Do Dolphins Experience Sexual Horniness?


Do they experience “being in heat.”

So this IS a question! (I didn’t have enough space in the question’s box, so here is my train of thought about my wondering, down below 👇). Skip to the bottom for my restated question, if you wish.

Two Dolphins Leaping
Two Dolphins Leaping
Two Dolphins Playing
Two Dolphins Playing

My wondering:

Being in heat is what most traditional animals led by instinct experience, & it runs in dependable/predictable cycles.

The cycles are usually pretty synchronized between male & females, and so we have the term “mating season.”

Males can also react/respond to the cycles and seasons of when she is most fertile. (Seasons of estrus).

Usually Cats who are known for being in heat are not exactly “desiring stimulation,” as they are instinctively desiring to *be produced with,* due to their cycle of fertility.

Dolphins are somewhat interesting to me because they have been claimed to be the only, or one of very few animals, that have sexual intercourse for pleasure. Killer whales were studied and found to have liked the sensation of rubbing/chafing their bodies along a smooth-stoned rock bed on/near one of their migration routes.

Two Orcas Leaping
Two Orcas Leaping
Two Orcas Showing Affection
Two Orcas Showing Affection

Unfortunately (because I find it slightly disturbing 😂) there was also evidence of dolphins performing, what is known to humans, as masturbation.

One male dolphin in particular, used the carcass of another marine animal.

I don’t see the logic myself, but it still remains *proof* that dolphins and killer whales have displayed sexual behavior outside the grounds- and waters! (Pun intended 😂) of mating rituals.Is it normal or abnormal? I don’t know. 🤷‍♀️

Now scientists & researchers will claim it’s for pleasure, given the nature of the intelligence of Dolphins,


Can their intelligence really cross over to a sexual plane & be that advanced for an animal?

If it’s true for dolphins, how come we have not seen apes/chimps/ or some elephants perform similar activities?

Two Chimps Embracing
Two Chimps Embracing
Two Chimps Grooming/ Bonding
Two Chimps Grooming/ Bonding
Two Elephants Embracing
Two Elephants Embracing

I am sure many of us are familiar with dogs who grind on stuffed toys or so- thanks to the film ‘Click’ with Adam Sandler, many children’s childhoods can be tainted if they had no adult supervision and/or censorship, while seeing the film.

Nevertheless, there have been accounts of female dogs grinding other female dogs or male dogs- & this has been recorded as showing dominance.

(I don’t went to get into this part, if it’s really dominance, or not because USUALLY dogs operate/socialize by bodily stances and physical cues, not actual physical contact.. unless they’re directly fighting, playing, or mating).

Left: Golden Retriever, playing Submissive Right: Dominant Husky
Left: Golden Retriever, playing Submissive Right: Dominant Husky
Left: ‘Shiba Inu mix’ - Assertive-Neutral stance Right: ‘GSD mix’- Assertive-Curious stance
Left: ‘Shiba Inu mix’ - Assertive-Neutral stance Right: ‘GSD mix’- Assertive-Curious stance
Mixed Dog: Dominant-Aggressive behavior
Mixed Dog: Dominant-Aggressive behavior

Dogs specifically, have been claimed to perform this maneuver as practice or a way of coping from stress & anxiety, if that is/was prevalent in the dog.

Now that we have considered dogs who do it as a ‘display of dominance’ (dog-on-dog) & coping (dog on toy/random object/ even the air 🤧).

Is it possible dolphins only perform these maneuvers because they too, are practicing? As Wild Cat cubs practice pouncing to fine tune their predatory instincts and skills?

Cheetah Cubs Playing
Cheetah Cubs Playing
Cheetah Cubs Gathered With Mom
Cheetah Cubs Gathered With Mom
Cheetah Cub Learning To Stalk Prey
Cheetah Cub Learning To Stalk Prey
Two Cheetah Siblings Playing
Two Cheetah Siblings Playing

If Dolphins are NOT anxious or showing dominance, nor practicing, what could possibly cause them to be aroused?

Does the stimulation of water moving against them, just cause them to think of “it?”

My Question:

Are they even truly experiencing arousal? As humans do? Or are they simply behaving like animals, in their own ways, as OTHER animals do?

(All images sourced from Google).

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Most Helpful Guy

  • Cetaceans & apes are known to exhibit sexual behavior outside of mating.

