Do you think it’s wrong that my partner is trying to get me to look gothic because it’s what he’s into now?

So when I met my man I was blonde tan blue eyes loved summer dresses and wearing really cute clothes he always told me he loved my style and thought I was so gorgeous and he said I was the woman of his dreams fast forward 8 years later he wants me to be pale dye my hair black where gothic clothing get tattoos.. that’s what he’s really into but I feel like shit like he’s trying to change me like he doesn’t like the way I look now.. sounds like his “dream girl” went out the window now he is trying to turn me into what he fetishes over.. or wants a gothic girl in a threesome says he wants both and what’s wrong with that. I mean it makes me feel like shit

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Superb Opinion

  • He is making you that way cause he is bored! Sorry this will end with you dumping him!

    Be yourself cause he can't love you that way. He is manipulating you and a lot of women change then fall into the fetishes and 3 somes and porn crap just to eventually decide they hate how they are 3 years latter with tattoos and piercings that hurt to remove!

    There is something else that makes you not want to be with him any more... A feeling what gives you that feeling?

    Listen to it and end things!

Most Helpful Guys

  • Goth? Did that guy recently suffer brain damage?
    Would you want to be with someone who wants to resign from the real world and look that embarrassingly stupid?

    I urge you not to dye your beautiful blond hair or permanently mutilate your body with tats and piercings.

    Dump that man child. You should easily be able to get a sane, adult boyfriend who loves you for who you are. What kind of prospects does this current guy have for making a living and getting along with real people?

    • Like for example we watched a movie last night and there was a gothic girl in it black hair white as ghost skin very fair beautiful like porcelain skin and how turned on he gets I can’t compete with it. It hurts my feelings deeper because I know it’s what he really wants I almost feel like unintentionally I’m holding him back from what he really actually wants, and when I explain that to him he says I’m judging him when I’m not but I can’t help how things make me feel

    • As much as he can’t help being turned on by what he now likes I can’t help how it makes me feel. And when I see him turned on like that it makes me miss the feeling of turning someone on to that degree because I obviously do not do that for him anymore

    • Relationships are for finding out if you are compatible. Sometimes it turns out that you are not. Sounds like it's time for you to move on from this one. I would if I were you.

  • If he is trying to change you into something you’re not, no matter what that is, that isn’t right. No one has a right to force you to change to suit them. If he has changed and can no longer accept you as you are, he isn’t the one for you.

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What Girls & Guys Said

1 10
  • So how long before you dump his ass? Why haven't you done that already?

  • Don't change for him.
    Be you.
    If he can't deal with that, then he needs to go.
    That's how love works.

  • Yep. If he's trying to change you, time for him to go.

    • He’s telling me I’m wrong for slut shaming him over what he is really into

    • You are so right and he is SOOOOOOOO wrong. He is allowed to be into whatever he wants (as long as it's legal). He's NOT allowed to make you change for him. And you shouldn't.

    • I agree I know he is allowed to like whatever but if it’s not me and he’s super really into the gothic girls he should probably just find one to be with instead of just staying with me because we have kids or something I don't know

    • Show All
  • He wants a big titty goth chick. Guys preferences do change over time. So it's likely he's going to ditch you.

  • Don’t let him change your style