Some women do like and some do not – there is no specific or universal rule. I personally enjoy watching my husband cum if I am giving him hand job, and collecting his cum on a towel.
It really depends on the relationship, of women with men. If she is in deeply love with that man, she will enjoy his orgasm (cum), if a women is little selfish, and just cares of her own orgasm, she will just have a formality. Deep bond is necessary, in sex, both will enjoy, whoever cum first.
I really enjoy his cum inside me (or in my mouth if I am pleasing him). Whatever he needs is a significant part of the equation. He does not like to come out me except for occasional hand job-with-story time. Most women are not too interested in watching a man ejaculate. For purposes of birth control, often times a man will “Pull-Out”, and ejaculate on the woman’s pubic area or stomach without keeping a small towel handy to clean up, I find it dirty, but on the flip side, there are some women who enjoy a man`s sperm very much and in many different ways.0 1 0 0Who doesn't? Although it only applies to my partner 😅 I don't like watching other guys cum
0 2 0 0So you like it? What do you like about seeing your partner cum? Would you watch your guy masturbating?
So you like it? What do you like about seeing your partner cum? Would you watch your guy masturbate?
It's just such a turn on
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(5)MY guy? Sure.
0 3 0 0My husband obviously.
0 2 0 0my guy, yes
0 2 0 0If he's my boyfriend or someone I am close to, hell yeah.
0 4 0 0So would you watch a guy masturbating?
Not a random guy
Oh no of course. A partner. If he wanted to masturbate in front of you and you wanted to watch would you be into it?
Only if he cums for me
0 2 0 0
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