Girls, do girls like being bitten/nibbled during sex?

And if so where and how hard.
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Most Helpful Girls

  • Love it. Bites on my lip, my ears, my neck, my nipples, collarbone area..
    Usually not overly hard. Sort of between a bite/nibble. He's gone pretty hard on my collarbone area before... I'm pretty sure some blood was drawn as I saw a scab around there when I got home.

    • Is there a certain area where being bitten hardish would be a turn on?

    • I probably wouldn't mind my nipples being bitten a bit harder. Probably ear lobes would be nice too.. anywhere except my neck because that's pretty sensitive skin + my kitty, I'd imagine.

  • I wouldn't mind being bitten and nibbled during sex...
    Especially when I'm super turned on and close to climax I would love to have my pussy bitten even if it's a little harder
    Also the area above the pussy and below the navel

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What Girls Said

  • I like it. My nipples/boobs, waist, hips, ass, neck, earlobe, mouth (bottom lip).

  • It always deppends but i love it :)

  • Yes, I love it when my boyfriend very gently nibbles on my clit during oral and nibbles on my nipples when I'm close to cumming. It feels amazing!

    • Is it nibbling or like gently rubbing with teeth. Cause I haven't heard about very many people enjoy associating teeth near their genitals

    • More like gentle rubing. If you do it too long or too hard then it hurts. Also, make sure your girl is ok with that before you do it to her