Guys Boasting About Nailing a Lot of Women: Nobody's Impressed

I read this Garfield cartoon once.

Jon says, "I like women who are impressed with my intellect."

A pause and Garfield replies, "So you're saying you like really stupid women."

Guys Boasting About Nailing a Lot of Women: Nobody's Impressed

Here's the thing: Every time I come across a guy bragging about how many women he's bagged and how easy it is to score, I just roll my eyes and turn away. It's not that I don't believe him. It's not that I assume he's masking serious insecurity issues with a facade of typical male bravado. It's just that I'm not impressed because I know that every woman he's been with, despite any of his claims to the contrary, pretty much fall into the same category...which is to say, dumb and easily manipulated.

Yep, there are plenty of women like that in the world. Problem is, guys who have success with the dimwitted chicks who leap into bed with them because he has a fancy car or he wins an arm-wrestling competition, they think all women are this way. They're purposely ignoring the fact that they're restricting themselves to the one type of woman that's always going to let him have his way. Their egos are so horrifically fragile that if they got shot down - which is basically guaranteed to happen if they approach a woman of quality - they just won't be able to handle it. So they stick to the skanks and get lots of skank tail, and then brag about it.

Guys Boasting About Nailing a Lot of Women: Nobody's Impressed

You're embarrassing yourselves, guys. You really are. You're in the gym, spouting off online about how "alpha males rule," making fun of men who say anything about having difficulty with women, etc. When in fact, you're doing nothing that requires any real effort. You're scoring, sure, but the girls in question are easy. It's a metaphor for the way you want life to be, isn't it? Easy. You don't want to have to actually work for something so you settle for the scraps. And of course, because easy, lame-brain women probably don't care about committed relationships, they fit nicely into your life.

Hey, if that's what you want, cool by me. If you're happy with that lifestyle and you honestly believe you're not hurting anyone, more power to ya. But don't go around boasting about your "skills" when in point of fact, you have none. A half-conscious gorilla could seduce the women you end up nailing so why exactly should I be impressed? And going around saying all women are like this is not only immensely insulting to women, it also proves how little you know about the opposite sex, and just how deeply you're mired in a sea of denial. It's sad, really.

Guys Boasting About Nailing a Lot of Women: Nobody's Impressed

This is just a friendly PSA for all the posers out there who think a higher number of notches on a bedpost signifies "skill" with the women. All those marks were left by basically the same chick, my pitiful friend. Good for you. Now clamp your teeth shut and stop embarrassing your male brethren who have a brain and a set of standards.

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Most Helpful Guy

  • Sorry but deep down people ARE impressed. They might dislike the guy for being a player, but he is clearly very skilled to do whatever he is doing. I'll give you an example. A ton of girls send me nudes on snapchat because they get wet from seeing me shirtless. I told this girl at school about it and even showed her once a snapchat I received, and she called me disgusting and messed up. A week later we hooked up. She was clearly impressed otherwise she would have just stopped talking to me.

    • True, well said.

    • I think the point is that only certain people are impressed. And again, as the article says, they pretty much all fall into the same category.

    • I personally would love to date a guy who can get lots of chicks.

Most Helpful Girl

  • I've had people tell me that if he's boasting he's lying, because if he was getting a lot sex for real there's no need to boast. So I just totally ignore those guys even more now. I think they sound like toddlers honestly.

    • The ones that are doing it are much more silent than those talking about it & wishing they had more or even some

    • @AthleticMom Yep exactly! And why would a guy getting a lot want to spread rumors about the girls and have them get pissed lol?

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What Girls & Guys Said

14 44
  • I know a guy who does that and it's basically girls that other guys would chew their arms rather than go near... so when he comes sniffing near me I tell him to go away.. if those girls are so easy as to fall for him then they are easy with anyone... and the worlds biggest liar to boot...
    as one said its quantity over quality... think on it would a decent girl go near someone that pulls it out for anyone? Would a decent man do the same if roles were reversed? No... but someone's got to shag the munters... lol so let the braggers do it..
    And the only reason they brag and boast about the sex is because deep down they aren't very good at it... that's why they chase the bottom of the barrel women.. by that I mean drunks drug addicts those with 8 kids to 7 guys... the ones who won't say--ur really bad in bed by the way..

    • Yep, those girls probably had sex with more guys than he did girls and that is disgusting.

    • @Hwlsop It does say whoever you sleep with multiply by 5... so if you're sleeping with a person who does unprotected sex you've sleeping with 6 people in whole... count the fact the many people they've slept with and so on etc.. it's scary and wonder why stds

    • Have become super strains..

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  • I have been approached by guys like that. They are for real but they are very shallow individuals. I tell them out right, "sorry I'm looking for a guy who has intellect. You are batting in the minor leagues. I don't play your game

    • Hey goldie, remember me? 😜

  • Regardless of a man's impressive women count, his money, his looks, his charm, his wit, being 6ft2, his brilliant sense of humour - I would reject him if he only wanted sex. If he wanted sex (all men do) AND get to know me for the sake of something real & genuine, I would give him a chance.

