GUYS - How long does it take you to blow a load during sex?

How long does it take for you to cum during sex?
Vote A
1-3 min
Vote B
4-6 min
Vote C
7-10 min
Vote D
>10 min
Vote E
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Most Helpful Guys

  • It really depends on the situation. How long it's been, how much teasing she's done throughout the day, how much foreplay, etc.

    In general, though, I'd say I average a little more than half an hour after penetration. I have developed really good control over the years and can last quite a bit longer than that. At that point, though, it just feels like a chore for both of us, lol.

    I do have a hard time with quickies, though, as a result. It's almost impossible for me to orgasm in less than fifteen minutes, even when we're both trying for it.

  • If i haven't orgasmed in a while
    1-3 minutes

    If i orgasmed a day or two ago
    7 minutes

    If i orgasmed prior to sex
    10-20 minutes

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What Girls & Guys Said

1 9
  • Like everyone's said... it depends. I've never orgasmed quicker than 15 mins, and my norm is closer to 30 I'd say. Not including foreplay/play in the middle.

  • A lot of variables at play. It could be any of the options, haha. Most likely not A, fortunately, but I think most guys have had a QuickDraw McGraw moment, probably in their rookie season, haha.

  • Depends on a ton of factors but I'd say about 5 minutes.

  • I usually like to do it for awhile. I guess that's not that common.

  • It really depends. If I had a bad day at work maybe 15 minutes. If I'm super horny... well... that's a good night! :)

    • a good night as in, whelp time for bed I just came in 30 seconds? Or a good night as in you're going all night?

    • Like I'm balls deep all night!