? Making their hair flat/frizzy and whatnot.

Times are obviously changing when it’s inevitable to see models or top-tier celebrities pairing hundred thousand-dollar gowns with hair-dos that just about any one with access to a shower could pull off.

Cringe-Inducing Parts of 2017

Dresses you can see-through

Firstly, I’m not trying to say that we women should be forbidden from showing any skin at all. I’m in no way a proponent of saying that women should walk around in swaddles of so much clothing that it’d leave a monk green with envy.

When you’re browsing through the websites of popular retailers like Forever 21 and already doing that ‘’ facial expression, before reminding yourself that the target audience of the clothing they sell are tweens who’ve just hit puberty, though..

It starts to feel like a bit of a rip-off for such companies to force a child to spend the entirety of their allowance money for ‘shirts’ that have cut-outs on the shoulders, come up to just below the rib cage, and have an open-back. In addition to being made of semi-sheer material from the get-go, leaving you wondering if this article of clothing would provide enough coverage to even qualify as clothing in the first place.

Cringe-Inducing Parts of 2017


I’m not even sure where this move came from. I suppose it’s one in an ever-growing line of signature dance moves that seem to reinvent themselves every few years (think macarena, YMCA, chicken dance, that Gangnam Style jig). Maybe this one’s not so bad but.. definitely leaves an impression on more than just the dancer in question when it’s done in just about every context. Say, for example, I was working with a child with Autism just a few days ago. We were discussing the themes within one short story while working on his reading comprehension and his response to a question I asked him?

An ‘I don’t know…’ paired with a dab.

Cringe-Inducing Parts of 2017

Sweatpants/Harem pants?

I could’ve sworn that just yesterday, people would make fun of MC Hammer’s get-up in his ‘can’t touch this’ music video, with the main focus being on those pants. Little did we know that 2017 would be the year where every other guy would be not only hitting the gym (or in worse cases, heading to class) in a sweatpant version of this. Which sure, may be comfortable, but has comfort really become so valuable that it override leaving people wondering if you’ve got a soiled diaper hiding underneath?

Cringe-Inducing Parts of 2017

'When I grow up, I want to be a dog'

This one kinda came about in the latter half of 2017 but that certainly didn't stop it from getting old super fast. When it felt like just about every other picture or video clip posted by friends was decorated in a way so that they had dog ears, dog noses, and even dog tongues (?!). I mean, once in a while it's harmless to just change things up but if every other picture on someone's IG/FB is either overly photo-shopped/filtered or has these animal bodyparts making them nearly unrecognizable, it gets a little easier to understand how problems with self identity (be it via debilitating insecurities or learned helplessness, when people believe they are helpless to alter negative situations they find themselves in and get depressed as a result) continue to be such a worldwide issue.

Cringe-Inducing Parts of 2017

Alrighty so while most (*all) of these were points that I felt deserved a bit of light-hearted ranting about, I hope that all of you who will be celebrating or already celebrated the end of 2017 and beginning of 2018 will be able to take any not so positive things that you experienced in stride and remember that while they may not have been all that enjoyable to go through- there's always tomorrow.

If anything, use them as motivation towards how to continue bettering yourself and living a healthy, happy life.

Happy New Year! 🎉🎉🍻

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What Girls & Guys Said

28 39
  • Some i never heard of

    • lucky

    • @Slimey2 well I'm not on social media often

  • These are all so true. I couldn’t stand any of those things in 2017 at all lol

  • The older you get, the more each years cringy activities blur into one another, just a mass of human stupidity each looking to stamp their own uniqueness on a moment, and each one as useful as the guy who jumps behind a TV camera to wave like a bouncing moron,

  • I'm pretty sure most guys don't wear the harem pants. This is just stuff in magazines and select celebrities wear. Guys at my uni/work would shit all over any guy that would wear that crap.

    • ...80% of the guys at my gym work out in pants like that.

    • I'm so sorry then. What kind of dudes are they? I just can't imagine any dude who thinks those are a good idea.

    • I don't know them personally.

  • The dab comes from that cringey ass kid who calls himself JAKE PAUL as if his name had any dignity left on it.