Fetish Mining - What it is and Why it's disgusting

Fetish Mining - What it is and Why its disgusting

If you're a girl on the internet (or someone who has been mistaken for a girl) it's very likely that you, at some point, have been a victim of fetish mining. I'm sure that this sort of thing can happen to boys too, but in general girls (especially young girls) tend to be the main target group when it comes to fetish mining.

What is fetish mining?

Fetish mining is when person A contacts person B in a thinly veiled attempt at getting sexual gratification. It usually involves some sort of "harmless" sounding question, like:

What size footwear do you use?
What kind of bellybutton do you have?
How much do you weigh?

Sometimes the questions can be even more straightforward, for instance:

Can you send me a picture of your feet/armpit/neck?
Can you send me a video of you wearing x and dancing in a cute way?

These questions might sound harmless to the untrained ear, because they aren't inherently sexual. It's not as obvious as someone asking what your favorite sexual position is, or for a picture of your boobs. Hence the name fetish mining. These questions usually revolve around some type of fetish, which by default is more of a niche thing and not inherently sexual for most people. Like bellybuttons, armpits, certain items of clothing or fabrics, certain actions, or random body parts in general.

Why is fetish mining wrong?

If it isn't already obvious to you why it's wrong, I'll happily break it down for you.

1. It's exploitative

Like I mentioned earlier, young girls are typically the target group for fetish mining. Young, impressionable girls who don't understand that there's an underlying sexual tone to the question being asked. Who don't understand that they are potentially being coerced or manipulated into giving out personal information or pictures/videos, that can start circulating the internet and get into the hands of the wrong people. Basically, young girls who don't understand that they're participating in an act that someone else finds sexually enjoyable, which weaves into my second point;

2. It's non-consensual

The whole point of the "innocent" nature of the questions being asked is the fact that the participant is unaware of the miner's intentions. In some way, the miner is probably even getting off on the fact that the other person has no idea. The miner is mining for "gold". If you want someone else to participate in your fetish, answer questions regarding your fetish, or send you pictures/videos that feeds the needs of your fetish, you have to have the other person's consent. There's no way around it. Just because the questions are seemingly "innocent" because they could be asked from a non-sexual perspective, it doesn't make it any more ok when they are being asked for sexual reasons. That's why you should always let the person know why you're asking these questions, and make sure they're ok with answering them in the first place. It is also never ok to ask minors these questions. That should go without saying, but unfortunately there are some incredibly dense people out there who still don't get this.

3. Fetish miners are often deceitful and conniving

As I've established, a major point of fetish mining is making sure that the victim is unaware of the fact that they're being asked to participate in something the miner considers sexual. This is why many fetish miners go to great lengths to make the question or request as innocent-sounding as possible. For instance, girls have been asked to write a message or some sort of slogan on the soles of their feet and snap a picture "for charity". The victim might also be told that the miner is conducting a study of some sort, and needs this information for "scientific purposes" only. Or, the miner wants to "cast" the victim in a Netflix series and needs to know what types of scenes the victim would be ok with. All of these things are, of course, completely fake. The fact that the miners would come up with such convoluted lies just to get off, makes the whole thing even more sinister.

So, how can you avoid fetish miners?

Well, the bad news is that you kind of can't, unless you stay off the internet. If you're on any kind of social media and you allow strangers to send you messages, it's very likely that someone, at some point, will contact you in an attempt at fetish mining. So the best thing you can do is to protect your privacy. Don't allow strangers to message or follow you. If you don't want to make your social media accounts more private, then all you can do is think twice before answering someone's DM, email, message or question. Being cautious and always second-guessing the other person's intentions (especially if they're a stranger) is key. The most important thing to remember is that you don't have to answer. You're not obligated to engage in conversation with these people. In fact, it's probably best to not say anything at all, and just block them. With these people, you don't really know... they might even get off on you telling them to fuck off. So it's simply not worth it. And please, if you have any younger siblings or relatives who are on the internet, let them know about this. Tell them that they should never answer any personal questions asked by complete strangers, even if the question seems harmless.


I'm not here to kink-shame anyone. If you have a fetish for feet, armpits, necks, certain items of clothing or fabrics, or any of the other things I briefly mentioned in this take, then you do you. As long as you don't ask minors inappropriate questions or you actively try to have other people engage in your fetishes without them knowing/giving you their consent, I don't really care.

Special thanks to beckiicruel and her video on the topic that inspired this take. I've been aware of this phenomenon since I was a teen because I've been a victim of it myself, but I never knew it actually had a name.

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What Girls & Guys Said

27 84
  • Never heard about this in my country

  • Good take.

    How to avoid?
    If you don't know who wrote you a message, delete, delete, DELETE!

  • I think this sort of shit is fairly obvious so don't talk to people who ask those weird questions.

    • Well you're also 34, so of course it's a little more obvious to you. Beckii raised a good point in her video - a lot of these perverted questions are almost asked in a way that you'd ask a friend about it at a sleepover. A lot of these miners also pose as being young girls themselves, making it less obvious for young people to realize that they're actually probably talking to an adult.

