Every girl has a little bi in them... are you agree or not?

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Most Helpful Guys

  • Lol at anyone who believes women are heterosexual, they are all bisexual, they consume 2.5 times as much lesbian porn as guys and it's is by far the most popular genre of porn to the female demographic (pornhub statistics,). "straight" women are also literally more aroused by the female body than the male body, indiana. edu/.../Chivers_Seto_Blanchard_2007. pdf (read that, it's scientifically sound proof). Playboy once did a test where women where aroused by a lap dance by both male and female strippers, while men where only aroused by female strippers.

    Most women will make out with other girls after minimal alcohol, and will be willing to do sexual things to another girl during an ffm threesome.
    Normally the thing that makes a girl want to have sex with a guy will be non physical, non gender specific traits and will need these non gender specific traits to feel sexual attraction to them in the first place.

    Female sexuality is fluid while men have a hard wired sexual orientation. Anthropologists say women don't actually have a sexual orientation, just an amorphous mess based off sexual narcissistic self affirmation.

    Disagree with me if you want but there is far to much evidence (both scientific and anecdotal) to consider heterosexuality the female default, look up female sexual fluidity and see that anthropologists and neuroscientists agree with me (well I agree with them). Women are more visually attracted to themselves auto-erotic and are closer to being lesbian than straight if you are being pedantic about it.

    • Why do women watch lesbian porn then? why are they more aroused by the female body then?

    • Don't blame women because you can't get laid dude.

      I've said this to you before, and I'll say it again... and then you can talk to yourself all day long.

      Just because women are generally much less homophobic than men, doesn't make us "bisexual". If anything, the men that are so deathly afraid of seeing another naked dude, are quite possibly repressed homosexuals.

      HAVE A NICE DAY! :)


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  • This question gets asked 100x a day -just stop it's get frustrating their is more we can talk about than that...

Most Helpful Girls

  • omg why does this keep getting brought up. how would the same men feel if we said all men are secretly gay? ? . I don't agree with certain lifestyles. .. but whatever someone's sexuality is... is their business.

    • If women would stop masturbating to lesbian porn and claiming to be straight, maybe we would stop (lesbian porn is the most popular genre to the female demographic according to pornhub).
      If tests didn't show women where more aroused by the female body than the male body maybe we would stop indiana.edu/.../Chivers_Seto_Blanchard_2007.pdf (scientifi proof of that statement).
      If girls where more sexually attracted to gender specific traits maybe we would stop. If we didn't see girls make-out and later claim to be straight, maybe we would stop.

    • and you automatically assume every woman on this planet does this. .. billions of women, most you don't know a thing about but just goes by assumptions based off of a small handful of women you do personally know... so pathetic

    • The lesbian porn thing is based off tens of millions of women. And just look on her how many women watch lesbian porn yet claim to be straight.

  • Here we go again 🙄 so sick of this question being asked on here 100 times a day 🙄

    • Not me for a change, but I would like you input on why so many girls watch lesbian porn yet erroneously claim to be straight.

    • I don't watch lesbian porn or represent the entire female population so I can't answer that question for you.

    • Do you watch any porn?

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    • haha you,,! :)

    • I'm not straight to begin with lol, I just like that saying and it applies to your question lol

    • I said I know you lol you're demi lol

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What Girls & Guys Said

13 7
  • You're either bi/bi+ or you're not. There are plenty of 110% heterosexual women.

  • No because I was molested of if another girl touches me, kisses me, or tries anything. I will throw up

  • This is not true. I'm a girl and I have never thought of other girls.

  • Then every guy must have a little bi too

    • Well, not as much as girls do

    • Why do you say that?

  • why are you going against every girl that disagrees with your point? there is a reason why they're opinions, and you're saying the same things in every response.

    • (not towards the asker)