Here's What Everyone Should Know About Bisexuals

Here's What Everyone Should Know About Bisexuals
Bisexuality is romantic attraction, sexual attraction, or sexual behavior toward both males and females, or romantic or sexual attraction to people of any sex or gender identity; this latter aspect is sometimes alternatively termed pansexuality.

No, not all of us date guys and girls at the same time.

Here's What Everyone Should Know About Bisexuals

People usually ask me if I double date people of both genders. For me, even though I’m attracted to both genders, I am fully committed in a relationship. I hate cheating and even if those feelings come up then I break up with the person immediately.

Friendship always comes first.

When I told two of my girl best friends about it, they were scared that I had feelings or were in love with them secretly. When it comes to these things, I value my friendship and wouldn’t want to break it with that person. I have a type with girls.

No, we are not bisexual because we are confused people.

Before you call me out on this, just consider this.

Some people just automatically assume that because we are confused about some circumstances in our life, we become bisexuals. This belief is so stupid that I can’t even begin to explain how wrong it is. I am bisexual because it is my choice, not because I’m depressed or because I am in an it’s complicated situation. It’s how I have always felt. People think they know better than you and try to explain why you are bisexual.

No we are not in it for threesomes.

Here's What Everyone Should Know About Bisexuals

As I have said in the first point, people always feel that bisexuals are slutty and promiscuous since they have sex with both men and women. While there is physical and sexual attraction between both genders, we also require that emotional connection.

It is not a trend.

For all people who lie about being bisexual just to grab attention and support, you are truly disgusting. Some people do it to turn their partners on. Being bisexual has its difficulties and a person lying about it makes it worse.

We don’t need your advice or opinions all the time.

I found out that whenever I open up to someone about being bisexual, they always begin to tell me how it is unhealthy to have more than one gender preference and they start with religion and about it isn’t like God. Don’t get me wrong, I believe in religion and God but when you bring this up, it’s really insensitive and offends us.

For all those out there who are bisexuals out there, remember its ok to feel like that. Nobody should make you feel bad about it. Thank you to all the people who support us.

Here's What Everyone Should Know About Bisexuals
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What Girls & Guys Said

16 35
  • Not a choice. Realized I was a little different than all my guy friends when I was in middle school. Struggled with my sexuality late into my 20s where my sexual orientation still bounces between gay and bisexual

  • im bisexual but because of religious reasons i won't do anything with a guy

    • same for me with girls

  • "I am bisexual because it is my choice"

    I stopped reading after that.

  • yes you are confused, it seems to be a trend, and you need help cuz you can't like two genders at the same time. that's stupid. that's like saying i have both a dick and a uterus. no i dont, it's physically impossible

    • Prove we can not like both genders at the same time? What makes us confused?

    • @MysteriousDarkness the fact that you think you can reproduce with your own gender. Shit doesn’t work that way. Sure you’re half normal cuz you like the opposite gender, but you’re pretty fucked up if you think you’re allowed to like the other gender and remain mentally stable. You can’t, you will burn in hell. You’re going 50% against god’s purpose for humans by liking the same gender as yourself

    • Like it’s one gender you can like and that’s the opposite. It sickens me when I see or hear people are attracted to the same sex as themselves

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  • but they're more likely to do threesomes, because they're "sexually open"

    • Not always.

    • yes always

    • @OpinionOwner prove it

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  • Just avoid, that’s all I know

  • thanks you

  • "No we are not in it for threesomes."

    I guess the biggest misconception some guys get are, and I meant for those guys that really want to be able to have threesomes with 2 girls, they'll think that if once they get a bisexual girlfriend they would be able to have their first threesome with another girl or have threesomes as frequently as possible with 2 girls. They livin' in a porn fantasy. Maybe if they were really rich and have the looks and charisma, or something of real value, either status or fame, if not, it's less likely to happen other than a one time thing.

    • They will get that if the girl is more open or doing it for attention. I see girls kissing other girls at clubs all the time, they're not lesbian or bisexual, they just do so they can get guy's attention.

  • I liked this post. By the end I was just thinking this really could just apply to anyone regardless of sexual orientation. I think people are just confused by what they don't know. And for the most part sure it is different is someways but it's actually pretty similar to how most people feel. So it become less confusing. People really for the most part want the same thing, it's just that some people find it in different places. Who cares as long as they find what makes them happy.