Do guys get more turned on after their partner give birth?

I've been with my partner for about 2 years

I gave birth to our child a week ago

Now my partner has been more affectionate and more sexual


“Im more attracted to u now”

”you turn me on even more now”


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Most Helpful Girls

  • I would say it is 50/50. There are a lot of guys out there who are turned off when their girlfriend or wife falls pregnant and gains weight and they are even more turned off after they give birth.

    You on the other hand have a decent guy. He knows that you brought his beautiful baby into the world and that your breast if you are breastfeeding are feeding his baby. He sees the beauty you have carry his child and going through hours of pain to deliver such a miracle and the beauty in you helping to make him a dad.

    Congratulations on the birth of your baby. Enjoy every moment you can, before you know it they will be grown up. My baby is about to turn 2 months in less then 3 hours time and I miss her being a newborn

  • My husband wants more sex when we found out that I am pregnant.

Most Helpful Guy

  • For sure, I think it turns guys on to see their wife/SO being a good mom.

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What Girls & Guys Said

4 2
  • I had my kid 2 years ago and my boyfriend has been all over me, saying I’ve gotten hotter all the time etc

  • That is what I have heard.

  • I don't think theirs a difference

  • Absolutely, I believe women become more gorgeous after giving birth, your partner might develop fantasies as well e. g. licking your breasts milk which turns men on usually

  • I love sex with a pregnant girl