Got some hot Crush on anyone from G@G?

Fuck or pass, sexy or cute girl/guy on here? Tag them to see you complimenting them
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Superb Opinion

  • I rather liked Jadey_Chen. She's gone and may have been a catfish anyway.


    There's another, but I can't tell you who and wouldn't accept an invite anyway.

    • She got blocked?

Most Helpful Guy

  • HartleyB is so sexy and hot. I would love to an opportunity to make love to her and please her orally till she screams in pleasure. Oh, how l wish she knew how much I would want her.

    The other lady, I would love an opportunity to make love to is brainsbeforebeauty. She is also super hot and experienced. I would love a opportunity to learn the trick to make love special to all woman.

    Oh, how l would love a love making session with both of these fine ladies.

Most Helpful Girls

  • Nope lol. There are some people I consider attractive but I don't crush on people I don't know in person

  • Anyone with an anime picture of a character I love can get ittttt 💁🏽‍♀️

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What Girls & Guys Said

5 16
  • Yipes no lol... I'm new here.

  • Not quite crushes but I've had some interesting PM interactions with a couple girls here, just gonna leave it at that, I'm not putting any of them on blast.

  • I don't think anyone uses their real pic of themselves so no. I haven't seen anyone attractive.

  • @OlderThanILook

  • There's a few, but I doubt they would be open to me tagging them saying I want to bang them. That just feels wrong.