Have you thought about going partially off grid?

For those of you who follow me, you know I've been practicing my carpentry skills lately, and that I am flirting with the offgrid life.

This has involved feats such as capturing rain water to wash my dishes, purchasing a gravity-fed shower for washing my ass, and masturbating by using only spit and imagination.

You can imagine my excitement when this arrived in the mail today: a 300 watt power station. It takes 6 hours to charge it up, and I can watch TV, charge my laptop and phone at night. Besides, it's just cool to sit by a light that burning at night because the sun burned all day.

Why go partially offgrid? Because, it's a greener way to do some things I normally do. And, many power companies are still partially reliant on fossil fuels. So, if you've dreamed of an offgrid life, just know that you can at least partially realize your dream and learn some things while you do it.

my solar power station
my solar power station
+1 y
Fun fact: My Google Chromebook takes 20 W of power to recharge. My Dell XPS: 130W of power when Windows is on. Only 50W when I put it to sleep, to recharge. Putting your laptop to sleep before recharging seems like a good idea.
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  • You could say I am already partially off the grid, as I live rural, have a well for water, a Septic tank.

    A couple of backup generators for either camping or other emergencies.

    A goal zero, Yeti 500 with solar power charging add on. Which has lasted a week for me before using it to charge my laptop, run my microwave and a swamp cooler. That was without the solar panels even hooked up while camping.

    Only utility I actually have is power, but since the house has solar panels sometimes I have zero power bill.

    Well and internet, have god awful shit slow internet here in rural America.

    Congrats on meeting your goal.

    • That sounds perfect, except I'm going to do a cabin in the woods. Yes, crazy man in the cabin in the woods, I know.

  • Not at all.

  • I'm off the grid. I have a hydro generator and two power battery walls as well as solar panels and an electric ATV.. I grow my own food in a greenhouse and use hydroponics with fish. I have my own fish pond too where I breed carp. The wife and I are major preppers so we are always pickling and canning food. Started getting into prepping a while back watching Doomsday preppers, generally most on the show seem deluded and some completely crazy but after hurricane katrina I saw how long it took the government to bring water to the Atlantic stadium. You can't rely on the government to come and save you. So depending where you live you need to prep for whatever possible extreme weather scenarios, if it happened before it will happen again. My favourite one now was the woman who was prepping for a pandemic, think she was a nurse and she was talking about swine flu and bird flu and ebola and that eventually something was going to come along then Covid hit. Obviously I legally own a few guns. A few ARs and other types that take AR magazines and mostly glocks, so I've mostly got 5.56 & 9mm ammo. U have a lot military surplus & ex police guns. I'm starting to get into some ruger and keltec guns too. I'm looking at maybe taking up a bullpup keltec rpd as my everyday home defence and truck gun or maybe something similar or perhaps a 9mm carbine like the keltec 2000, ruger PC, kriss vector because they can all take glock magazines. Would really like a semi auto p90 or mp5 bug too much expense involved.

    • Forgot to say that during covid when we both lost our jobs and others were going under we came out on top, eating like Kings and f*cking all day.

    • Growing food in a greenhouse is another way for non-offgrid people to go partially offgrid. You can keep them warm with one of these power stations, and a couple of heat lamps.

    • I have no intention of comparing the way I live to the way others live their lives. I'm doing this for myself, my love of nature, my own personal enlightenment.

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