For the Ladies: Being at Peace with Porn

For the Ladies: Being at Peace with Porn

I used to be painfully insecure about my boyfriend(s) watching porn when I was a younger woman. I would just have a sobbing fit if I found out they were watching it behind my back or even popped an erection if they caught the sight of a sexy woman on TV (never mind porn)!

Over the years, and after much reading and actually opening up and talking about sex with my partners, the commonality of why each of the men watched porn was not about their lack of love or attraction to me, it was something very insignificant and impulsive at the time, not really much different than the urge for me to go cut a piece of chocolate cake and stuff it in my face while standing over the sink hoping not to be noticed.

Men watching porn has had them hiding out and not talking about it with us because we as women have created this false belief that they want them instead of us. We see a tight-body wearing Fredericks of Hollywood who have prettier genitals than we might have, and suddenly we don’t feel so great.

*Newsflash* Men do not love these women. They know these women are playing dress-up for a video and it’s meant to entice the visual stimulation men can respond to, in order to get a quick erection and release. It’s the actual act of sex they see that they are becoming aroused by, not the women they see as people. It’s an image, nothing more. They love the women they have relationships with, and guaranteed if given a choice, they will likely prefer real sex with you than a moment’s notice masturbation session.

This is mainly for women to understand, but I invite comments from both men and women to give their thoughts. But here is my guide for women on why you/they/we shouldn’t feel threatened by porn.

Auntie Ozanne’s Guide to Being at Peace with Porn

1. He doesn’t care what she looks like, she’s just an image that entices him for a moment, just like a red '67 Mustang Coupe that zips by on the street. When the guy fishes for porn, naturally he’ll look for something that visually stimulates him. If it’s a dark-haired girl he prefers over a blonde, fine. But what if you’re blonde?! Don’t worry. The actual look of the girl as a package is just like a kid looking for a Lego set. The colours will fit as he puts something together that’s pleasing to the eye only at that moment.

2. You are his type. You are the woman he loves, talks to, brags about, takes home to his parents, and maybe wants a future with. Not the girl in porn. That girl is likely not even a fantasy. She was a thing, for a moment that got him off. Men can even get off to Hentai, and that's just animation, so it further proves that men just want to watch sex, not wish they had the girl on screen. When you can eliminate the personification of what she is, you can understand that his porn-watching is more of a habit, but you are his actual life. She is a thing, but you are you: her -- a person.

3. He’s bored and you’re not there. You might even be on your period, or you’re just having a troll day and not in the mood. Men masturbate, and studies show that it’s more often than we care to know. It’s one thing for a man to lay in bed and just masturbate lost in thought, that could take a longer time, and he’d be mortified if you came home and found him that way. Instead, in a matter of minutes, porn can just get it over with. Us ladies are the ones who can masturbate to nothing and orgasm through fantasy. It’s a bit more difficult for men. Most men need to actually see something to make it happen and have it happen quickly. Masturbation is healthy and natural, and we as humans are not expected to just reserve our urge for sex with our partners. Masturbating is completely normal to do on our own even in a good relationship.

4. Men want to talk about sex, but only if the women they are with are cool about it. I have found many men are deeply private about admitting they watch porn and have climaxed to it. They don't even like analyzing the sex they have with us. But if the approach from us women is non-accusatory, talking about sex, masturbation, and porn -- it helped me understand that I am not failing as a girlfriend if he chooses to watch porn sometimes. Being open, having a laugh, and getting to the core issue of why a guy likes porn ends up reassuring both the guy and girl in the relationship that their intimacy is unmatched compared to whatever urge he had while watching porn. Just the fact he can talk about it, and know you won’t get upset brings him closer to you, and in some ways, makes his porn watching habit come to light for him about how it’s not as necessary as a go-to than sex with his own woman.

5. Men will almost always go nuts if you explore porn together. If you can’t lick’em join ‘em. If you are open to it, see what the fuss is, and watch where the attention actually turns to if you watch porn with your guy. If you are first-timers and put porn on together, the shyness will disappear fast if you find something agreeable to watch. If you become aroused by it, show him, you may just find he will be staring at you and not the porn. This is where I say the act of sex gets to him, more than who the girl is. But if 3D sex is to be enjoyed, he will inevitably prefer watching you please yourself to porn.

