Would she class you as a weirdo or kinky sex legend?
It could really set you apart from the rest.

"Anilingus has potential health risks arising from the oral contact with human feces. Diseases which may be transmitted by contact with feces include: bacterial diseases including shigellosis (bacillary dysentery); viral systemic diseases including hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, poliomyelitis, human papillomavirus (HPV) and herpes simplex virus; parasites including intestinal parasites; and infections and inflammations chlamydia infection, gastroenteritis, conjunctivitis, gonorrhea, lymphogranuloma venereum[11] and other sexually transmitted infections."
My virgin tongue ahaha
You forever ruined eating ass for me now karahiri 😅... haven’t tried it but after this...
Oh please. She has a shower first. There's a pretty good size cavity before the poo happens, if it's even there.
Disgusting! You dont know if they stink! you're nasty if you do this with a complete stranger. 😷
And most girls would not think better of a guy who does that on the first date. Why would he gets nothing out of it!
If the girl is okay with it, if you're willing to do it, have fun, you crazy kids :D
Way too fucking soon
I can has MHO?
the word 'date' itself means romantic*** preplanned meeting, so there should not be anything sexual.
Eating booty-> sexual act
becoz it is actually done with sexually obsessed feelings
the is being done on the very first date
it is disgusting for me!
It's fine
giv eme
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What's Your Opinion? Sign Up Now!A bit of fooling around with a nice ass? I'd have a hard time resisting especially if she was into it!
What is your goal for your involvement with this girl? Just casual sex? FWB? LTR?
Way too soon. What if they didn't wash up?
I think it's just nasty
Eating ass is so disgusting, eww.
Yeah, it usually is for little kids.
@truthbeknown Who the hell cares? It causes DISEASES a when you do it you basically lick fecal matter in. If knowing this fact makes me a kid, then I'm a proud kid.
It's called taking a bath and washing yourself. People aren't dying by the millions from oral sex, are they?
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