Help me understand why my boyfriend would be following 2 accounts of the same person that’s a femboy?

Just recently saw my boyfriend is following 2 accounts from the same person but is a femboy. I’m so confused to why he’s following this person? Checked it out & he/she has a website that’s kinda like only fans. Has exclusive videos & photos & honestly I feel confused & kinda grossed out. Don’t know if I should ask him or leave it?

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Superb Opinion

  • Be careful. Your boyfriend may be a closet fudgepacker or have some other LGBTQIAgodknowswhatotherletters+ issue.

    I had a friend named "Chad" who denied who he was for so long thanks to the GOP and the "Defense of Marriage Act". So, instead of transitioning earlier in his life, he towed the line and got married and had two kids. But, when he turned 42ish or so, he came out as M2F and transitioned to "Alyssa" who, despite all this person has done to become female (including getting castrated), still pretty much looks like a dude.

    I am OK with Chad/Alyssa doing what s/he needed to do, but I am a bit pissed that the wife, Irene, got screwed over; she deserved a husband, not an M2F. They are still married as far as I know though.

    Don't become an Irene who got a bait-and-switch husband thinking she had a straight cis-gendered male, but ultimately got an M2F she can go dress shopping with.

    • Yeah I do not want to be in that position. If anything we’ve had a couple problems with him & girls so I’m so confused lol

    • I think he's "confused" too, if you know what I mean...

Most Helpful Guy

  • interested in why they are like that or maybe he wants to be like that himself

Most Helpful Girls

  • Yes ask him cause that will come up the closer you two get!

    He is probably gay and likes cute guys!

    Really find out cause he will ask for a 3some latter on and then you will realize you really don't want him!

    He is cheating on you with the femboy dreaming of him in bed not his wonderful girlfriend!

  • He probably is bi and likes him.. the guy I liked said told me he was fucking the girls he followed 2 accounts of.. so it is very sus..

    • It’s just so weird to me we have great sex & doesn’t give off mixed signals. Maybe he’s curious but still kinda weird & sus like you say

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  • Lmao, is it F1NNST3R? Cause don't be worried about that.

    Hell, I wouldn't be worried about it at all. Femboys be hot.

  • you have the right to ask him

    • I don’t know how too

    • simply tell him that: I noticed you are following this person, do you know them?

  • probably a sexy femboy