Give Up on Trying to Get Sex

Guys, Give Up on Trying to Get Sex

Give Up on Trying to Get Sex
I know, this sounds ridiculous. I also know a lot of guys will be angry at me for this.

Now, this isn't about sex with your girlfriend or wife. Sex with a consenting partner is completely fine - hell, it's more than fine... it's encouraged!

This is about guys trying to get casual sex from taken girls or girls who are unwilling to have casual sex. This isn't entirely about sex either, it's also about asking for nude photos or photos of specific body parts (i.e. the infamous boob and booty pics). While asking for photos doesn't include sexual intercourse, it is still a sexual activity, and a tacky one at that.

Why would a guy give up on that? Well, plenty of girls report that they have their inboxes filled with nothing but random strangers asking them to show pictures of their boobs, or randomly sending pictures of their penises in hopes that the girl will get horny and initiate in a sexual conversation with you.

Guess what, guys? It doesn't work like that.

Your Behavior Isn't Sexy, It's Annoying

Give Up on Trying to Get Sex

How many times have you sent a message asking for those things and how many times has it worked? While it does work sometimes, most of the time it won't. If you have been rejected by girls while doing this, just stop.

Bottom Line: You can't go around harassing people who are potentially unwilling to initiate in sexual activities in hopes of finding someone who is.

Don't Be a Pervert

Give Up on Trying to Get Sex

There is harm in acting this way. It makes girls view an otherwise nice guy as "obnoxious," and makes them fear guys like you. If you're a guy like me who doesn't act this way, guys who do act this way give us a very bad reputation, and makes us feel ashamed of our gender.

Smart guys don't act this way, and they don't surround themselves with people who do. There's nothing cool, sexy, or smart about objectifying women or yourself.

Bottom Line: Nobody likes a pervert. Don't be one.

The true dictionary definition of pervert is this "a person whose sexual behavior is regarded as abnormal and unacceptable"

If you are a sexual being and enjoy having sex, that does not make you a pervert. Perverts are inappropriate and unacceptable. Perverts have a knack for taking normal daily life conversations and turning them into something sexual. I'll say this, a lot of people tend to use this word wrongly.

If you think sexual thoughts inside but do not initiate any action involving those thoughts, then you are absolutely fine! It is human and both genders do this. Asking a random girl for sex is like asking an animal for their fur. I'm sure most of you know this already, but girls do not like being seen as a sex object or a piece of meat.

Don't Put Women On a Pedestal

Give Up on Trying to Get Sex

The reason many guys still continue doing this is because of how they were raised. Plenty of guys complain about how the bad guys get the girls, but in reality you don't have to be a bad guy, or a good guy. Dont' be a kiss-ass, just be normal/neutral towards women.

Don't be too nice where you are basically showering her with sugar, but don't be a demon either. Stand in your own shoes and don't let her control you.

We Aren't All the Same

Give Up on Trying to Get Sex

If we were less obnoxious towards girls, maybe we would be more desirable and less threatening. It wouldn't be so bad if girls didn't judge all of us guys grouped together. Unfortunately, that's what I have to face all the time on this website, and whenever you tell anyone that not all guys are the same or I'm not like that, nobody believes us. Girls, who are especially less open minded and more bitter towards guys will say something like "Yes you are, all guys are like that! You're a liar!"

To make matters worse, guys who actually DO these obnoxious things will add the fuel to the fire by saying "So what? It's a guy thing. All men were formed this way."

Own Your Actions

Give Up on Trying to Get Sex

I refuse to resonate with these types of men. I don't want to talk to girls with the fear that they may be scared of me or my intentions. I refuse to be a part of the same group as these men.

I hope that there are guys out there who think the same way I do. I cannot control anyone, only you can control yourselves. If you stop being so needy, you will become more likable.

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Most Helpful Guy

  • Whew... you almost lost me halfway through that perv paragraph, then i saw "Don't put women on a pedestal" regained my faith and I followed through. Sometimes i feel sorry for women because of all the idiotic guys out there who just look at women like mobile sex dolls (objects) but sometimes I don't because a lot of them like being objectified, some even force it, so i don't blame those guys for reacting that way.
    The keyword I liked here was "smart". The smart guys don't act like that, and the smart women don't put themselves in that position either. All in all a good article. Puts a lot of issues out there, now the only thing I can hope for is that some of these dumb pathetic perverted guys actually read this.

