Dear Whiny Men...

Dear Whiny Men...

Dear whiny men,

It's disconcerting that some of you (EMPHASIS ON --->SOME<---) believe that this world has apparently gone to hell in a hand basket because ALL women exist to, in your words, what, suffocate you, or only date literally the worst your sex has to offer us, or take all your money and run, or ditch their so called ordained role of unemployed intensely devoted wife to you and baby maker to your offspring. So you feel that these are the sole reasons your life is horrible and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it, do you?

Come on friend!!!! Really? Some of you are the same exact people that like to tell minorities that they should get off their asses and stop blaming white people for everything wrong with their lives. You are the same ones who tell poor people that they have plenty of the same opportunities as rich people, if only they'd try a little harder. You're the same people who think anyone with a "label," shouldn't get any "extra privileges" handed to them because we can all just, you know, pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and do a little extra and fix our lives....EXCEPT... when it comes to your relationship to women. How is it everyone else needs to STFU and deal with their lives and their own situation and own up to their part of all of this, except apparently you?

Oh let someone mention the word women, and your face flushes, and your head practically explodes. Women, women, women...boom, boom, boom! If women were truly so all powerful and controlled every aspect of life, why aren't we in the majority of power positions on this planet? Why aren't we making equal pay around the globe? Why are women still to this day fighting for fertility rights and maternity leave and the right not to have the worst of you (which you claim we all date) punch us in the face or rape us and get away with it without so much as a slap on the wrist? How can you possibly have so much power in this world and still feel as though you are somehow completely helpless creatures incapable of scraping together your lives in the presence of a woman?

Dear Whiny Men...

Everyone has bad experiences with someone or something. It's just a fact of life. Of course many of you have had some bad experiences, but when you take that, and make it your blueprint as to how apparently the entire rest of your life and everyone you meet in the future is going to be with no deviation and start blaming even the completely innocent of injury to you, that's when I'm going to pull the whiny man card and call it for what it is. Bullsh*t!

When sh*t doesn't work out in your favor in this world, the competent, the intelligent, the problem solvers, the successful people, they take the hit, analyze it, and they find solutions. They don't spend years of their lives whining about how unfair the sh*t is because while you're busy wasting time doing that, the rest of us, including your fellow man, will have moved on and found ways to improve their lives and future relationships.

Here is a reality of your situation: just because you are a man and you merely exist, does not mean happiness, money, a perfect relationship, a perfect marriage, kids, a great job, a great house, any of that, is guaranteed you OR anyone else on this planet. You think just because you're a good guy, a girl should automatically just fall into your lap because you give her an ounce of kindness, or just because you got married, life should be perfect from there on out? You gotta get that fantasy out of your head! Even in the best relationships, there are issues and issues that are caused by the TWO people in those relationships.

Dear Whiny Men...

Women, plural, are individuals. Different minds, different experiences, different wants and needs. There is no one size fits all and yet, in the whiny man's mind, no woman can ever treat you well, or ever wants the good guy, or only wants your money, or is taking over everything when that is so far from reality. A woman can even present herself as the exact opposite of your negative script you have in your head for all women, and you still refuse to see that it's not all women. It's so easy for you to slap those labels on all women, but let a woman say "all guys this, or all guys that," and OMG, that's soo not true, let me write a full page brief about it in the comments. Can't have it both ways.You can't keep projecting your insecurities or all your past relationships on every woman because every woman is not the same. The only person that hurts in the end is you because you are so wired to doom all women and all relationships to them, that you wouldn't be able to see good if it walked right up to you.

Don't let hurt or this level of delusional thinking take over your lives. Instead of play the pity party role, as you suggest to anyone else with a label, pick yourself up off your butt and go out there and find a solution in a new person, in a new experience, in making yourself a better person, whatever it takes, because the world doesn't stop and wait for any of us to sit and whine about it all. Women aren't going to go away no matter how deep a hole you live in by yourselves and this idea that you can avoid women in anyway or that other men should is just insuring that you will literally rid yourself and others like you right on out of existence because survival of the fittest doesn't happen if you're not even on the chess board.

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15 59
  • Just here to see the whiny men whine some more. XD

    Fantastic take though!

  • This is hilarious! You can't shame men into participating after you've shamed them for years telling them they are no good. We all know you're stupid and full of shit. We see the assholes you date and then cry about when it goes south. YOU don't like it when you're told YOUR not good enough either. We hear it 24/7/365 that guys are inferior to women.. men are such idiots... all the bumbling dads and boyfriends on tv commercials... but you all want equality right?

    Nothing to see here. Just another feminist troll. So bravely fighting the "whiny men" as a pink anon.

    • Oh "Tony," this isn't about all men. I clearly, and IN ALL CAPS stated from the beginning that this was about some men, and specifically the men who view all their problems as the fault of every woman on the planet. But I'm sure you didn't read that part or much of anything else in this. You also have no clue what Feminism is because this literally has nothing to do with feminism or equality or any of that sort, but sure, just throw in the word, because it's the only one you know to describe anything written by a woman. I mean what even are you talking about with your comment? Try actually getting to know women in your life instead of pre-judging them by what others may have done or past relationships because SHOCKER all women are not the same.

