Guys, Have you ever had your cock measured by a woman?

Guys, Have you ever had your cock measured by a woman?
7.8 inches
7.8 inches
0 8

Superb Opinion

  • Yes I have I’m embarrassed to say. I have never cared to measure it myself because I really just don’t care about the size factor like so many guys do. I am big and that’s all I need to know. I don’t need to measure it down to the micro inch to feel better about myself 😂

    About 10 years ago, I was with a girl who is very obsessed with my penis. She loved to look at it, play with it, and make me ejaculate constantly. During foreplay one time she got out her measurement ribbon for her sewing. I certainly didn’t ask to have it measured

    • what length did it show?

    • Just a bit over 7 inches

    • that's a respectable length, puberty served you well sir

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Most Helpful Guy

  • Yes,,,,,,,,,, in my 20's had a 'buddy' that always bragged about his penis size, and one Saturday night, he and his girlfriend and I and my girlfriend double dated and wound up at their Townhouse. I challenged him to a cock measuring contest... and everybody was all for that... and I think the girls were as hot as he and I were. "They went first and got Vaseline all over the tape measure (I was a bit pissed, but the idea of him having it around his cock got me harder) We measured the 'girth' first, and did not measure the length. We wrote the measurement on a 'sticky note, and each girl handed the note to the other girl... Seems we were the same girth. We never measured length.

    • His girlfriend later told me that she had 'never seen 'Danny so hot' LOLOL

    • that is a really hot story, it would have been hot if they measured your cock length. which of you has the longest cock based on looking?

    • it would be hot if the winner got sucked by the 2 girls

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What Guys Said

  • I've had a couple online relationships and they have always wanted me to measure in real life no they have asked

  • no, why would I?
    the numbers don't mean anything. She will give input on what she feels from/about it.
    the only reason to measure is if you need the info like searching for advice or toys, etc, and I can do that myself perfectly well.

  • Never, I figure there are three lengths to have, none represented with numbers as far as relationships go. Small, good enough, or the statistically insignificant, too big.

    I've never had a woman say I was too small, or rather not good enough, so I could care less. It isn't a good idea to compare things you can't change in the first place after getting an objective idea of where you stand.(breast size, dick size)

    Never keep bugging a partner about "how they really feel" or you'll make them start thinking about flaws that either were never there, or never bugged them until you brought it up lol

  • I have, yes, on more than one occasion (different girls).

    • what happened once she read out the measurement?

    • Well, when it happened, they already knew what they had to work with, since they were obviously seeing it, at the time. Measuring it was just to satisfy their own curiosity, basically. So, nothing really changed, exactly, before and after, except they were able to put a number to it. I already knew what my size was, so it didn't change anything for me, but it was fun to let them do it.

    • what length is it?

  • Not by a girl.. just by myself.