I have read statics that fewer than 25% of women ever have an orgasm from intercourse and that both fingering and oral can improve their odds of finishing. Oral requires time and an intimate setting but fingering can be done more casually. Some guys, especially those new to or inexperienced in fingering substitute finger(s) for the action of a penis...simple thrusting, and don't take full advantage of what a hand can do, which is to simultaneously reach all three pleasure points.
Clean hands, clipped nails and adequate lube are assumed. Insert your index and middle finger into her vagina, bent into a "C". They will pass in more easily if they are stacked, rather than side by side. Once inside, spread them side by side laying them behind her pubic bone as shown in the illustration. That's her G-spot. Your thumb will be pointing up and will be resting on her clitoris. Your ring finger will fall near her anus. Ease it in to the first knuckle. You are now ready for action.
No need to be rough or aggressive. She will be getting so much sensation that short, soft strokes are all she needs. Just repeatedly draw your fingers together a little and then press them back in again. This will massage her clitoris vertically, stroke her G-spot and re-penetrate her anus with each stroke. You can add side to side motions at her clitoris and G-spot. When she starts to buck and breathe erratically, you can add pressure and speed but don't lengthen your stroke. If she takes your wrist and guides you, do what she wants and don't overrule her.
When she comes (she almost certainly will), be even more alert to what she wants. Some girls will want you hand "outa there" so they can press their legs tightly together while they come. Others will want you to keep going. If they do, you will feel her orgasm as both vagina and anus clench your fingers. by the way. Doing this may give a girl a "need to pee" feeling. It will probably be a "false reading". Tell her not to pinch this back because it will retard her orgasm. Even if it isn't, any guy worth his testicles won't mind that sudden warm feeling in the palm of his hand.
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