Girls, How long does your orgasm last?

A male orgasm ranged about 5-10 seconds. How long are you're orgasms, I tried googling it but there is so much bullshit everywhere I can't find anything accurate.
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Most Helpful Guy

  • I was being serious that the average for women is close to 18 seconds and it can go even longer than that into 20-25 secs you can look it up
    By the way why would I care about how pornstars come it's all fake anyway...

    • Yeah I have looked it up, it seems like all the 20sec stuff is bullshit.. thats why i came here to get a real opinion. I've found articles saying men have 22 second orgasms and women 18seconds. others saying 2-5 seconds for the male and 5-8 seconds for the female. It's all unfiltered shit that has no scientific backing I have found. So i'm here to get real opinions. From my searches so far a womens is between 2-10 seconds and a male is 5-10 seconds

    • Don't look at the random internet opinions... look up something that was part of a scientific research... it's what I did.

    • There isn't any that a scientifically backed though, I mean I've found articles on scientific websites but they are written by users not published by real researchers. It seems 5-10 seconds is the norm. answers. yahoo. com/question/index? qid=20081129072725AApWiNc

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Most Helpful Girl

  • not too long, it's less than 10 seconds but at that very moment it's the best feeling in the world lol. multiples can happen too, but they last just as long aha

    • yeah but only a small percentage can achieve them and of the the ones that can achieve it most have an orgasm with only 1-3 contractions which doesn't really count lol

    • Thats not true, those contractions are still an orgasm and count. I have had intense orgasms that included only a few contractions. They absolutely counted.

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What Girls & Guys Said

5 0
  • Mine last about 3-5 seconds.

  • Probably about the same as guys, like 5-10 seconds

    • What about multiple orgasm's have you ever experienced it?

    • For women it's closer to 20-25 seconds... but you're right that is the average for guys :)

    • No its not zorro stop watching p*rn

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  • Like 10 seconds.

  • Depends how warmed up I am, but anywhere from 10-40 seconds. First one is nearly always the longest

    • My girlfriend says your lying. I have to agree.

    • I timed myself 2 nights ago after posting this.. 47sec first time round. It's okay to be jealous, I know I would be!

    • Lol nice troll my girl don't believe you for a second. 13 seconds tops she says

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  • just 3 seconds