Most Helpful Girl

  • This is a fab article and I'm so glad you wrote it. It's exactly everything I think when I get messages. Guys don't think as well that some girls they message have boyfriends and if their boyfriend found a dick pic in their messages, it could cause serious problems! Girls aren't needy for sex, yet they get it whenever they want. Guys are usually needy but don't get it because they put us on a pedestal and all they think about is getting laid. A lot of guys need to change up their act! I can't praise this enough!

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9 9
  • I really enjoyed this article! Thanks for posting. :-)

  • It will help people especially guys to improve their personality.

  • The only way to discourage guys from trying to get sexual interaction inappropriately is to redirect them to more appropriate and successful methods.

  • Dude, you make a point that most guys are just going to miss. That's also why they keep missing with women when they try or, if they don't, why they face a lot of female drama.

    • I'm glad we're on the same boat :D

  • To me, "putting women on a pedestal" would include behaviors like publicly posting groveling, pussy worship articles on the internet, begging all the wimminz to realize that you're better than all the bad mans, denigrating your own sexuality, and inflating the importance of women's feelings above all else in the universe. Apparently you mean something different by it than I do. Could you please explain what it is more precisely?

    • You missed the point completely. He's not doing any "pussy worship" as you call it. He's saying by all means, have casual sex with women, but he's implying there's a better way to do it than ask for "ey bby gimmeh sum bootay"

    • @Freakingthefout That's an interesting interpretation, in that there is absolutely no support for it anywhere in what he wrote.

    • Well the title of "give up on trying to get sex" is pretty pretty stupid I do have to agree. But the article seems to read in a different direction

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  • all guys in this world are the same I see you are trying to deffend something but in the end of the day you all are = looking for the same thing from girls and using the same ways.

    • We may be "the same" in your circle but in my circle of friends, women are to be respected and honored. Appreciated for what they do and who they are. The same goes for men. Women are generally intellectually stimulating and good for advice and someone to talk to. I for one do not think that most men are needing this article, rather the minority that feels that women are adornments, "pieces of ass".

    • I'm sorry, but I believe you are wrong. You said that I am "using the same ways" as the other men. So are you telling me, a person you have never met that I send annoying messages to women asking for their naked photos? I grew up the hard way. Not everybody does, and I know what true respect is by knowing true pain.

    • @kingfish I'm thinking that there's at least 50% or more men rather than the minority, sadly. However, many 13 year olds do this and grow up to be fine men later on in lives. Which narrows that behaviour down as people mature. I think it's all about the intelligence and understanding of a man. I guess that most men think that the alpha male is "strong and stupid"

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  • Everything you said was true!!!

  • Pervs gonna perv though. Regardless.

  • Lol good read

  • Good points :)

  • excellent. i am so glad to know that i am a sexual being, not a pervert.

  • Some of the points here are good. But this is for good girls. Because for every guy out there trYing to get laid, this is a woman look I no for the same. So this whole thing is article is bias. How about stick to people with the same morals as you and you won't have this problem.

  • I just don't give a shit about other people's feelings, I'm not a Damn therpist. I'll straight up admit I'm a pervert. I make a pervert/deviant divide, a deviant is someone who does illegal shit, which I don't and so I'll be fine. So as long as I feel Ok about myself I'm cool.

  • I totally get that you feel the need to defend women.. But on a post regarding nude photos?

    That's an issue woman can deal with on their own.

    I could totally understand a post on psychopath rapists who jump girls at night on their way home... That is an issue to prevent and spotlight.

    But not sexualizing a convo, how do you think we guys get laid? Keeping it platonic is for platonic relationships...

    • Nude photos get you laid.

    • Don*t

    • Can you explain to me why guys need nude photos? Is this just a girls problem?

    • Show All
  • but in reality you don't have to be a bad guy, or a good guy. Dont' be a kiss-ass, just be normal/neutral towards women.

    Don't be too nice where you are basically showering her with sugar, but don't be a demon either. Stand in your own shoes and don't let her control you.

    Get this in your heads, hearts and penises, guys.

    • I'm more inclined towards romanticism and story telling i guess, but i don't think these are things to teach "do this... Don't do that" I think you should be yourself, and hopefully love will smile on you with a partner, a kindred soul