    • Sadly I read your whole diatribe. Did I say this was about all men? No.. just the men opting out. That's their right. These men don't blame all their problems on women just that they can't find a decent woman. Understand? (Where have all the good women gone.. sound familiar?) AND yes this has everything to do with Feminism as that's all feminism is about these days: shaming and bashing men to elevate women. Here's a shocker for you: my mom was the first of 13.. I have 6 aunts and 7 uncles so I've seen it all. I have a sister and a mother. Seen that bs too. I've worked for the YMCA where the it was 100 to 7 women to men. I have plenty of "experience" dealing with the delusional gender. I've also had my share of crazies and manipulative 'girlfriends" and stupid bitches trying to drag my name through the mud when they can't get what they want. There are decent women out there but find a good match is damn near impossible.

  • Feel better now?

    • Bahaha 😂😂

  • You make a good point.
    But you have to admit, that when someone tries a lot, or puts a lot of effort into something and it diesnt work/work out, the person will get frustrated.
    Some people won't show their frustration while others whine about it.
    And its not like women dont whine about men. I have heard women whining about pretty much everything. In fact, today i read about a woman whining about men whining (you 😉).

    Contrary to popular belief , most men dont whine. Makes us look weak. However when you keep telling men to "express our feelings" all the time, this, may in fact happen!

    • "express our feelings" is yet another lie by the feminist to confuse men. They know most women DON"T want to hear their partners problems or express their feelings as it will take away from THEIR time. Nothing drives a woman a way quicker than a man sharing his "feelings"

    • @Tony1974 exactly. ,, i think a lot of women genuinely want men to be "more expressive" but get turned off once it happens. They just dont know it yet

    • First, let's not get side tracked with things I didn't actually say. This wasn't about getting anyone to express a feeling or to say that people can't or shouldn't complain... BUT... it is to say that if a man's mantra, in this case, is that all his problems are the result of all women on the planet and he can do nothing about it, yes, that is where I pull the whiny man card as said in my post. This is a complete state of immaturity to not realize one's own part and responsibilities in this world about his/her actions in life. I also expressed how both men and women who have been hit by worse in life, actually manage their lives without succumbing to this attitude that they can't do anything for themselves b/c everything is someone's elses fault and it's by getting up and continuously fighting for themselves and what they want even in the face of adversity. This is the only way through for any of us. What is blaming everyone else going to get you in life... nothing but stagnation.

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  • You're doing a fair amount of whining yourself, doll.

    • I'd like to hear which part of this you actually disagree with if you actually believe this is whining. I can only assume your read beyond the title and can have an actual conversation about this.

  • Ok fine, we are all on a chessboard, I do not insist that women owe me anything, but other people should take that to heart to. Society does not owe you a generous welfare state. Because of our free market system people both white and minority, rich and poor live far better than the countries they came from. Oh and you should probably rename this Mytake "Dear whiny white men who I associate with arrogance automatically, and who getting angry at makes me feel good when I am feeling bored or overwhelmed with work in my own life."

  • Both men and women are whiny, as we each want a decent human being who will treat us well and will be honest with us.

  • I tried reading this but you lost me at the pay gap and power bullshit.

  • take a chill pill will ya

  • Agree. It doesn't look bad when a woman moans and complains like a little girl compare to grown men. But men nowadays whine more than my 4 year old newphew.

    All this complaining about women this women that, look if you don't like her then leave her alone period. Find a chick that fits for you.

    • No it actually looks bad on both accounts. If a woman were to say to you, I blame all men (that includes you) for everything wrong with their life, you'd be like, woah, I don't even know you, how am I at fault. This is why "some" men.. and women... really need to mature and realize that all the world's problems are not because of all women or men in existence. That's pure fiction.

    • Agree. I never understood that stupid logic. I once heard a chick in college complaining about men aren't ish, but you should have witness what kind of disgusting and rude attitude she had. A man or woman that always complain about the opposite gender regarding their personal relationships, I say they must be the one in the wrong since they are the common denominator in each different relationship.

  • Internet is favorite place for people to whine , i even realized that since more than ten years ago.

  • there's a difference between a Good guy and a nice guy , a nice guy is only nice to a girl he likes but an asshole to other people , but a good guy is nice to everyone , you can't attract a girl by being only nice with her, you should also be nice with people and also being naughty and funny sometimes but not as a creep.

  • i feel like this is true, lol but women do go for the worst of the male population, thats just what they like I don't know lol, like for instance im an asshole non caring human being and women are very attracted to me. lol im not a bad person tho i just dont care about anything. also any man who blames problems on women that have nothing to do with women is just wrong like oh my life sucks its the women man like wtf. lol i myself think my life sucks but its not because of women lmao its because of my decisions as well as things that may have happened to me lol. Also its hard to be a man no one cares about us no one sheds a tear no one says oh this mans been working all day let me move so he can sit down. but a woman can walk in and everyone will give a seat up for her, im sure some male problems can be blamed on women, but if you blame women for all your life problems you are not doing life right lol

  • Dear stuck up self centered women,

    I am not going to write a god damn book report like @Asker but I'll get to the point here...

