For The Ladies, Reasons Why You Might Want To Avoid Men Who Shame MGTOW

For The Ladies, Reasons Why You Might Want To Avoid Men Who Shame MGTOW

Obviously, by now nobody needs a degree in rocket science to figure out that women’s approval is the last thing we MGTOW men care about in life, therefore despite the fact, this mytake aims at women do not mean I’m writing this in favor of women. however, if you are a woman and this is how you interpret it then be my guess as I really can’t change your views but to be honest the real reason why I write this is to lift the skirt upon those men who shame MGTOW because I do believe that they deserve to be humiliated once in a while.

Anyways here are the reasons why it isn’t a good idea to praise men who shame MGTOW.

Men who shame MGTOW are the true pussy beggars in society

For The Ladies, Reasons Why You Might Want To Avoid Men Who Shame MGTOW

This is the root to it all!

Obviously, both feminists and nonfeminists women hold an intense grudge towards the MGTOW lifestyle for the fact that we come off as misogynists to the masses and for causing a lot of systematic fears such as going against

· Dating

· Relationships

· Marriage

· Monogamy

· Starting a family

And many other bullshit that revolves around gynocentrism. However, many white knights who are obviously unsuccessful with women believe that shaming MGTOW is going to facilitate their chances at getting pussy. They think women are going to praise them in their nonsense and you’ll be surprised how many of these folks have made fools of themselves in the long run. Hell, I even encounter a few of these folks here in this site but I’m not going to say any names. So the bottom line is ladies if not to defend MGTOW or anything but if you really want to date a nice, strong and most of all smart man then I suggest you stay away from these folks that shame MGTOW. The odds are that these guys just want pussy and they really believe that they can seduce you all by shaming us.

Men who shame MGTOW have no directions in life

For The Ladies, Reasons Why You Might Want To Avoid Men Who Shame MGTOW

Those who shame it obviously don’t understand it!

Again, MGTOW men obviously come off as raging misogynists and I’m not gonna denied that most us are. However, MGTOW itself is not about hating women, unlike feminism MGTOW is not about

· Teaching men to oppress women

· Advocating violence towards females

· Taking advantage of the system and use it against the opposite gender

· Live off and exploit the opposite gender

· Start a family to gain selfish entitlement

MGTOW itself it's simply about teaching men how to live a peaceful life and enjoy themselves without living up to women’s expectations because as human being we deserve to get this large burden of ignorance off us. So if any man is dumb enough to go against this then he’s obviously an ignorant loser who doesn’t see any shades of grey in his live. If you ask me I don’t think these are the men to date or even get into a relationship with because their ignorance, lust for approval and mediocre agendas will not make them fit to take on a life where keeping a relationship stable, starting a family and pointing that family to the right direction.

Men who shame MGTOW are the true insecure white knights

For The Ladies, Reasons Why You Might Want To Avoid Men Who Shame MGTOW

Shaming others does not make you a better person and it does not give you any sort of supremacy in your gender!

If you have the need to shame others to make yourself feel better about yourself then you obviously have

· Insecurities

· Self-esteem issues

· Inferior complexity

· Overly inflated ego

And many other things that make you a very negative person by heart and if you shame people who don’t shame you or anyone else then this makes you far more worst of a human being. So, if you are a man and you are against MGTOW then you have all your reason to do so. However, if you want to shame us then this obviously means that once again you are insecure and the need to shame us says a lot about you. this isn’t going to get you anywhere and it further proofs you are not dating material, most women will pick on this sooner or later anyways.


So, there you have it folks, if you are a woman and you are reading this then I hope that by now you took this as a future heads up. Yes, you might hate us with all your heart but just remember that most men who try to go against us aren’t any better than us, you never know what true intentions are. Take it for me because I obviously learned the hard way not to trust women who go against feminism hoping that their actions are going to make them appear more appealing to other men around them. for the men reading I also you learn a lesson that going against us isn’t going to make you any more successful with women. to my fellow MGTOW folks who read this, I really hope you found some humor in this and hopefully from here on now we can laugh our asses off whenever we come across fools who think that shaming us is going to get them ahead in life.

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  • Ugh... okay. Enough gender politics. I shame mgtow cause it's too much like feminism. I am NOT popular with women when I slam third wave feminism but it must be done. I do it more often than I slam mgtow. Feminists espousing that male victims of sexual assault have nothing to do with a 'culture' of sexual assault (in the way that sexist jokes do) is putrid and common thought in academia.

    MGTOW is inverted feminism and I just do not like characterizing one gender as an oppressor of another. It is not good for relationships.