Porn, taken in light doses and meant to enhance pleasure in a relationship as a way to find simple relief is not a threat. It can be enjoyed by couples or during one’s alone time within a relationship.

When Porn is a Problem

If you are both not having sex anymore whatsoever because of porn addiction, it means it has become habit-forming and the intimacy between you is gone. Sex and masturbating is learned behaviour, and just like a teenager who quietly masturbates in their room afraid to be heard, their habits are hard to transfer out of when finding real intimacy with a girl. These things are learned from the beginning, and new habits of having sex and/or masturbating can take over. If masturbating to porn becomes a replacement, couples counselling might be able to give the couple tips on how to rejuvenate their intimacy together.

If porn is questionable. If your partner is viewing illegal porn, you need to have a conversation about this and get to the core of why this is appealing to them. This definitely requires communication together and likely with a therapist to understand the underlying problem of why taboo or illegal porn is preferred. It no longer that particular porn that is the only problem, but the reason behind why your partner is watching the type of porn that they are.

If porn is interactive. If your partner is spending real money on real women to perform a sex act live for him, or involves some chat, this can be considered cheating to many. Now we have a real woman included who was not supposed to even know your partner’s name, and now she does. When the porn affects your finances and becomes more than just viewing the act of a nameless, faceless woman but rather becomes a tool to knowingly communicate sexually with a woman, this too can be crossing the line. This is not the kind of porn I refer to in the myTake. Again, identifying that this is unacceptable and visiting a therapist can get to the root of the problem of why your partner feels the need to communicate with women now instead of just viewing sex.

Should you break up?

My first reaction is no. Communication first, find out if porn really is your problem or if it's some insecurity you have with porn that can be improved if you understand how insignificant porn really is to a guy. If you compare it to my chocolate cake comparison, find something in your life that might be equivalent to his porn-watching. Something in your life that is non-threatening to your feelings for your guy that is also something you hate admitting to. Only if porn has become harmful in your relationship by the way of an addiction that interrupts your lives for the worse, should you talk to your partner and consider your options for your future happiness. It doesn't always have to be as dramatic as we think, but men also need to be sensitive to how we might take it, and talk to us to give us reassurance too.

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What Girls & Guys Said

37 31
  • Good post, also it relieves the sexual frustration of hundreds of teenage/ young adult males, so overall it's a good thing

    • Benefits of masturbation, found here:

      •create a sense of well-being
      •enhance sex with partners, physically and emotionally
      •help people learn how they like to be touched and stimulated sexually
      •increase the ability to have orgasms
      •improve relationship and sexual satisfaction
      •improve sleep
      •increase self-esteem and improve body image
      •provide sexual pleasure for people without partners, including the elderly
      •provide sexual pleasure for people who choose to abstain from sexual activities with another person
      •provide treatment for sexual dysfunction
      •reduce stress
      •release sexual tension
      •relieve menstrual cramps and muscle tension
      •strengthen muscle tone in the pelvic and anal areas, reducing women’s chances of involuntary urine leakage and uterine prolapse
      - See more at: WCLQHe5E. dpuf

  • Great myTake! I don't watch porn, I have no desire to watch it. Yes, I'm a virgin, yet I don't feel threatened by porn. I think it's a natural thing, all men do it. And I agree with you communication is key in a relationship.

  • Yet I still feel insecure when he watches😔

    • Confidence comes from within. Men should complement your life, not compliment it

  • Men at the start of their 20s mostly get off jerking at fake tits. Truth of the matter is, we don't give a rat's ass about those women. I don't even care about porn anymore, it's so cheap, fake and boring, lately there has been little no quality scene made.

    So, dear ladies, ask yourself, would you and your man be together, even more so, would he really care about some skank on the liquid crystal display rather the woman he has grown with all this time.

    The problem is not us, but inside your own head. Unless you open your mouth and speak your mind, we can't help you. Finito.

  • Yes very good too bad a small portion of women would only be reading your mytake

    • Thanks Frog :)

    • Yep sugar mommy ;)

  • I can see it from both perspectives but I have never cared about it and I watch porn. Too. That's probably why.