    • So are you telling me for a 15 year old, the question "show me a pic of your feet" wouldn't be weird at all?

    • Cause I'm not buying that.

    • Show All
  • i Disagree with your premises, you may have issues

    • Feel free to elaborate on why being concerned about adults taking advantage of minors means that I have issues!

    • That's a strawman asker

    • You are assuming anyone with a fetish is trying to molest children. Your whole argument doesn’t make any sense and is kind of incoherent. You’re saying anyone who doesn’t agree with your sexual desires is somehow a bad person. I’m just here to knock you off your pedestal because you have no idea what you are talking about in this post lol

    • Show All
  • I may have encountered a man like this once online, he was in his 40s. It started with just normal talk and he asked me what kind of porn I liked, which I thought was kinda weird but I'm pretty open about almost everything, so I told him. I thought he was looking for suggestions on what to look at while he did his thing, I know it's weird, and I'm just pretty weird. And I kinda saw this coming, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt: he them told me that it was "kinda hot" so I just said "yeah", and he said "no, I mean you talking about that"... aaand then he sent me a picture of his dick and asked to see mine, so I asked him if he wanted to get circumcised, then he just never replied — strange man.

    • Oof. Gross. :(

  • 'If you're a girl in the interent (Or someone who has been mistaken for a girl)' I Love this site😂

    • ?,... jjgjdgh

    • Guys are never targeted by fetish mining. Nuh-uh no way, impossible.

  • Fake

    • . I hate attention seeing

    • Seeking

  • Yikes

  • Yeah it really is extremely disturbing.

  • What's funny to me is how naïve some of these folks can be. I personally am not, nor have ever BEEN, a victim of fetish mining. I'd say it happens almost exclusively to women, and rarely to men. Besides, most men would care if you wanted to exploit their bodies to feed your fetish, if you were female. That shouldn't be a surprise either.

    • * typo … most men would NOT care

  • It's up to the person. I am not a supporter but if people want to be mined, so be it.

  • This shit sounds made up just for this question. Do people really have that much free time?

  • Never heard of this before

  • The wonders of the world wide web.

  • Congratulations on finding something new to be a victim of.

    • It's not new, I've been on gag since I was 16 (that's nearly 10 years at this point) and I've gotten messages like that pretty much during my entire time on here. This as a phenomenon has probably been around for as long as the internet as we know it (with messaging, forums etc) has been around. And yeah, I'm not a huge fan of creepy men approaching minors. Shocking, I know. I hope I didn't trigger you.

    • @lumos So how is sexually approaching a 16 year old in any way creepy? You post a sexualised photo of yourself as your avatar, which means you are soliciting attention. Then someone responds (and I'd bet you a whole lot less than you advertise - you're out to be the poor little victim so you need a wolf for it). Was any of it ever illegal? Did you contact any authorities?

    • @soleil2666 "a whole lot less than you advertise" you have no idea what it's like to be a woman on the internet

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  • What's your definition of a little girl? There are different age of consents around the world. I feel like if you are above the age of consent, its up to the person how they handle it. They need to work it out, learn not to hand out personal information or simply ignore these people.

  • I never knew the official term for it but this is an absolutely great post! Sadly the internet has made this more easy for people to do. Below is an example:

    This happened to my sister in an AOL chatroom back when that was a thing lol. My parents found out and took her phone and the computer for an entire month until they were sure whatever perverted old man forgot about her (they also submitted that to the police). My parents (for 2 weeks) put a keylogger on her computer to see if she went back or tried to make contact again. She didn't. So they took it off and were much more careful letting us have internet access.

    • I'm glad your parents knew exactly what to do! So many people nowadays just let their kids do whatever they want online without ever checking up on them. They still have no clue what's going on online, and seem to have no interest in being up to date with all the new forms of social media and how their kid is potentially using these platforms. I get that it can feel exhausting and boring to know what tiktok is or wtf all these slime trends are about, but it can all look very harmless and nonsensical on the surface until you dive a little bit deeper into it. It's so important for parents to be more involved and make sure they know what their kid is doing online, and who they're talking to.

    • My parents were more progressive than what my sister and I gave them credit for, and they still are. I still find myself going to them for certain things!

  • Girls exploit fetish communities all the time so who cares

    • @mistixs those two words are by no means contradictory... wtf

    • @mistixs like in the way sugar babies exploit sugar daddies. Preying on a weakness that's by definition, exploitation. Most dudes with fetishes are insanely desperate. It's like an addiction and getting some is rare. by the way girls with fetishes are the same way, trust me, I'd know. So you have people exploiting the communities for money

    • The Merriam Webster definition of the word exploit in the context that we're using it in is "to make use of meanly or unfairly for one's own advantage" I'd say taking advantage of someone's desperation fits the bill

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  • I’ve never had that! I’ve been out with hundreds of guys too lol

  • So why would you give a shit if some stranger is wanking to pics of your feet?

    • I give a shit about strangers wanking to underage girls.

    • Well they'll do it to girls in advertising circulars so you'd best not worry yourself about it.

    • The problem is that it's not just wanking though, they're actually approaching these girls and trying to talk to them/get more information about them.

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