Girls, have you ever been for a massage or physio session and allowed them to touch your privates?

I've been seeing this physio therapist for lower back hip and leg issues from sport injuries, I usually go in my tights or shorts , he's a pretty good looking guy and had been getting closer and closer over recent sessions , today he asked if I could just wear my undies so I did , I found myself getting very wet and could feel my undies getting wet , his hand was like a magnet and I could feel his hand rubbing me as he worked on my groin I didn't say anything I wanted him to touch me properly.. just want some advice
Encourage him by wearing smaller undies
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Tell him I thought it was inappropriate and keep it professional
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Girl Guy
+1 y
Someone messages me and suggested I see if he would do an after hours consult at my place ! Good idea bad idea?
+1 y
So we did the deed on Friday during our session at my place it felt amazing the sex was great it was exciting I got goosebumps when he 1st put it inside me , Fast foward to Sunday he came over to hang out and we had sex again but it didn't have the same excitement to it.. sex was still good but... no goosebumps
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Most Helpful Girls

  • I think the advice of asking him if he would do an after hours consult at your place is a better idea. That frees him of his professional obligations at the office. If he takes you up on it, then he is probably interested in going further with you.

    • I ask him about home visits he said it was fine , and as iit happens he is comming to do a home visit Friday afternoon @530 ( 2hrs away nz time) I'm pretty excited

    • Sounds great. I would love to hear how it comes out. Message me if you like.

    • It went much better than I thought it would , lets say the physio session was very short and afternoon turned into evening in my bedroom

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  • Clear the air and ask him to explain why he wants you to skip the shorts. Then you know one way or the other and can decide for yourself if there's impropriety.

    • It's for the massage wax , he covered over my undies with a towel but could feel his hand brushing against my labia threw my undies

    • May have been totally innocent with no intention.. should I tempt fate and dance with the devil?

    • I wouldn't. It sounds like there's a lot of room for potential embarassment and then you'd never be able to go back again... What a hassle.

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What Girls Said

  • I would report the person that did this or I would punch him in the throat and then break his knees...

    • Like I've sed I'm really confused my stomach is in knots. i wanted more but It could've have been totally accidental on his part This sux

  • As much as you might enjoy that, and it might make you feel really good and all, but I'm pretty sure that breaks some kind of law tbh or at least some kind of physiotherapist code of conduct

    • I would imagine it would be.. but I'd keep the secret he did venture further.

  • Sounds like a troll post here. There was a guy in here trying to write an erotic story and make it like it's true. hahahhaha

    HELLO NOOOOO. That's fuckin' unprofessional. Would you want to be be banging your teacher if you found him hot too?

  • If u want him and he wants you and there is no other relationship for either of you check wear lingerie underneath next time and he will wanna do u right there

    • I was wearing some really cute Elle McPherson boy legs today.. I shall wear a hot gstring on Monday.. should I volunteer to take my pants of or wait for him to ask?

    • Nah wait for him to ask so u can give him a lik strip tease to fire him up and want u more ;)

    • Maye ill wear a workout top just to show ore skin