    I respect all men, but I won't sleep with a man, unless we are in a relationship, because no human being will sway my integrity. I have boundaries, & I expect a man to respect it. If he doesn't, he has to go. Will I hold it against him? No, because it's his choice & his life - I respect it. I'm not interested in changing ANY man. That's why womanizers are in my friendzone/leave, because they can't be just friends with me.

    • That's IF you know he just wanted sex. Good womanizers trick women into falling for them and bangin em

    • Oh, I have my ways for knowing whether or not a man is only interested in sex; these methods were taught to me by womanizers themselves. Don't worry about me. ;) 👍 @Woodyyyy

    • Nicely put , this weeds out the crap people , equally men need to see past their hormones , to weed out the female users too , listen to your intuition !!

  • nice to hear it from the guy that is not manipulated by society.
    preach to it, there are many people influenced by society and that has to stop to, promoting of the wrong values
    summary: he's masking serious insecurity issues with a facade of typical male bravado.

  • In my experience the guys who brag about getting a lot of pussy in reality are getting it from Rosy Palm and her 5 sisters.

    I've had guys approach me and say "Since you gave it up for so and so, how about giving it up to me too?" I laugh and tell them "I was never with that guy but since he said he was I'll give it up to you if you promise to go and tell him I gave it up for you and show him my panties as a souvenir."

  • dim witted chicks ftw!

  • I don't see that many guys bragging like this in real life, but there are those players online who take videos of them manipulating women, often by deceiving them, getting them drunk. That is not that impressive.

    It is a type of skill to seduce a woman, and be your own man. It is another set of skills to have an ongoing relationship with her. Its another level of maturity to be a Man in the family.

  • I've never meet a man who has really gotten a lot of girls who has bragged about it

  • Can I just say some players are real pricks and they will lead women on thinking they will have a relationship. Then kept trying really hard for sex and the ghost them. So I agree there are easy women out there but there manipulating pricks who go out of their way to hurt someone emotional to jizz in a woman it's pathetic.

    • I have experiences where guys would use my emotions to try to get sex from me. These guys are the very reason why I hate players because I think they are all like that.

    • Truth is even if women know guys are players they will still choose to sleep with them over a guy who isn't.

    • @Jamesol1 They are dumb then?

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  • I don't even have to read this. Plenty of people are impressed. Maybe not online (because frankly I just assume it's a lie) but in the real world men all wish they could do that. Not to sleep around but talk to women and find a partner. They are the same skills - confidence, charisma among others.

    I don't have a problem talking to women but I'm no James bond. I get people go "how do you do that..." all the time.

  • Most of those guys are just inventing stories about their alleged "girlfriends", but even the guys who managed to get laid, are just exaggerating the numbers.
    You are right, most of their "conquests" were just naive or easy girls.

  • Haha very true. I'm not exactly proud to admit that I have slept with some rather easily convinced women, but have never had a strong connection or relationship with them. Most of the girls that are really special take time and a solid relationship before they'll jump into bed with you. I really don't care how good looking or smooth you are, the kind of women that aren't empty shells usually won't sleep with you immediately, and the same typically goes for men.

  • Here's the thing about not caring... you don't type up a MyTake about it after the fact. Lol. You simply forget it and move on, because it doesn't matter or have any real meaning to you. Sounds like you are trying to convice yourself of something and want a herd of some kind to back you on it.

  • You spoke my mind, but with much better detail.

  • ... or you can be a guy like me, who doesn't talk about his female conquests at ALL, and people will think you're gay because you're not a guy talking about pussy.

    Can't win either way, huh? :-P

  • It's still impressive because they can do what most guys can't and it's still better to be a player/manwhore than it is to be an inexperienced guy. If you can get a girl to send nudes to you when you're not her boyfriend or get them to sleep with you on the first date while some other guy has to take that same girl on dates for weeks before he gets anything, yeah thats impressive.

    Being inexperienced is the worst thing you can be as a guy. I see girls insult guys by accusing them of being virgins way more often than I see girls insult guys for being manwhores.

  • Amen friend - I just yawn when someone starts that crap - It is like the Alpha thing if you have to tell the world, it is a sign of insecurity, for every number they give my mind is quietly subtracting to get nearer the truth.

  • When I saw the type of women some of my friends were bragging about sleeping, it would be like bragging about owning a bunch of cars and they're all 1980's 300k Mile salvage title Honda civics with rust.

    Not only that, but some of them ended up getting herpes. So congrats on sleeping with a bunch of disgusting women, now YOU'RE the loser with a cold sore that comes back 3 times a year.

  • Reading this, it seems like you don't have much luck with women bud.

  • Uh, seriously about 80% of them are this way. Google the term: hypergamy

    Most of them will pretty much bed a hot alpha guy - it's just in their biology. They'll deny it, they'll hide it, but they'll do it. A guy that knows how to do this gets laid a LOT.

    80% of the women are chasing and hoping for a chance at 15% of the guys out there. The rest of them are relegated to beta chump status. They just don't get it. And unfortunately there's some really good guys in that group, but you'll hear the girls and their preferences...'oh he has to be over 6'', he has to have money, he has to have a six-pack, he has to be hot. And on and on. And they WAY over rate their own SMV.

    Go read the first two year's blogs of Rollo Tomassi here:
    Then come back and tell us about how all the women are. There's evern an acro for it: AWALT :)

    You my son have a LOT to learn about women.

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