Double Standards of Sexism

Sexism towards women has always been very widespread and extremely limiting throughout history. Tides have turned and this has now begun to involve men as well, though we're only just beginning to see it.

Double-standards of sexism

Women are expected to date up, men are expected to date down unless he wants to be seen as a 'sexist prick'. A man is expected to be taller, smarter, more athletic, and earn more than his female companion. There's also a gender-specific ageism at play (preference for older men, and younger women).

Violence? Yea, that's fine towards men. Towards women? Nah, not allowed, people would call it "sexist" 90% of what I watch, could be a program, or even a movie, there is some form of sexism towards men, a man gets kicked in the nuts, audience laugh, What if it happened to a woman? Probably wouldn't even be allowed on t.v.. In movies, you see a woman beat the crap out of a bunch of men and the audience loves it.

Double Standards of Sexism

‘She’s so badass!’

The other way round? Again, probably wouldn't be allowed to air on any sort of medium.

Men are, in general, stronger than women (cheers evolution). So when a woman hits a guy it's usually greeted with ‘wow, she has the guts and the strength to do that’. Does that mean it's perfectly okay to smack or hurt your man in any way? Essentially making a human punching-bag out of him because you 'couldn't really hurt him anyway'?

A young boy raped by a woman can be forced to pay child support to his rapist if she gets pregnant.

Double Standards of Sexism

If a woman cheats then it’s usually going to be greeted with excuses as to how she was drunk/sad/feeling neglected. With the blame often shifted onto the guy for her slipping onto another fella's dick. That he didn't treat her 'well enough' or some variant of that. But when a man does it, all hell breaks loose. He's basically put in social isolation, blacklisted by the entire social circle for lacking self-control.

Upon asking a man who's been coerced, intimidated, or physically forced into sex with a woman whether or not he's been raped, he's pretty likely to say no. Once researchers figured out that only if you rephrase the question and ask whether or not he has been "made to penetrate" another person, they're more likely to respond in the affirmative.

Double Standards of Sexism

If a woman is in a relationship that feels to be abusive in any way, beit sexually or emotionally, there are women’s shelters set up specifically for that reason. To provide shelter, a way to get away for women in such situations. Perhaps some counselling/therapeutic services until the victims feel strong enough to rejoin the real world. Men who feel that they are being abused? Those sorts of claims will generally be disregarded as them just being ‘not manly’ enough; made to be the bitch-boy of their girlfriend, treat her like an ‘independent, real woman’ yet getting the bill at every restaurant among others things.

Double Standards of Sexism

Light forms of male subservience are labelled as chivalrous and gentlemanly and widely expected (imagine seeing women open doors and pull out chairs for men). Female subservience in terms of washing the dishes, cooking dinner for her family and tending the house once in a while? Oppressive, overly conservative.

&My own personal favourite, being the gym-rat that I am:

Double Standards of Sexism

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17 43
  • I love this! Great take, I really hate how one sided people are about this crap, people don't realize that sexism works both way. Really enjoyed reading this.

  • Call me old school... but I like to be a manly man... and I like my women to be women. I'm SOOOOOOOO F'IN TIRED OF PEOPLE ALWAYS TRYING TO BE FAIR. TRYING TO MAKE THINGS EVEN. ETC. I'm a man, I should protect my girl. I'm a man, I should do the manual labor. I'm a man, I should be the one to fix things. Don't gethink me wrong, I'm not the type that wouldn't allow a woman to do manly stuff just because she's a woman... I'm not that extreme. BUT LET'S NOT GET CRAZY WITH SEXISM. I feel like it's the same bills hit with racism. It's the same thing with profiling as a police officer. If you're a ghetto as person in a very wealthy neighborhood, I do not mind if the cop stops him or her to question what they are doing there. I'M SORRY, BUT THE COP IS USING HIS JUDGEMENT TO DO HIS JOB. THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG WITH QUESTIONING ANYONE. Back to sexism... ok, so the whole, "you fight like a girl" or "you throw like a girl"... guess what, 99% of girls can't fight like guys... 99% of girls can't throw like guys... again, I have no problem with it. I COULD GO ON AND ON AND ON... I'll leave you with this... HOW ABOUT WE ALL GROW A SET OF BALLS... YOU WOMEN TOO... AND WE STOP FINDING STUPID SHIT TO COMPLAIN ABOUT!




