I think its time you accepted the fact that far more women are LGBTQ+ than men.
As we can see here
Over 60% of women that identified as straight were sexually aroused by other women.
Women are more sexually fluid than men.
in regards to same sex action
over 20.8% of women and 7.3% of men have done it
Meaning nearly 3 times more women have had sex with the same gender than men.
In regards to same sex attraction
76.8% of women and 90.6% of men are attracted to only the opposite, meaning that FAR more women have same sex attractions
In this we see that 91.7% of women (89.6% in the last one I gave), 95.1% of men are heterosexual.
Girls, Yes, more women are LGBTQ
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What Girls Said
(1)Sure but you’re forgetting it’s generally a lot more accepted for a woman to be part of the LGBTQ community then men.. meaning more women are likely to admit they are part of it whereas guys tend to either stay in that closet longer or even lie about it. Unfortunately