Don't Try to Be Sexy... Just BE Sexy

Sometimes I think that people have it all wrong while trying to convince the world that they are sexy. Everything from contrived duckfacing photos while only wearing their underwear to wild spring break casual sex, nothing screams desperate, and that's anything but sexy.

Of course this is just my opinion, but I have been in many situations where I have seen a person trying way too hard to the point of failing when it came to showing off their sexual prowess. In pop culture, we also see celebrities oversexualize themselves to the point where it has actually hurt their brand.

Don't Try to Be Sexy...Just BE Sexy

These are mistakes that I think people make to try an attract attention using sexually suggestive behaviour…that usually happen in bars or places where alcohol can be consumed. It also happens on social media with what someone posts whether it's a photo of themselves or comments that sexually show off. This Take is directed mainly at women, although attention-seeking males might want to keep in mind that the next section on what is sexier will help their cause more than over-proving that they are sexual beings. Take heed from Miley, Britney, and many others who overdo it to the point where they prove that it's not's pathetic.

Don't Try to Be Sexy... Just BE Sexy

Public displays of homosexual suggestion. This usually is something women do. Not that actual lesbians can't show their affection for each other if they're out as a couple, but if you think Madonna and Britney looked like idiots doing something like this for attention, then so too will girls who aren't famous millionaires either. They believe that it’s something men go nuts over, given the popularity of lesbian porn. Sure, guys might actually like to see this, and will probably even react to the initial shock, but public kissing and touching only goes so far. It doesn’t take long for them to ask themselves, “Am I really bringing the right girl home to meet mom and dad?”

Don't Try to Be Sexy... Just BE Sexy

Simulation of oral sex. Most people who are having sex have some inkling how to perform oral sex. Displaying one’s technique is an advertisement, not a way to bait someone in to a relationship. When someone sucks on a beer bottle or licks out a lemon slice from their drink all they are doing is looking for validation that they might be doing it right because maybe they might not be so sure. Chances are, if given the right reaction, they can take that same technique to bed with them some time.

Don't Try to Be Sexy... Just BE Sexy

Twerking or grinding on the dance floor. We get it, you're a big girl now and you know how to have sex, or you have just the right moves from behind to let everyone know you have a vibrating hunk of flesh that could do the job just as easily. So do we all. The difference here is that people just see the attention-whoring for what it is, because now more than ever, people are catching on that to shock sexually is what sells a brand. If the brand is your ass, then you’re only doing what every other person is doing to advertise the same brand.

Try Some Class

1. Be that mysterious person. Sexual ambiguity always makes others curious. But aside from that, don't give up the goods all at once, not just in bed, but also with how you dress. Covering up in just the right places and giving the opposite sex something to wonder about has been known to make them crazy. Don’t reveal it all in one shot, in one place.

2. Observe with a smile. Watching others make complete asses of themselves is way sexier than the person who is overdoing it. As long as you have that little smirk on your face knowing that you could engage if you wanted to, but choose not to is pleasantly noticeable rather than just painfully noticeable from those who are actually making fools of themselves.

3. Limit your alcohol consumption. Drunk people are annoying. Aside from being loud, smelling bad, and acting foolish, they tell you a lot more about themselves simply by the fact that they can’t control themselves and use the liquor as an excuse to act wild. Or, they simply choose not to control themselves at all. Either way, being the one person in your crowd who can enjoy a drink but remains cool can attract a lot more attention just because you appear to be strong and confident, and don’t look as though you have to join in to get attention. You’re doing just fine by being the sober one.

4. Refuse to succumb to everyone else’s antics. If someone challenges you to act like an ass simply because your friends did without even a dare, that doesn’t mean they’re owed a performance from you. Flashing, public sexual contact, or anything just plain silly can simply be excused with, “That’s not my style.” If persistent, “You already gave a performance on my behalf, so thanks.”

Don't Try to Be Sexy... Just BE Sexy

By not advertising yourself as an overtly sexual animal brings you a lot more favourable attention from the opposite sex more than you think. Just when you think you might not have the guts to do what others are doing, remember why they are doing it in the first place: to validate what they think will score them attention.

Attention is achieved in many ways, and what a lot of people are forgetting now is that sometimes being the quiet one, the less obtuse one who doesn’t feel the need to show off to the world that they are willing to give it all away, is actually more attention-grabbing in a more attractive and favourable way.

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What Girls & Guys Said

11 17
  • I like the first pic lol

  • No time to read hot lesbian kisses and hot asses, woot

  • Oh my these pics... O. o

  • So fucking easy for you females to say. In order for a male to be sexy he must waste his existence in a gym, become rich and a badboy.

    Sick of you females.

    • Actually that's okay because I've actually become increasingly sick of you, personally, and have been meaning to block you for a while just because I'm sick of how you talk to people here. You've been on GaG all of about a month and you are not even close to contributing anything of value and you don't even do it in an entertaining way. Just one more annoying user. Bye.

  • I'm loving those girls asses.

    • *sigh* There goes myTake. LOL

  • You see, everybody wants to be Madonna, but those losers don't know there can be only one Madonna.