Do you think guys with little dicks should just accept it and turn gay?

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What I meant is that these guys can't play dominant role and be the givers, so instead they would become the receiver.
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Oh my God this question is so fucking funny bro stop think about this for one second I don't care how big or small your dick is but think about this if a girl can make her have the best orgasm in the world by using her fingertip what the fuck are you talking about so if you can't think that far ahead go ahead just turn gay if that's how you do it just turn gay sorry I'm turning gay because my brain won't allow me to think further than my dick size sorry that was kind of rude but I'm just so tired of these questions about dicks where and how do you use it a fingertip bro just a very finger tip just the very tip of the tongue please a woman think about it no no no forget that forget I said that don't think about it learn how to use it just learned how to use it common sense

  • From what I understand gay guys are more likely to be disappointed by small dicks than girls are.

Most Helpful Girls

  • That isn’t how it works. I don’t think penis size has anything to do with sexuality.

    • According to some studies, there are correlation between penis size and sexuality, penis size and sexual fantasies, penis size and behavior...

    • Right. I love when people say “some studies” as if that is some sort of authority. Cite them?

  • No gay men are way more obsessed with big dicks than women are

    • That's true, but I meant as bottom gays.

    • A lot of guys wouldn’t find that a turn on

    • Are you saying that all gay guys want to be fucked, none of them want to be just the fucker.

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What Girls & Guys Said

1 9
  • What has sexuality go to do with. It!

  • Huh? How does small dick = gay? The answer is NO

  • What does having a small penis have to do with turning gay? 🤣🤣🤣

  • In addition to making sex impossible, having a small dick would make peeing difficult. Why not just remove it and have a urethra relocation?

  • Welcome to the small penis club. 💞