Girls, ever had a guy go down on you while you are menstruating?

Would it be an issue for you if a guy did go down on you while auntie flo is visiting?
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  • No but I have started while a guy was down there and i totally freaked out and said oh shit I m sorry and started to pull away to get up and take care of the situation when he grabs ontoe pulls me back down and says get back there I wasn't finished yet ! I was very nervous but OMG it felt ever so much more intense! And it was nice that he made me feel comfortable and relaxed.

    • nice how old were u then? how did u know u started? how was his face afterwards? was he just working on the clit or was he working up your vag with his tongue? was it the only time it happened would u do it again if he asked nicely?

    • @smurphanie

Most Helpful Girl

  • I don’t know exactly what you mean by “go down on you” but I’d never let a guy have his face down there while on my period but I’d definitely be more than happy to have sex while on my period. Unfortunately I’m still a virgin so this is just something I’d like to do at some point

    • @pronutro so you're ok with period sex but you wouldn't let him lick you out when your on your period? why not let him oral you if he wants to at that time?

    • I’m all for period sex but his face down there is a big no... the smell of blood makes me feel sick and the thought of smelling blood on his face is just a no from me... also I don’t think the thought is nice of having someone’s face down there when I’m bleeding in general... but odd for me

    • you don't have to smell his face he might just go down make u cum then go wash or maybe he won't end up with any on his face as he is good with his mouth?

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What Girls Said

  • One guy tried and I did not let him. I'm not easily grossed our, I kiss him after he goes down on me and have no problem with that (I've heard some girls are grossed out by that but not me) but on my period, that's a no. I mean it's actual blood and even a bit of tissue! I know he's not like going to eat it but still no way.

    • @curlyf what if u didn't have to kiss him afterwards?

    • It wasn't about kissing him afterwards. I wouldn't kiss afterwards even if he asked, but I'd be grossed out just by the fact that he had bits of my *blood and stuff* in his mouth. I don't know how it's called in English, in México we call it "the clown kiss" and that's a no for me or "black kisses", I'll let you imagine what those are about lol both a solid no.

    • @curlyf never heard of clown kiss is that often period oral only? black kiss no idea

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  • Yeah, but only at the very end (when there was almost nothing there).

    • @crazygirl2 why not when full on

    • Because I don’t want to.

    • @crazygirl2 why not?

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  • No, I always stop a guy before he would do that and no one insisted. Would maybe allow a guy to lick on/near the clit after washing and having my period cup inside the vagina.

    • Thanks @curlygirl42 for your view What if he fancied playing Dracula and didn't mind the taste? its only like sucking a finger u have cut?

    • well, if he thinks it is only blood coming out then I will educate him so he knows that it is also tissue from the wall of the uterus that is flushed out with the blood. No way I will witness someone tasting that xD

    • @curlygirl42 is that much different to placenta eating? do u really see much of the uterus wall coming out or is it just like thick blood?

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  • No, I haven't. I wouldn't be ok with, it would be disgusting and a terrible experience for him.

    • *with it

  • Accidentallyyy lol. But I felt bad because I can only imagine how weird or gross it is. Period sex is really fun if a guy is kinky enough for it doe...

    • @bobalife how did the guy react when he found out he was down there and things were happening? kinky enough for it doe... ? did u miss off rest of that sentence? how often u tried period sex? I love it the messier the better lol how many times guy gone down on you at this time? just the once?

    • LOL I don’t even think the first guy noticed... while the second one seemed taken back. They were chill. But I told them both to stop because I didn’t feel right and being respectful is important. “Kinky enough for it doe...”😏 pause with a sexy tone, but people can’t tell over text w/o hearing my voice or expression 😜😂 Really now? Interesting Lol. Mostly with my exes even if one or two said they were not down for it initially... but when I’m on my period, they still can’t resist 🤷🏻‍♀️ Lol

    • @bobalife hehe u need to translate some of it lol so with you exes they couldnt reseist going down on you while u were on or couldnt resist sex with you while on? ever had sex when you were on your most heavy day with a guy and its been a proper looks like murder session lol so any guy really gone down on you hardcore while u bled and sucked and licked your vagina not just timidly at your clit?

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