Has anyone asked permission to go nude around the house or did you just do it?

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Superb Opinion

  • Depends on who else lives there and who the house belongs to. If you are with your parents, they make the rules. If you just start running around nude they may not put up with it. You could try walking around in your underwear and see what their reaction is. If positive, you could then make quick trips to the bathroom undressed and see what happens.

    If you live with a SO you can probably just do it and get away with it.

    If you are with roommates, it might be okay and might not. Depends on them.

Most Helpful Guy

  • In my house it’s just my girlfriend and I so yeah we go naked whenever we feel like it. If I were in someone else’s house I wouldn’t do that. Even if I had the urge to do it I probably wouldn’t and can’t see asking friends and family if it’s ok for me to be naked

Most Helpful Girls

  • I'll walk around in a shirt and underwear when it's just me and my mother at home, because that's my mother why would I feel uncomfortable around her. But it doesn't go past that, I would never walk around naked at home.

  • Well in my house if my shorts are too short or too tight i have to change. So no asking to go nude around lol

    • lol cute

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What Girls & Guys Said

3 13
  • I always do it

  • I grew up nudist

  • I definitely wouldn’t be allowed to in my parents house. We had to run quickly through a room if only wearing underwear… say nothing of nude. But I have enjoy going nude when I’m alone. And would also if I lived with a wife.

  • I do it expediently, as when I am going to the shower or looking for my phone. I don't do it for display.

    • what does everyone say?

    • Everyone is my SO, who does it too.

  • Just did it.

    • how was their reactions?

    • Fine, no issues.

    • I wish I came at your home as guest n see you naked 😊