Do guys masturbate thinking about the girl they really like/love?

Some guys say they use only porn to masturbate and avoid thinking about girls they have feelings for, while others say they do masturbate to the girl they like. I was curious to know If they do masturbate to them or not in general

Do guys see a girl they like in a pure way and never think about her sexually?

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Superb Opinion

  • When I and my ex-fiancé lived together he didn’t masturbate, I made sure he went to work sexually satisfied every time and that he went to sleep released as well, I liked to know that he didn’t have any extra energy left for looking at other girls.

    He was happy and I was happy.

    Then we were long distance and he masturbated in front of me and sometimes without me. I think the long distance ruined our relationship in the end.

    After a break up, he said he was scared to have sex with me, because he made up his mind about break up and he was scared he would change his mind if we had sex. I guess I was good for a beginner, judging I was a virgin when we met, I must have done well in those 6 months to make him scared that he’d be unable to leave my side if he had sex with me.

Most Helpful Guys

  • When I made the connection between jerking off and girls I jerked off to every pretty girl in school at one time or another, around age 13 14 using pictures or just imagining them. If it had been real sex there would have been a lot of pregnant girls those years. Some were real sex later but none pregnant thank goodness.

  • If I feel like she has an interest in me too, then I will. To clarify, I would have to be rather dure about it.

    If not then I just feel wrong about it and turn to porn and still feel like crap for cumming to a screen.
    The only exeption would be if I know I will never see her again.

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What Girls & Guys Said

0 19
  • I seldom think of my actual partner for masturbation.

    However, since I'm with my current girlfriend I almost do not masturbate at all. She is quite demanding in a delicious way and I do not have any extra energy to waste.

  • All younger guys masturbate.. most frequently... however most will never admit it. Most will usually jerk off to porn but some like to think of past sex experiences or look at nudes of their gfs.

  • Guys masturbate for all kinds if reasons. Many times, it's not even sexual, it's just a way to relieve stress.

  • Sometimes, but not always. We may need a little fantasy push.

  • I mostly jerk off to porn, but I had a specific memory or fantasy that I can use to jerk off too.