Girls, Should We Just Give Up On Sex?

As in intercourse. There are statistics for women having trouble with orgasming from it, and lots of women say they love foreplay more anyway since it gives the best orgasms.

I've been really thinking about this. For me, I think I could at least try to have a foreplay-only sex life. I want to see what it feels like to be intimate without intercourse.

Girls, Should We Just Give Up On Sex?

I know people might reply and say that I won't find a boyfriend, but I like really getting to know him before sex anyway. Otherwise if we disagree on any big things, I won't know until we talk a lot. I feel like if we hit it off then he'll want me. Or he may love my idea, you never know.

And I still know this is sexual activity. So before anyone says anything: Yes, I know we're still partners and we are basically having sex. This isn't to get my partner count down. I'm serious.

I like looking at the pros and cons, and to me it's like: Oral can get me and him off and feels amazing. Fingers can be wider than a dick and can honestly last as long as I want them to. What reason is there to have sex?

Our intimacy can be from our relationship...I feel like you can have deep intimacy without sex.

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What Girls & Guys Said

19 43
  • i totally agree to that quote

  • Given that I usually give girls orgasms during sex, I could say you're having sex with the wrong guy, however given the required mental state for a girl to orgasm it has to do with where your head is at, as well as the guy. So I don't think giving up on sex is the solution since it doesn't address the issue that is preventing you from enjoying sex more than foreplay.

  • What if the guy wants sex? Foreplay may lead to blue balls haha

  • One thing I agree with you, is dating for awhile without sex. And see if there is a mental connection. If you start off with sex right away, or early, then you'll fall for the sex part, and maybe not have a good mental connection. So many people are like wow the sex is amazing, then they get married, have less sex and realise they have no connection if there is no sex.

  • you could have deep intimacy without sex but sex is so damn good

  • good post

  • Mine!

    • I'm actually searching for a girl who only wants the foreplay things in bed.

  • Might as well become lesbian.

  • Will you date me? I'm perfectly fine if all you do is suck my dick. We don't need to have intercourse.

  • Surely men will never recognize how sometimes sex is not so great on a woman's body...
    But still, if we don't think about yeast infections and uti, etc. for most of us it's not that bad, it can be fun and we like to please our boyfriends...

  • The stats for women not orgasming are for JUST penetration alone. Penetration with clitoral stimulation at the same time can be amazing and quite orgasmic for most women.

    Find a guy who understands how important your hot spot is!

  • I've met guys who would probably be okay with this for the most part actually. Too each their own.

    • I personally hate receiving oral and have no problem getting there during sex as long as I am able to be on top.

  • I think your man will be fine with that. I would be fine not having traditional sex if I'm getting a blowjob instead. :-P

  • There's always sex toys or even sex dolls.

  • Well seems like this feminine society really messed up both genders especially men. Everyone hates each other

  • Its up to the guy your dating if he will accept that. I was with a girl that wasn't willing to please me sexually but her younger sister was.
    My wife never had an orgasm in her life despite my best efforts but when she had the contraceptive implant to get pregnant she was cumming every time including penetrative sex and squirting, after a year she was fertile enough and became pregnant and was orgasming multiple times, 8 weeks later we were back having sex and she had no problem cumming, we got pregnant again by accident three months after the birth she had the implant put back In and the orgasms stopped, that was two years ago.

  • Women have far lower sex drives than men , this is a combo of biology & sex negative social conditioning. The best solution is to develop a libido killer for men that does not have negative side effects & does not affect the male drive to get things done , most women value other women far above men anyway & no " pervy rapey , disgusting " men bothering women anymore , women meet each others social & emotional needs anyway , men are irrelevant to women nowadays , unless he is of some use to her.

    Bottom line is that the genders are totally poles apart & incompatible in most respects , we want the opposite of the other..." Girls, Should We Just Give Up On Sex? " ... a large & growing percentage of women already have & don't miss sex or men one tiny bit !!

  • I think more men would be okay with this than women, actually.

    If you look at studies here and elsewhere, most women prefer intercourse to receiving foreplay. By a wide margin. Most women find it difficult to orgasm from intercourse without clitoral stimulation, but find orgasms during intercourse (with clit stim) more satisfying than other orgasms. Most. Not all.

    If you like receiving foreplay best, find a guy who also enjoys heavy foreplay. That's not so unusual.

    If you want to have -no- intercourse though, that seems more like a hangup or fetish, or expressing some kind of misplaced resentment. If your partner likes to sometimes have sex... unless it's uncomfortable, is there a reason you'd only be willing to use your mouth and hands, not your vagina, on his penis? If there's a reason, I suspect a significant minority of men anyway would be happy with an all oral sex life. If there's no reason, it seems like you're intentionally trying to make his sex life worse if you -never- want to do it.

    • I would explain to him asap that I want oral and hands only so he wouldn't have to assume anything... it's not an issue to me, it's just that sex is overrated honestly. I like not having a pregnancy risk also. I think lots of guys would love having to do less work in bed too. If he asked me to sometimes do it even when I told him from the beginning I didn't like it, then... we either wouldn't be compatible and he wasn't honest with me, or he may have a hangup that I had sex with other guys but not him... I know some guys can think that way. But in this relationship I'm not getting intercourse either, even though he had sex with other girls.

    • It might be sweet to have sex sometimes for really romantic moments though. I'd think that'd be so cute.

    • See there's something a little odd about thinking of intercourse as something 'neither of you are getting'. There's nothing especially odd about intercourse being a lower priority than oral/manual stuff. There's nothing especially odd about rarely if ever having intercourse because it's a lower priority AND there's a pregnancy risk. But it seems like there's more, like you sort of feel like intercourse is disappointing and he shouldn't get it since you don't get it (even though you don't want it). I don't know. But then you say for really romantic moments, so I don't know. Anyway, i'm sort of speculating, since... I like bj, but i'd really not enjoy them being the main thing in my sex life. I really dislike 'not doing the work'. I much prefer being active, most of the time. Like I said, there's a big difference between 'sex never' and 'sex infrequently'

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  • No sex no cunnilingus

  • nice take

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