    "Bonobos and chimpanzees have three functions of sexual activity in common (paternity confusion, practice sex and for exchange of favors), but only bonobos use sex purely for communication about social relationships. Bonobo hypersexyality appears closely linked to the evolution of female-female alliances."

    • 🤔 that’s all so confusing, right? What are they thinking? 😂 This is truly helpful information, though. Thank you for this ✨💯✨💯

    • IMHO, the most intelligent vertebrates do express their desire for more than just reproduction

    • 🤔 I SUPPOSE it’s intelligent to choose it aside from instinct or need, yes BUT sex is like alcohol.. it makes us all un-sober-minded (yeah, not a word but eh! Lol). Like if guys fucked (and could do so) without eating or sleeping or hobbies- don’t you think they would? I don't know it’s like how do men keep it from not becoming an addiction? What is stopping us all from going over the edge? Will we be here? Or is that a part of life? I don't know I need to take it easy lol Let’s say it like this: yes, the APPROACH is quite so intelligent, but is the process.. and the aftermath intelligent? Do our lives and time spent equate to that of a dolphin? I just don’t know guardian :[ this will be a tough pill for me to swallow

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Most Helpful Girl

  • Well, dolphins are mammals. So I would think that they do.

    • So you’re saying masturbation is only common in mammals? Quite interesting 🤔 I’m gonna have to check if this is factual.

    • Great share 🤔👍

    • I'm not implying that other non mammals don't, I'm just saying that's one of the possible reasons if they do.

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  • I Know this is a month I have studied biology and animal behaviour so know a little but about this stuff.

    Yes, dolphins and some other porpoises mate for pleasure in the same way humans do. And have even (grossly enough) attempted to mate with humans quite a few times. You must never rub anywhere close to their genitals if you're petting their underside because, just like humans they get aroused. Some dolphins innan aroused state may become sexually aggressive and hurt ( by biting you to hold on) depending on the individual.

    I say that because Dolphins have also been known to gang up (males) and seek out a lone and /or vulnerable female to assault. They're so intelligent that they also have free will and make conscious choices to be good guys or bad guys, they're sentient enough to make a decision to become a 'criminal' so to speak. They can be extremely nasty just like humans.

    A young group of adolescent males have also been spotted lightly mouthing and passing a particular type of puffer fish around, to get iit to secrete a toxin that gets them high. So they were passing a puffer fish joint lol

    Many primates have been caught and seen masturbating. One particularly disturbing case was where the chimpanzee used a frog to please himself. And as someone working with canine and felne behaviour, I've also seen dogs who exhibit weird behaviour. Like giving themselves fallacio or using their elbow to rub themselves , so their owner has brought them in to correct this problem behaviour. Some cats hump pilows and blankets too for comfort.

    • Amazingly profound! I feel like just most people don’t know this! Knowing it kind of gives a better view of how animals think. It’s a common thing we share with them! Sexuality and procreation. We see them in survival and their social interaction, but this is just a new level of understanding where their intelligence stands. It gives a lot of insight on their conscientiousness, any sign of morality, and/or awareness. Self awareness! Or maybe just healthy responses to their biological urges! But wow! Truly great share. Wish I seen this earlier so I could have selected it. Many thanks for this! 💯

    • Aw I'm glad you think so! And No, you're right! They don't generally, unless they're into biology and either studying animals at an academic level or just as a hobby at home. Being around them either in nature or having animals at home helps too. I've always been interested in animal behaviour and psychology and they're SOOO much more intelligent than they're generally given credit for! I believe there's just little understood beyond body language and some vocalisations. Maybe for the simple fact that people don't want to believe that there's more to their psyche than instinct. And you're welcome! It's fascinating isn't it? And that's ok, I only saw it and commented yesterday. I was late to the party lol

  • Dolphins are also known to have a ravenous sex drive, to the point where they are thought to spend about three months in sexual play in the wild. Like humans, they have sex for pleasure, not just to reproduce. Thank you for sharing.

  • Aren't dolphins well known for using fish to masturbate, and having violent gangrapes?

    • I enjoyed this read! Tyvm! ✨🙌🙌✨

  • I happened to be visiting Orlando's 'Sea World' water park and there was a pool dedicated to their pod of bottle-nosed dolphins. The pool was equipped with an underwater viewing port. On that particular day a pod of five male dolphins was pursuing a lone female dolphin in what can only be described as 'gang rape'.

