Do pussies feel different? What's a good one?

im a virgin hella small petite girl. Going to be with my man one day. He's had so many partners. What will make me different? I've sexted guys in the past and they always say I sound so good because you can hear that I'm hella wet.

1 4

Superb Opinion

  • Think about mashed potatoes - they are all somewhat similar, but there are definitely differences despite their similarities. The majority of pussies are quite similar - 80% or so are in the "average" range in most characteristics, and the further you get from the average, the faster the number of women drop off - very few pussies are at the extremes.

    I wouldn't worry - 99 % your pussy is going to feel fantastic to a guy. I mean, it's literally designed to be, so evolution is on your side. You just need to keep it clean and healthy, and maybe do some Kegels, and you'll be good to go.

Most Helpful Guy

  • Yes they all feel very different but I haven't found one yet that I didn't enjoy.

    What makes it better for me is when a girl knows how to tighten her pelvic floor muscles or has enough fat in her body that it is naturally tighter.

    How wet you get is more about desire then anything else. Lube can be added to make things more smooth so I don't consider is something that will make your pussy feel better or worse then others.

    Lastly, what really makes sex good is not the pussy, but the mental connection the couple has.

    That aside why him? Why not find a guy who is inexperienced to be with so you both can go on the adventure together?

Most Helpful Girl

  • So wish I knew but from my partners more your attitude and wanting it then really a perfect pussy cause mine is so not

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What Girls & Guys Said

0 20
  • First off, you can't tell how a pussy will feel based on sexting someone. You also can't tell based on how wet she is. Or by looking at it. The only way your man is going to know how your pussy actually feels is by being inside of you.

    And yea, pussies are all unique, just as dicks are all unique.

  • I don't even know what to say.


    • Hear wet through text? Wtf 😆. Indeed what is a good pussy? I suppose the one he has access to. Like I get you're a girl... maybe... but you do get how our anatomy works yeah?

    • Words fail me sometimes. But perhaps asker can teach... never mind.

    • Wonder if I have a good one.

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  • The pussy that feels best is always the pussy you can't get your dick inside of... lol.

    • wait really?

    • @zero444440000 Of course. That's why men are well known for being so kind and polite when they first start dating a woman, until they're successful in getting their dicks inside you, and they usually become lazy and unmotivated.

    • has this been proven and backed up by statistics or is this only what people think men are like? because "men" usually only begin nice until they get there dicks in sounds more like an unture sterotype to me.

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  • Yes. But you should be more intelligent than going for a man who will see you as just another pussy.

    You read like future single mom material

    • like how u equal him having hade other partners before her to him giving her kids and leaving her in the dust.

  • I don't think you should worry too much about it, the bond y'all have will make yours the best of them all