Guys Denying Women Sex? Is It A New Trend?

I see this mentioned so often now. Even in books, and especially online. It's guys, doing the classic thing that women do. They won't have sex with or even kiss their partners! I was shocked when I heard about this the first time. I thought it was a fluke, like a random odd boyfriend story. But nope, it looks like it's common, and there's plenty of guys like this.

These guys will completely refuse to fuck her, but will do other acts. Or they'll refuse to even kiss their partners, literally only a kiss. Or if they're with her in a relationship, they'll only have sex sporadically, or even just stop it for long amounts of time out of nowhere. It's not a specific type of guy, like very religious ones or a personality type....but just average guys. Guys who have high sex drives even.

Guys Denying Women Sex? Is It A New Trend?

I think lots of guys want to feel in control, instead of feeling like women are in control of sex. What else explains it? So many women complain about this now. He just simply doesn't want sex, like it's not a health issue he has, he's totally choosing this. Or if they're just dating, he'll want to wait for sex, or not have it at all, and rejects her if she doesn't like that.

I could see even being rejected because we have relationship issues, but for him to reject me because he just simply doesn't need sex? Or he tells me he wants to wait, and he doesn't have any serious or specific reasons, he just wants to wait until he's comfortable with me? That all means he's not totally into me sexually, or not?

I don't know how I feel about this. Is it cool, that guys are copying what women have done before? Or is it just weird? It's fascinating too, since...he does have the right to do what he wants with his body. So all of the women, can't do anything to make him have sex. They're totally stuck.

So as a girl, it's just that I didn't think that I'd have to be careful, like about being rejected for sex. It's true, I thought that sex was basically up to me. When we have it, and also that I'd be the main one refusing sex for whatever the reason. I didn't think I'd ever have to consider being the 'guy'.

Now that guys do this, I know I have to reconsider some things. I'm not sure how to think about it all now, but I just see so so many women complaining about this. looks like guys are taking on new roles, and I'll have to adapt so I don't get stuck. He might even enjoy that I'm stuck. I just didn't think guys would be willing to say no to sex, and even be happy or content about it.

Edit: It's his body, so although I wouldn't like this at all, he can choose what to do with it. Some of the comments say he's being mean, but he doesn't anyone owe anything, and it doesn't have to mean he doesn't like or want her.

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11 62
  • Just accept the fact that some of us can't be manimulated by the "sex power/manipulation" that most girls think they have over us. Also accept the fact that we re not up for sex anytime you want it, just like girls.
    However, guy or girl sex denial just for possession or punishment is something i dont support and i feel is childish behaviour from both sides. Communication issues...

  • "What else explains it?" Feminism. I'm sure you've noticed that girls are getting more masculine, while guys are getting more feminine?

    Girls are out there literally hunting down guys for sex whereas guys are getting picky and also making them wait. The genders are becoming reversed! Lol

  • You're describing one out of a 1000 men. Men will screw anything it's difficult to get or not.

  • Some guys have standards with who they fuck

    • This is the gist of why these men are turning down sex.

  • I see two things here. Guys who aren't in a relationship, but turn down random chicks because they have standards. Then, guys in a relationship who lose interest in sex for physical or psychological reasons.

    I'm not aware of this becoming an epidemic but I will try to assess this from the girls' responses.

  • I say they're trying the "50 shades". But i guess it's ok.

  • He doesn't owe you anything. Besides women have been doing it for ages.

    "So as a girl, it's just that I didn't think that I'd have to be careful, like about being rejected for sex. It's true, I thought that sex was basically up to me."

    So the guy in your relationships had no say when they wanted to have sex? well i see why he may not be comfortable/into you sexually.
    Guys are usually taught that they can't say no wo women and give everything to them, now that men are saying no women are complaining about it.

    "Now that guys do this, I know I have to reconsider some things. I'm not sure how to think about it all now, but I just see so so many women complaining about this. So... it looks like guys are taking on new roles, and I'll have to adapt so I don't get stuck. He might even enjoy that I'm stuck. I just didn't think guys would be willing to say no to sex, and even be happy or content about it."