    • if you think mgtow is to feminism what the Bloods are to the Cripts then you obviously don't understand what its about and you just made an example of yourself on this one. seriously when have mgtow have "espouse" anything about sexual assault and all the other gender conundrum that been plaguing our society lately?

    • In the 1970s, feminist women wanted to isolate themselves from men. It seems like MGTOW has similar aims

    • yea, they wanted to separate themselves from men just to leech off them later on while trying to convince the justice system and society that they were the true victims. mgtow in the other hand does not work this way. we know we are slaves to the system thanks to women and we separate from them by staying away from them and focus on our own. not by trying to win the approval of society and munch off women

  • In my opinion, feminism and MGTOW are both stupid. The rest of us normal people will interact and have relationships with the opposite gender as nature intended.

    • Nope there is no anthropomorphic being called "nature". That's naturalism. There is God, and to the degree we fail to do it as He intented it, there will always be feminists, mgtows, and clash of the genders. I wouldn't call us normal we could just have an oxytocin addiction.

    • @levantine99 I think you've misinterpreted what i wrote. I do believe in God as well and yes it is His will that man and woman be joined in matrimony. What I said about nature is that, it's natural for men and women to want to be together.

    • not very much. cause it implies something pretty certain. this "nature" girl, is faceless so it doesn't demand anything from us. so in your frame/context all forms of mating between genders are justified. in God's frame there are very specific rules that must be followed for the relationship to be truly blessed.

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  • What is MGTOW?

  • Shut the hell up. You sound dumb. Men suppose to marry and built a family together with a woman. You MGTOW guys are clueless idiots.

    • says the super dumb idiot who believes the only purpose men have in life is to put pussy on pedestals and start families to consume us to the grave later.

    • Um.. if men didn't do just that, there wouldn't be 7 billion people on earth right now.

    • @BrittBratt2416: This guy is a fool. The whole purpose of life from the begining was to get married and built a family and worship God as a family.

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  • My life my rules.
    I am a MGTOW.
    My life is none of your business.

  • Interesting myTake

  • MGTOW are a bunch of loosers accompanied with women haters. Your the f... idiots. Us guys your talking about are doing just fine in those so mentioned depts. I don't have any problem with my social , intimate or finacial life. And most of us dont... dont be bashing us other guys that have our shit together , while you retarded's still are rebellious to women in general. FY... MGTOW

    • thank you, your overly emotional and overly passive-aggressive speech has been well received! "Us guys your talking about are doing just fine in those so mentioned depts. I don't have any problem with my social , intimate or finacial life. And most of us dont... dont be bashing us other guys that have our shit together , while you retarded's still are rebellious to women in general" lmao if this was all true then I don't think you would of found my mytake as offensive as you did

    • Your my take trys to glorify and rectify why men such as yourselfs can't seem to funtion as a man should for reasons a man is born in the first place. Shame , is your biggest hurdle you just can't seem to get over the top of. So shame is your name of your game , but not us other guys who have what it takes to exist

    • "glorify and rectify" isn't this what you're doing right now as well?

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  • I have nothing against MGTOW but I'm curious about one thing... How do you guys get sex? One night stands? hookers?

    • I can't speak for all the fellow mgtow out there but I myself use hookers and many other sex workers as I believe that is the only safe and effective way to get sex without regretting it later. the majority from what I've just don't even worried about it or make it a priority. but very few actually are willing to take the risk and have one night stands

    • Thanks for your input

  • MGTOW is not the answer, for me.
    None the less I am not going to shame men who through their own life experiences think that this is a good option.
    I think that in some regard guy's who aren't the true face of the organization: ie: woman haters... are shown to be what the movement is about. Ironically it is the same for feminism... except feminism is more socially accepted. LOL.
    In any case good take.

    • yeap that's because the govt created feminism to strip women away from being good mothers and wives and force them to work. thus tricking them into believing them that it was all men's fault in the process

    • No, I disagree with that statement completely.

    • you got any better theory about where feminism came from?

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  • No one is "shaming" MGTOW, I'm just saying it's for losers. Which it is.

    • Devils advocate: In fact you are flaming yourself if you need to belittle others to feel better. So you take validation and self worth by mating with us? Are you hooked up so much to our oxytocin producing patterns to feel the need to belittle your fellow men that desire to carve their own path? I see fat basement single feminists as bitter as well but i won't call them loser. I don't know their backstory.

    • @levantine99 That would be true if I was trying to make myself feel better, but I feel fine and I'm just calling it what it is. I carve my own path too but I don't feel the need to join a movement to do it. Regarding oxytocin, I will have to look that up.

    • nah, you are compensating. the only losers in life are those that need to find loserness in others. and please do research it, your thinking will vastly change in some ways.

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  • Interesting myTake