Did this guy have underlying issues?

I had a marine on here asking a question, claiming minors who have sex with older men get raped, and many girls were saying they like older men and would have sex with them instead which got him pissed.

I told him he has underlying issues and he blocked me.

1 2

Superb Opinion

  • Minors who have sex with adults do get raped. Statutory rape doesn't always have the same effect as other kinds though, because often there is grooming involved. Kids are raised or trained or enticed to "want" sex with the adult, and may even "enjoy" it. I use quotes because they don't fully understand what they're doing, hence statutory. They may believe it's normal, or good what's happening to them. They may believe their "partner" sees them as an equal and isn't taking advantage, rather that they chose autonomously to have sex, and so it's not rape.

    None of that makes it not rape, or okay. Adults have a responsibility to not do bad or harmful things to or with kids, even if the kid thinks they want it. Consider letting a child get drunk, play with a loaded gun, do drugs, approach a wild animal, drive recklessly. Etc. While the minor may "want" to do any of these things, they don't fully understand the consequences, and that's why they aren't held accountable in the same way adults are.

    When tried as a minor, one of the harshest sentences you can get is prison until you're 21. There have been multiple convicted child murderers who were sentenced similarly and released, even though had they been adults they likely would have gotten much longer sentences. Because it is believed minors aren't fully mentally developed, and so can't be held fully accountable for their actions—theres a chance they may not have known better, or may have not been thinking clearly, simply because of their developmental stage.

    This obviously applies to sex, too. A minor can be sexually promiscuous or sexualize themselves for / pursue relationships with older adults, but often this is a result of past abuse. They have learned or been trained how to act sexually as a child from trusted adults or some other authority figure, and are now acting out based on what they've learned or experienced. It messes with their sexual development and how they view sex and relationships and everything like that. Sure, they may "want it," but not in the way the average adult wants sex with a consenting partner. More like an addiction.

    Hypersexuality is a common effect of sexual abuse, especially in minors. Don't take it as developmemtal maturity. It's a trauma response. Don't have sex with minors.

    • It's not rape until they are forced. Grooming can apply, but that's very different. It's not okay for sure, but that's not what this discussion was about. The thing about hypersexuality can be true, but more often than not is not. Teenagers are just horny, and are attracted to older people usually.

    • So what makes what you're talking about NOT grooming, and NOT hypersexuality? What's the difference between adults having sex with minors who "want it," and adults having sex with minors who "want it"?

    • I do think its grooming, but obviously not rape which is what this marine said

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Most Helpful Guy

  • If the law is satisfied and nobody is getting hurt, it's not the business of outsiders.

    • I believe this too but many people have a problem

    • I just wish more people believed that their sexuality wasn't the business of outsiders.

    • So true! If it's not someone's business, why bring attention to it?

Most Helpful Girl

  • a lot of people jump to a conclusion and others don't like to be told things

    • Truth hurts...

    • correct

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What Girls & Guys Said

2 5
  • Common mama, don't let your emotional state get all fucked up simply because you got blocked . Damn girl..

    • What does this have to do with this question you dumbfuck?

    • Kisses 😘😘😘

  • Yes probably, it all depends what the law says. In the UK it is not rape automatically unless they are under 13. It is against the law though.

  • Yes, it happened to me too

    • I know, yours was actually rape, but what he was talking about was consensual sex and calling it rape

    • @mamasanma yes I know

  • He just jealous no girl would fuck him

    • He gets loads he says

    • I bet he is just lying

    • He's on here. You want to know who he is

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  • Sounds like he does. Also kind of an odd reason to block someone.

    • I went back and read again. Still it's a minor. According to law it is still rape no matter how it goes (consensual, groomed, convinced, paid).

    • He wasn't talking in legal terms though. He was saying girls are forced but boys are not. That's why I didn't mention the law

    • Oh. Wow. Yeah he has issues. People choose to have sex. There are those that do get raped (may the rapists dick rot off) and that's not ok. Every individual has a choice to make for themselves. Most get sexually active at about 13 or 14 but get really active around 16. Active, as in knowing or wanting not really having sex.

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