    "I didn't think guys would say no to sex, and be happy or content about it"? That's fucked.
    You need to re-evaluate what you think about men all together
    As your edit says it is his body and he can do whatever he wants.

    • This is just a sad reply.

    • Right.

  • Guys denying women sex that's the first time I heard that one I usually hear the women denying

  • well ask feminists the reason that lots of guys are doing that

  • its just that men now stop pressuring each other to always say yes to sex. If a guy doesn't want sex he shouldn't feel obligated to say yes, women shouldn't take it for granted either. Because we all know women do.

  • no that is not a trend, guys are asking for more not less sex these days

    • How do you know that?

  • i sometimes denied sex to my ex girlfriend

  • You say no why can't we?

  • Men are taught that they aren't suppose to tell a woman no. In fact in some countries if a man says no to a an ugly fat woman, even if he is married, he can be murdered because people will think he is gay. So jumping at every opportunity to have sex with a woman is seen as a way of not only having sex, but also a requirement for him to prove himself as a man to the rest of society.

    Imagine how horny women would act if turning a guy down for sex could get her killed, or at the very least get her shamed and seen as a defective woman. I think more and more guys are starting to redefine themselves as men, and as a result guys turning down women will start becoming more common.

    Currently our society still teaches men that to be a "real man" he has to obtain female approval. Anytime a man isn't interested in doing what a woman wants him to do, he risks being shamed. People claim these guys are intimidated, gay, woman haters, insecure, not a real man, or some other insult about the type of man he is. That however is starting to change as men are learning to find new ways to define themselves by other ways than female approval.

  • its all about ego games after all. not love.

  • I've mastered complete control over my impulses and can genuinely take it or leave it when it comes to sex.

    I cannot be controlled by it, cannot be manipulated by it and if I was with a girl that tried to withhold it, no problem. I remember this girl once started saying that she'd withhold sex if I didn't do this or that... then she paused and remembered that I wouldn't care either way.

  • I see that what i read was completely right.
    Males ale turning into females, and vice-versa (not in as disturbing way as it sound).
    People are psychically over-worked from all the information on internet and fast life pace that they don't care about sex anymore.

    Earth is indeed a weird place to live right now...

  • It's not a new trend. There's always been some guys doing it. As well as some women. Maybe you're just noticing it now. Don't worry, I'm sure there's still plenty of guys out there that would hump a tree stump if they had to, to get some. lol. But women need to recognize that men, in general, are not their toys.

  • Lol you make it sound like it was always a women-only thing

    Either way, the reasoning is the same regardless of gender

  • I am currently doing this.
    BACK STORY: My wife has been in a "dry spell" (like most married women) because "she's tired" or blah blah no one cares about your excuses, we men are just as much if not more tired. It only takes a second to acknowledge your partner's existence. If they are getting out of the shower or getting dressed. No one says you have to fuck, but letting us know that we still are sexually important is all we ask. So we expect you to do what we do to you... whenever I would see my wife naked I would run up and squeeze her bum, or gently slap it, or would touch her vagina just for a second to let her know I am sexually interested in her. But my wife "has too much on her mind to think about that".
    So I have stopped it completely.
    She gets ZERO attention from me in a sexual manner. I don't care how naked she is, I don't care how much she tries. I act like I don't have time or "am too busy or tired".
    I even stopped giving her kisses before leaving for work.
    I am not mean to her or anything, I am still joking and fun with her. But I don't touch her.
    We go to bed and I simply turn and pretend to go to sleep, just to see how she reacts and the last few nights, she has ended up masturbating quietly thinking I was asleep. (which is hot and hard not to interrupt for sex, but I hold my ground).

    I am not doing it for control, I am doing it so she understands how it feels, since most women do shit to men with zero concepts of how it feels since most men are lapdogs who wait idly by for her to be in the mood.
    We are not your toys. It's a give and take.
    More women need to understand this.

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