    Their strategy was to pursue her, driving her to the bottom of the pool and several males would 'box' her in as others would mount her.

    They harried the female, allowing her to flee only long enough for the males to change as the aggressor, til the next entrapment. I have no expertise as to whether this was aberrant behavior or part of their breeding behavior when access to compliant females was limited, however there does exist documented incidents of dolphins in the wild, attempting to mount and 'hump' human females.

    There is inadequate data as to where those HUMAN females were in THEIR reproductive cycle and as to whether the human female was secreting sexual pheromones, a powerful potential innate subconscious intuitive inducement.

  • Yes. When I was a kid we went to a swim with Dolphins thing. A male dolphin attacked a female trainer because it was horny. That's why I'm against those swim with dolphins and sea world shit, its cruel and abusive.
  • ALL animals (including humans. Yes, we are animals, no matter what your book of lunatic quotes and stories from the Ancients Times says, but that's not the topic at hand here) experience sexual arousement.

  • Maybe they do. But nowhere as near as you.

    • Funny guy 😏

  • that was a complex analysis, so probably more than just instinct

  • Yes dolphins get horny. Youtube it. They will even try to hump human

    • Yeah, at a glance it can appear so, but what about dogs? Dogs can jump a leg and it won’t be because of horniness. 🤔 Scientists say one over the other- Dolphins- yes Dogs- no But they do the same thing. People just say Dolphins are smarter. 🤔🤷‍♀️

  • I always thought that Flipper was a real rascal.

    • lmfao…

  • Yes dolphines experience horniness

    They kill and rape other animals for fun.

    They wrap ell to get electrical shock on their cock for fun..

    Male Dolphins will kill babies of Female Dolphins and rape Female dolphines..

    Dolphines and Psychopaths of sea, they are very intelligent creatures but unlike humans Dolphines Lack Morality

  • yes dolphins get horny, but no to in heat. dolphins are known for commiting rape of many species.

    • Is that even possible… 😒 I mean.. the other Dolphins can just swim away, and if they masturbate- not a problem, and usually they find mates for the mating season, or so? I feel like I don’t know enough in this topic to know if people are messing with me 😂. Or maybe we all need to do extensive research, lol. This is just all so bizarre to me 🥲✨💯

    • How can it be TRUE MAGIUS, how can it be trueee 🙆‍♀️

  • If I recall correctly they mate via gangbang

    • 😂 okay, but are you for real 😐

    • Yep this one is real not a joke

    • I dunnow…. 🧐🤨 I’m gonna check you on this…

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  • There's an episode of King of the Hill about this 😂😂 yes they do

    • It’s just so hard to believe! ☹️

    • Funny enough this episode is on TV right now 😅

    • 😳 coincidences will never cease to amaze me

  • let me just play ecco the dolphin on sega genesis to find out!

    Do Dolphins Experience Sexual Horniness?Do Dolphins Experience Sexual Horniness?Do Dolphins Experience Sexual Horniness?
    • Wow that actually looks like a fun game! 🐬 🎮

    • its actually a bit frustrating to play but y know most games of that era just didn't hold your hand so lol

    • 😆 lmfao this comment is sending me past Mars, for real. This needs to be like a review you could read in the back of the game case or something. People need to read it 😂👌 #TopTier✨💯

  • I guess every animal feels that 😅 Even a snake can be horny maybe xd

  • Dolphins will literally rape!

    • Okay, but is underwater rape even possible lol They have nothing to grip with and they’re all fast and can swirl :\

  • The girl who in the 1960s masturbated a male dolphin for science, or something
    Apparently bestiality is justifiable if done in the name of ‘science’…

    On June 17th, the BBC will debut a new documentary, The Girl Who Talked to Dolphins. It’s the story of Margaret Howe Lovatt, who in the 1960s took part in a NASA-funded research project, in which she developed an unusual relationship with a dolphin named Peter. A relationship that at times became sexual.

  • I've heard of male dolphins trying to fuck other male dolphins in their blow hole.
    They say it doesn't happen often, but it does happen

    • That’s a bit risky. Somewhat like a blowjob lol quite literally too lmao

    • 🤣..

    • It’s like don’t choke yk? Because they literally have to breathe through there 🥲👍 Good times shamu lol

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