    • What makes you want to watch porn, as a woman?

    • @KidInk4 I like variety

  • Ladies, you don't have to settle for a guy that watches porn! If he can't respect you enough to cut out that shit, then how can he respect you in other parts of your relationship. Porn will do nothing but harm your relationship and mess with his head, trust me, I know.

    • Shut up.

    • You know because, why?-- you had girlfriends who couldn't understand why watching porn (or even masturbating at all?) was actually not what they thought it was?

    • Excessive porn u mean

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  • This is one of the first takes I've read that isn't complete bullshit.

    • I'm the universal hater of MyTakes, and I concur

    • Thank you, gentlemen, I'm flattered. :) @TheSpartan @ThatBritishLad

    • No problem

  • well said i agree

  • Turn this around, If women behaved like these idiot guys did and watched porn and made there men feel insecure, they would not handle it. Women are the stronger sex so we deal with a lot of shit. We feel more pressure. At the same time we have a lot more options to choose when picking a man. Don't try change someone, just choose a guy you can respect.

  • I didn't really have a problem with porn (or pornographic images, I suppose) until it completely eradicated my sex life with my boyfriend. I'd try and get him in the mood almost daily (because I have a particularly high sex drive) and I was always turned down. But the moment I went to work, or went to sleep, I know he'd be looking at porn. He'd always deny it, but I knew he was.

    One day, he'd left in a rush for work and left his computer open with his "spank bank" folder wide open. Wasn't sure if I'd chalk it up to forgetfulness or negligence, but I did what every emotionally-wounded girl has at least thought about doing. I took a look. Amidst the thousands (yes, thousands) of pornographic images from 4chan or other various sites, were hundreds of sexy pictures of GIRLS WE KNOW IN PERSON taken right off of Facebook, recent pictures of his ex girlfriends (pictures taken at least two years after we started dating), and recent naked pictures (graphic genitalia included) of one of his female friends.

    I don't blame the porn industry for this happening, but I think the facilitation of the act (aka, turning to the internet to fill a need that can easily be filled by your willing girlfriend) is what sometimes drives men to become slaves to their impulses and seek sexual stimulation from pictures or videos and completely turn a blind eye to a sexual being that's right in front of them.

  • My boyfriend only likes one kind of porn. Asian anal gangbang. Its fine but he has always wanted to date and asain woman and wants nothing more than to be rubbed down (full body massage) by an asain woman andhas given me the impression that he may be somewhat obsessed. When we lay together he sometimes pulls on my eyes to make me look asain. Is he just doing this to make me feel jealous or should i be concerned since for a while, he was actually looking for an asain a few months back. I can tell you, he would not pass up a happy ending

  • My boyfriend found pornin my internet history and made me watch documentaries with him about how badly porn stars are treated and how fucked up the industry is. He used to watch porn too but it's just too horrific it needs to be changed and regulated to be safe just like any other job.

    both men and women suffer abuse on porn sets but it is most often women, They don't even treat them like human beings.

    • Wow, very interesting clip! Thank you for sharing. Will look in to this documentary, it looks like there is a lot that people should know.

    • Yeah most people don't know how dark the industry really is. BUT if you do your research you can find ethical porn like Kink. com, you will see in many videos they have condoms, an interview with the porn stars afterwards and they have a reputation for taking every precaution when it comes to safety. The reality is that most porn companies are brutally abusive and have no regard for their employees, it's all about money.

    • wow. this is interesting.

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  • A lot of men would rather have sex with some pornstars, than with their girlfriend, but yes, no guy is in love with the women on screen.

    • Then why have the girlfriend if they don't find her as attractive as other women? I'm asking because you chose to use the word "rather".

    • -because they can't sleep with those women in most cases, and if they can, sleeping with another women can ruin their relationship with their girlfriend, and their relationship with their girlfriend is worth more than a one night stand with a girl they are more sexually attracted to. Men aren't weirdly demisexual like most women, you are delusional if you think your boyfriend finds you the most attractive women on earth, of course there are normally other girls he would rather sleep with.