    • this

    • ... if you're actually read mytake, you might've been spared from this little temper tantrum of yours. You'd see that I personally don't have a problem with any of the things you listed. The issue, if any, is more with people who tell a guy you 'throw like a girl' or that he's a pussy just because he admitted that he'd been with an abusive ex-girlfriend, yet demand receiving empathy and special treatment when they find themselves in the same situation. As the title says, it's the double-standard that I'm having issue with more than sexism itself.

    • lol I'm not sure you should be that much okay with being beaten by someone just because they have a vagina instead of a penis

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  • You. I like you.
    Wanna cooperate in taking over the world and erasing all those who are unable to see the problems you pointed out? Erm, I mean... wanna, like, educate people.

    • lol thanks. :) I guess at this point, it's almost to be expected that takes such as this will cause all the 'feminists' to come out in flocks and bitch about the content not praising them for being born with a vagina.

  • that's what i'm worried about. in fact, one such woman accused me of degrading women when i said enjoy her body, as opposed to ''appreciate her body''... the difference being what, ecactly?

    • exactly.

    • semantics like usual. they got nothing

    • @Toad-1 yup.

  • Around 30,000 women are killed by male partners or family members. More shelters for women exist because it’s a much worse problem for women. Men can still get help, but many make the same assumption as you and act like there’s no help. You’d probably rather whine than do anything about it too.

    As for rape - lol seriously? Way more women are raped and many women are raped by partners whom they stay with, because they make excuses. How many movies have framed men raping women as ok or normal? It’s ubiquitous in teen films. The vast majority of men who rape women get away with it, while women are often called liars or even bullied to death. Look up Daisy Coleman.

    If a man cheats, he’s socially isolated? What? Making up scenarios doesn’t make you right.

    You’re comparing opening a damn door to cooking for your family? Those things are remotely similar, how? First of all, holding open a door takes no effort and very little time. Second of all, the whole “stay in the kitchen” thing does not have an equal when it comes to holding open a door.

    Men are expected to be taller... but women aren’t expected to be shorter? Contradictory. Women who want taller men are often called sexists by people like you.

    Your last comment shows your agenda. How dare women expect men to have self control around them.

    I’ll just pop over to the other thread I saw where women were being called sluts and whores. That about sums up people’s attitudes here, in between complaining about misandry.

  • Great Mytake and I applaud you for standing up for your beliefs (regarding sexism) against the anonymous female GAG trolls that attacked you for it here on your MyTake. Fuck them and ust remember that there's the majority of other female users and male users that answered your MyTake that agrees with you.

  • Another double standard: if a man wrote this Take, he'd be an angry, sexist, hateful, whining misogynist. If a female writes it, it's fine. It also carries much more weight than if it were written by a guy.

    • do you really feel like you accomplish anything by leaving comments that serve no purpose either than to bemoan some advantages females have over men? You must've also missed all the hate I got for this take.

    • Lool. Wow, you just proved my point. My one tiny comment is "bemoaning" whereas your entire Take on the same topic - which I totally agreed with - is not. Ok, I'll keep my mouth shut and leave the criticisms of double standards to you, since women are the only ones allowed to point them out,

    • Pointing out how certain things are easier to get away with for one sex versus the other does not equate to my calling anyone misogynistic or hateful.

  • Hate it when we stare at the gy. Gee stop wearing see through leggings that shows your camel toe then maybe I'll stop staring and DEFY nature

    • That's not a double standard? Though good point. You should work on restraining yourself and exhibiting some amount of self-control. I mean.. you're not a wild animal right? Failure to practice self control is best left in the wild.

    • And a person going out with clothes that shows off their vagina and ass as she was naked is not practicing sealf control?

    • leggings are clothes, though.

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  • I love how the females (I refuse to call them women but am politely refraining from a more vulgar term) discrediting this take are all anonymous. I agree with this entirely. All my life I never saw men or women as better than each other. Modern-day feminazis have turned the idea of equality among the two genders into a female domination bid, and it's atrocious. It's wonderful to see some people who don't buy into such nonsense. Very nice take.

