Do girls like when they sit on your lap and feel a boner?

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Superb Opinion

  • Personally, I have never had this happen. I am trying to think of a time when I actually sat on a guy's lap and nothing is coming to mind. It just isn't something I would do. I do not do it with my husband, and he would likely be the person I would sit on his lap.

    I just cannot think of a reason why I would sit on his lap. Then, I am trying to think of a reason why he would be randomly aroused when I did it. I don't see it as something that is ever going to happen.

    If I did sit on his lap out of nowhere and he had an erection, I would wonder what in the heck was going through his head. I just find this a very unlikely scenario for most girls. I could be completely wrong but I be most answers you get is that they never had it happen.

    However, this is GaG town and I have seen stranger things happen on this site.

Most Helpful Girl

  • I don't think that I ever did sit down on anyone's lap since my earlier childhood. I personally always found that sitting on a person's lap to be highly uncomfortable.

    One more reason for not wanting to do so is exactly the issue that you are referring to in your question. The simple fact for a girl to sit on a man's lap is being sexualized and causes a reaction where there should be none.

    Alas, a great number of men and/or boys do have this negative tendency to sexualize and objectify a woman. Why?

    Is it really no longer possible in our pornography ruled society to act normally between genders? Does everything automatically have to revolve around pornography? It is a sad period and time we live in, mainly for women because I get the feeling that we no longer can be safe anywhere because men do automatically sexualize and objectify us.

    • I hope you had an enjoyable week-end. 🙂

    • @PrettyPriya I did have a nice and sunny week-end. Did enjoy a bike ride yesterday. Hope you enjoy your first day of Spring, unless you still have snow in your latitude :-)

    • @sueshe Glad to hear you were able to get your bike ride in with some nice weather. We have been having some very nice temperatures that have allowed for outdoor time.

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What Girls Said

  • Only if its Hubby.

  • As an adult, I only sat on the laps of the men I was or still am in love with.

    Whenever I felt their boners, they turned me on too.

  • I love it so I can feel the penis in my hand and maybe he’ll reach my pussy or fill my butt plug

  • Why would I want to sit on a guy's lap?

  • I do.