Do women "go crazy" if she hasn't orgasmed or had sex in a long time?

Men do, what about women?

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Superb Opinion

  • They used to call it female hysteria. Get this back in the day women used to go to their doctor to get female hysteria treated, and he treated them by lubing up his fingers and rubbing their clits until they came. The vibrator was invented because this was taking up so much of the doctor's time and they were developing tennis elbow lol.

    A weird story I saw in a documentary on daytime TV of sex during ww2 had an 80 year old woman talking about sex during ww2 in Britain. She was talking about how she while serving in the RAF lost her virginity in an air raid shelter at 16 during the battle Britain and found the whole experience underwhelming and this had happened a few times with different guys who had taken advantage, she had discussed it with her two roomates who were at the time and they had the same experience. So she discussed it with the base doctor who slyly told her that she had a small clitorous and that she needed to grow it, so he prescribed her a jar of vaseline and told her to rub her clit until it was as big as a hammer and don't stop until it was. So she shared with her roomates what the doctor had said and prescribed. So that night the three young women were each lying in their beds in the same room applying vaseline to their clits furiously rubbing their clits to grow them and that's how they learned how to orgasm.

    Do women "go crazy" if she hasn't orgasmed or had sex in a long time?Do women "go crazy" if she hasn't orgasmed or had sex in a long time?

Most Helpful Guy

  • Some definitely do. Others just get cranky and over-sensitive. Avoid the latter and choose the former!

Most Helpful Girls

  • Naw, we got crazy from sex where a guy thinks he is awesome and is done in 5 to 10 minutes then acts like its our problem he sucks.

    • @Aerissa_Jade Some great pilots of failed mission. LOL

  • Yes this why women acting so pissy all the time. They don't get to orgasm enough during sex

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6 13
  • I get really stressed

    • @Mmmariaxc love your honesty!

  • If this happens I hope they get some good sex toys and get some great orgasms... we all deserve them!

  • That's only a crazy hoe problem. And that goes for men, too.

    • I read some women on reddits FAW where ovulating women said the were going nuts.

    • also I guess anonymous is a crazy hoe.

    • She definitely is.

  • We do? I did not get that memo.

  • Depends.

    Some can be, others are more in control. Guys can be like that too.