Do you think you reach a certain age that your getting too old for internet and it's time to go back to the analog ways?

Because this digital world sucks ass

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  • Usually we just never advance to it and just stay set in our old ways instead, just like my stepdad, he still writes checks, has a flip phone, pays cash for everything and has no idea what an app does, forget about ham radios, he doesn’t know anything about that either

    • hay, i still write checks, I had a flip phone until about a year ago, I pay cash for just about everything. I have a career in IT and know it is not secure.

    • @exitseven I don’t trust the mail getting my payments on time or at all, I carry cash for certain things but can only carry so much with the cost of everything these days I would need a suitcase, lol

    • No kidding spending a grand a week just for my crops is nuts. (That is not that much, but sure feels like it) Money is leaving faster then water going down the drain

  • I never really gave up on analog tech.

    • Vacuum Tubes all the way baby

      Glass Has Class
      Do you think you reach a certain age that your getting too old for internet and it's time to go back to the analog ways?

    • I used to have a friend that ran a VCR repair business. He also could fix the old analog amplifiers that still used vacuum tubes. He made a lot of money fixing the ones in recording studios because they liked them better because they had a "warmer " tone.

    • My ham radio amplifiers still use tubes

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Most Helpful Girls

  • I agree that the negative outweighs the positive. I think where age comes in is the wisdom of knowing the difference between the two from having lived with both.

    • Thanks for the MHO ❤

  • Have more sex. Sex is the best analogue pleasure.

    • Not quite, but close. I was think like life with no cars, and electricity

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  • i never lived in analog ways

    • Its easier then digital

  • No, but I do think the internet is used for too many things that were better without it.

  • Maybe... but at 68 I'm not even close. I've been online for about 30 years and I do all my work and business online.