    • thank-you, glad to have more females backing me up! &Agreed about how ridiculous the haters were.. at first had me a bit worried, thinking that perhaps I pushed it a bit too far by publishing such a take on a site that is undoubtedly filled with man-haters. Until they started going in circles, giving me completely unfounded arguments about what I wrote. Even going so far as to call me misogynistic among other things for publishing such a 'sexist take'. Only when I began struggling to even make sense of their insults, or at least enough to be able to somehow counter what they'd said, did I realize that I was gonna be fine. :P

    • And I'm glad to see some women finally standing up for us. You know we cannot deal with this on our own -- people tend to not give a shit when a guy complains, and instead turn and abuse that guy.

  • Supper post mainly that us vs ours is realy true.

  • was that written by a woman? holy shit. i just now realised it... .

    • ... does that make a difference in any way?

    • yeah it makes it more AWESOME. even if she does it for attention whoring which i dont think is the case

    • Haha oh ok, I'm glad you enjoyed it. But yea not to worry, if attention whoring was my aim, I'm sure there are much easier, less time consuming ways to get there. 😜

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  • I agree, mostly, but that last picture is do dumb... girls don't wear heels in the gym.

    • woah good eye, I didn't even notice the heels hah.

    • I think the point of the heels is to show all of the little flourishes women put in to make themselves look good when they go to the gym. If you put in that much effort to look good like that, you shouldn't get offended that you draw attention

    • @M_A_X The thing is, I don't like heels, they are not healthy.

  • Was this meant to be a joke? Because the domestic violence part is complete and utter shit.

    Honestly to me this looks like you just needed a pat on the back. From guys.

    • nope, not a joke. But thanks for only feeding the double-standard of sexism in your denial of it existing against men. :)

    • You're such a joke. I didn't fucking deny anything. I know that there are men who are abused but they're ARE shelters for them. And they don't look like what you posted. Fuck, you act like you're 3. Either that, or you're really a misogynist male posing as a woman.

  • If a girl slaps me, I slap her back. I dont like fostering sexist environments so whatever she does to me, I do back to make it fair. Seriously though if she can't control herself and refrain from hitting me, then I'm not going to control myself.

  • Some of this is true and some exagerrated but we have lost our common sense and decency as a western society.

  • Are you talking about yourself? After all you are a woman attacking women. Unless you are just one of those men masquerading under a female account.

    Proof? You still haven't shown any and in addition to that you blocked me and anyone else who wants to comment to me. Now I can't post my sources just like you wanted.

    How did you become an editor when all you do is block users who point out the fabrications in your myTakes?

    • There are no 'fabrications' here of which I'm aware... If you believe anything that I've written is false, can you place give me an example versus just ranting that I'm 'sexist' because I may have called females on some unfairness?

    • Yeah I gave examples by point out some of your fabrications. Then you decided to place a block. If you want sources of men's shelters and the statutory rape case you'll need to google it yourself since I can no longer post links.

    • yeah I see no point in continuing conversations with people who comment by simply ranting aimlessly without even providing grounds to their negativity. I can't really defend my case in situations like that. Sure, men's shelters may exist but to a minute degree compared to female ones. &That doesn't fix the issue of how men more often than not will not even disclose any abuse/rape that happened out of fear of being labelled as a 'pussy'. Which I said in one of my points above but I suppose you missed that.

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  • This is one of the dumbest things I've seen in two days on this site. The idiocy is rampant.

    • lol k. Thanks for your vague, hateful comment that doesn't even use any specific parts to back it up. :)

    • Oh? You mean like you entire myTake? Besides the fact you made half this crap up and didn't provide any solid facts or sources. You used meme's to hide the truth and promote your own sexist ideology. There are men's shelters but it's easier for you to pretend they don't exist then actually google them. Also I found the rape case story. As usual to promote your sexism you omit facts. Is it wrong for a male rape victim (though he consented to it) to pay child support? Yes. But at the same time he wants to pay child support and be in his child's life. He's only arguing having to pay the back child support while he was under the age of 18.

    • mhmm thanks for providing 'proof' as to how 'sexism' has come to be nothing but a term used for women to save face when they hear something that doesn't praise their sex.

  • Very well presented take, some great images and truthful as well, this is so very true.