    • I know I'm not the most attractive woman on earth, but to him, I'm up there. There is no placement of who is "the most" for everyone. Obviously sleeping with another woman while *with* your girlfriend is going to be a problem, but why not find the most attractive woman you think you can be with. Sounds like settling to me.

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  • What about when women watch porn? Women don't get off to visuals right? They get off to thought and feelings. They have to have an emotional connection right? Well when women get off to porn, us guys don't have the comfort of knowing its "just an image to them" because its not. It has to be more right?

    • Totally different myTake. The hue and cry on GaG is mostly women who don't understand porn. If you'd like a myTake written on the women's perspective of why we like erotica, I'd have to consider writing one, but I'm not sure that enough guys are in need of reading it. Can you link any topics here that are overwhelming about men feeling insecure about their women reading/watching porn? Comparable to the women who feel insecure about their men watching porn? This was written for the women because of the numbers.

    • Well no, i doubt I'd find anything, because most guys aren't insecure like i am. And yes, i know why women like reading porn, because it is emotional. But i know some women watch porn too, and since women don't get off to visuals, but get off to someone they have an emotional connection to, wouldn't that mean that they would actually desire the person in the porn video?

    • LOL Wrong, we don't *not* get off to visuals. This is such a common misconception. We can read erotica and get off because it's not visual, it's in our mind because we're allowing the words to make us feel something. But we certainly watch porn and get off on the visual. I for one have no desire or emotional connection to any guy I've ever seen in porn. What does help is the words the guys uses or how he moans. Being aroused by audible sex can sometimes be much more appealing than what the guy even looks like at all. I've actually gone as far to Google: "awesome moaning from guy" and end up with a skinny wimpy hairy guy that typically women would tell you isn't hot, but his moaning would have got me off. I would have had no "emotional" tie to him. Don't even think I'd care to find him again on Google or even remember. Our emotional connection is usually with a partner who stimulates that lovey-feeling within us. If our boyfriends emotionally ignore us but still give us sex...

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  • LOL hard to imagine a more awkward relationship than a couple that watches porn together instead of having sex!

  • Be aware that while the girl (s) in a porn movie doesn’t matter, the content does. If 90% of his search history consists of bondage, he's likely a closet bdsm entusiast.

    • What about if just vanilla sex doesn't do it for him? When I watch porn, I watch pretty much anything (legal) just because after a while, the vanilla stuff is just stuff I would normally do anyway. I've seen some public-humiliation stuff that worked for me, but I would never in a thousands years ever try it myself, nor would want to witness it. Same thing with just lesbian porn. I don't have any desire to actually try anything with a woman. I just see stuff like that and think, "oh wow... different..." and then get aroused. I'm sure I'm not the only one that does this. Sure there could be guys searching BDSM and maybe want to try it, but it could be that it also gets him off? My husband watched/watches that on occasion, but when I bring it up to try, he gets spooked.

    • Straight women watching lesbians don't count as unlike vanilla it's explicitly focused on women's pleasure surely you like seeing a woman getting satisfied instead of just moaning in an awkward position. I also want to point the theory that fantasy is often enough. Rape is a popular fantasy too but most sane people only want a partner to be decisive or if kinky pretend to rape.

    • Are people who jerk off to child porn not pedophiles (which is by definition sexual attraction to women)? if you jerk off to two women having sex, you aren't straight, it is an indiscriminate nature towards arousal that makes your sexuality fluid, and fluid sexuality can't be possessed by someone who is 100% heterosexual. Women being aroused to what is being done to he women still means they are bisexual, it's literally the same patterns of arousal straight men have. @Asker

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  • I agree with everything except for when the girl in porn has "prettier genitals" than me... Maybe I'm just really proud of my pussy but the girls in porn DO NOT have nicer genitals than me!

    • :D That's good. I think a lot of women do compare themselves to the girls in porn. I for one know I have better hair and a better face, hands down. LOL

    • Proof or ain't true Otherwise, it's conceited

  • I don't like watching porn because I'd rather do the real thing.

  • It's actually bad for your brain, look into it, not the actual porn the negative effects of it.

    • Proof or it ain't true

    • It is true, it's proven to have negative effects on your brain and then after man uses it could thenn mean you need that visual aspect and yeah... can you just look it up or something. this is still anonymous right?

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