    Just because you have vaginas doesn't mean you control everything there is in this world. If you want slut shaming to stop, you should stop with this "manly/unmanly" bullshit because like y'all women have said it's getting way too out of line. You don't control the majority of the population of men and especially you don't control me!

    • Preach brother

    • This was a post about how certain men should stop blaming women for all of their problems and quit whining , the writer doesn't want to control you , stop getting offended because you fall into the category of men that this was written about

    • @xxmamichulaxx they aren't blaming them for their problems. Men are just waking up and finally realizing the truth surrounding romantic love abd they're opting out because they can see what women truly are at their core.

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  • Well to be fair western women are the main reason why marriage and family is in turmoil. Women go for the assholes but reject the good men. The end result is a broken society.

    • your right entirely we should go for the good men and avoid the ones who think it's fine to call women things like slut

  • Long response here. Author, taking responsibility for ones actions is indeed something we should all aim for but that positive message is tainted by your false assertions. The reason some men are angry at your post and calling it feminist is because it comes across as hostile and having the same pull yourself up attitude that you just criticized. How does frustration over dating problems equate to expecting success due to being male? That makes no sense. With the spread of feminism, a lot of condescending material like this has become common, where a woman is talking about what the men need to do, ignoring womens increasingly disgusting behavior as a part of the problem. We are openly mocked and disagreeing with a woman means we're butthurt losers. Women expect their concerns to be heard but when we speak about our own, its shut your privileged mouth and MAN UP, as if women understand the pressures men face. This does not promote equality.

    Women keep saying they want good men and sleep with savages. We are tired of women claiming one thing and doing the opposite. Nice guys are not covert scumbags, we are trying to be what women keep saying they want. No different than women who try to be their best for a man they are interested in. Yet our effort is somehow devious.
    Women often are mean for the heck of it and enjoy using a guy, like leading him on just to stroke their ego. Yet, we are the ones that need to clean up our act and expressing anger at womens often manipulative behavior means we're whining?

    Your mention of women having no power is also false and conveniently ignores how courts screw men over in favor of women. Lighter sentences, women sleeping with boys and getting probation, child support from non biological fathers, ridiculous alimony, promotions just for being women. Womens power has always been subversive and their facade of weakness. Men have power on surface only. Women control relationships. Know about the white feather campaign? Know how women get welfare after having a baby by an obvious failure that she knew was never going to be a good provider? Women have plenty of power through influence that sidesteps accountability. The police force and military lower standards to let them in. If endangering law enforcement and military are not signs of power to you, you are blind to reality. Men aren't blaming failures on women, you just want to believe that so you don't have to consider that maybe women need an attitude adjustment as well.

  • I treat women the same as men #equality2017

    • I'm sure he got arrested. No one has the right to assault an innocent person! I heard this gif was from the chick saying something mean, but that doesn't justify physical assault.

    • @SovereignessofVamps she was throwing glass bottles at people and said on Twitter earlier that she was going to get "100 Nazi scalps". On her right hand is a weighted glove that's essentially a knuckle duster and illegal. In the video you see she move forward to attack him but he is faster though she does get him under the chin. It was self defence on his part as she was armed and presenting a clear and present danger.

  • You're right. Being nice does not warrant a date, sex or relationship. But complaining about legitimately being screwed over by a woman or guy for that matter doesn't make one whiny.

  • I stopped reading at the point you started bashing white men. Yawn, change the record.

  • This article is shit,"being romantic and educated doesn't mean that a girl might be interested in you". Don't worry, we already noticed it, that's why more and more guys don't care of being reliable, gentle and so on, because most girls only care to be plugged in their holes, so fuck kindness and stuffs. Oh... anyway, dear bitching woman... do not complain about men only caring about sex and so on... because when you got a good guy interested in you... you preferred a moron, so get your mouth shut with his cock now !

    • Pro tip! Guys who say things like "because most girls only care to be plugged in their holes, so fuck kindness and stuffs" aren't good guys and we don't want them... so you don't get to complain about being a good guy and no one wanting you. You're NOT a good guy lol

    • @Sara413 to be an editor here and replying with such an idiotic suggestion "if you said so you are not a good guy" you make me laugh, you and all women like you, are you sure to be thirty are you still a a college girl? I am not a good guy? So you are one of those woman boasting yourself and complain about guys like you've done in the article, but sure enough you look for savages only caring to drill you ;) fair enough lol. And anyway, as I already say, guess why most of you complain about guys not being reliable anymore? Because we discovered what most of you only care about... get a big aubergine, if most women would act like women and claim real men, even men might really get better in their lacks instead of going worse.

    • Haha actually, I'm in a common law partnership with a very reliable, all around good guy. But you go right ahead and keep living in your fantasy world where women are all dumb bitches who hate decent men around and just want to get fucked by jerk lol

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