The amount of cum can change with diet, how often you ejaculate, and muscular development of the penis.
It doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the size of the penis.
It is sexy depending on the amount and where it ends up.
It isn't so great if you are giving oral and choose to swallow.3 3 0 0Damn! Give this chick the MH for that link!
incredible u didn't get MHO :(
:) it's alright.
Yes it's hot. And I think it has to so more with the balls than the penis.
6 6 0 0
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10 1It's not un-hot? :o)
0 1 0 0Very. Knowing that I helped him ejaculate like that is a big turn on. As far as I know semen amount and penis size don't correlate.
2 1 0 0Usually I have found black guys with thick cocks not necessarily long give really big and beautiful cumshots.
1 1 0 0Yes and cumshots don't seem to correspond with how big a cock is.
0 2 0 0Bueller
Don’t think size makes a difference but I find it hot.
0 0 0 0
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