Here's What Killed Relationships

Here's What Killed Relationships

Love and Relationships are dead. R.I.P!!!Modern Dating World

To understand what I mean, you gotta realize how dating has changed. The Dating Scene is a shadow of it's former self. People use app like Tinder and stuff, to just sleep with lots of people. People have "fuckbuddy" relationships where they use each other for sex. Relationships are avoided by young people. So in the Modern dating world, relationships are cancer to most people, and they would rather just have sex with FWBs and hookup all the time. Of course, Guys being biologically wired to sleep around, are going to take advantage of this, and they do contribute to the death of relationships, however, ultimately, most of the blame falls on girls. This is because women have all the power when it comes to sex. So if girls stopped engaging in hooking up and stuff, relationships would become a necessity again - this is why I feel that girls don't really want relationships as they have the power to put and end to hookup culture yet they allow it to thrive. And hey, there's nothing wrong with having sex, hooking up can be great I'm sure, but if it's destroying meaningful relationships, that's when it becomes a problem.

Birth Control

Birth control took the risk factor out of casual sex for women. It empowered women to have sex for fun. To have carefree sex just for their pleasure. It's not that women have "changed" in that they now want to have sex with lots of guys and sleep around and stuff. Women always wanted that but fear of pregnancy prevented them from doing it. Thanks to birth control, women have the same sexual power as guys and yes, they take full advantage of that. For every guy who is sleeping around and just wants sex, there is a girl just like him. Many girls just want sex and want to sleep around. Girls even encourage their friends to go get laid and stuff like that. Basically, when it comes to sex, Guys and Girls now treat it the exact same way - a fun commodity. Does that mean girls are bad and are whores? Of course not. It just means that thanks to birth control women now treat sex exactly like Guys do. And that's harmful to monogamy and relationships in general. This is because girls no longer save sex for marriage or even relationships, they no longer have anything to lose by hooking up with many guys and so that's what they do. The truth of the matter is that relationships are no longer needed to enjoy sex and that's why many young people don't want relationships anymore, why would they when they can have 4 fuckbuddies and be free to have lots and lots of sex, without having to put any effort in or having to commit to one person! So empowering women sexually is great sure, but relationships pay the price. Because if girls didn't do anything casual guys would be forced to date her to get sex and of course he would most likely fall for her in the process. Less casual sex would mean more meaningful relationships.


It's no secret that Religion is dying. Fast. Especially with young people. Many young people are Atheists and most young people aren't too Religious. Religion enforces sexual morals in people, and makes things like casual sex, sleeping around and porn "immoral" things. But now seen as no one cares about Religion and therefore morals, these things are just accepted and embraced. Thus, sex has absolutely no meaning and the human body is just a pleasurable piece of meat. Thanks to pornography, the female body is literally a sexual object to most young guys. I happen to think that is disgusting and girls deserve better but then again I think girls enjoy being sexual objects in guys' minds. After all, girls wear push up bras, yoga pants, revealing clothing to enforce sexual desire in guys. Girls post raunchy pics on Instagram to get likes and stuff - not to mention girls watch porn a lot and willingly do porn so maybe they also like the objectification of women. Anyways, sexual morals have been destroyed and sex is no longer seen as a special thing. So, as a result, young people spend their time fucking around rather than looking for love. This isn't really Girls fault but its a factor in the death of relationships, so I thought I would also include it.


Thanks to Feminism, many girls want a good career. That's OK. However this affects dating. Many college girls are so busy with school and work, they don't have time for relationships. But they still want sex, as all humans do. So then they have casual sex with guys to fill that void. Nothing wrong with that but it also hurts monogamy and relationships overall.

That's about it. I hope this makes sense to you. It is a fact that relationships and dating are in a sorry state and there are reasons for that. I hope I have explained them well enough here. Girls are not perfect AT ALL. They're animals, just like men are. So guys are also to blame. So overall, both guys and girls act like wild animals these days, with no morals.The truth of the matter is that girls like why WOULDN'T they have lots of it? It's not their fault but it just so happens relationships and monogamy are hurt in the process but then again...maybe that's what girls want. Girls have all the power when it comes to sex and now we see how they choose to use that power - by having rampan casual, meaningless sex, like animals.

What do you think!?

And please no one get offended, especially girls. This is just my take on why relationships are dead/dying. If you think other reasons are also to blame, please share them! Thanks for reading!

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What Girls & Guys Said

37 20
  • 1. The first birth control methods appeared somewhere around 1500 BC, and Im fairly certian there were plenty of functional relationships after that
    2. Anybody who needs religion to act a certain way, is a fucking idiot
    3. It is possible to have a career and a functional relationship, if you want to. The issue is most girls nowadays don't.

    So no, I definitely don't agree and don't think these things have anything to do with the destruction of traditional relationships and values

    • You even said most girls "don't". Exactly. They would rather have money, power and lots of casual sex... rather than a meaningful, serious relationships. I rest my case.

    • You stated they "don't have time for developing relationships", which is simply not true. Time can be found, but they were raised as whores, and even if they had all time in the world, they would be incapable of being anything more...

  • I disagree. Not all girls are what you have described.
    My 23 years old daughter is in a long term relationship with her first boyfriend and they live apart from from parents. They have a 3 Years old child and still at uni.
    There are responsible young people out there and plenty of girls that are not into sex only. You just need to find them. They are usually shy and not showing off.
    It’s up to the boys too to be respectful and not having sex with a girl before they are in a proper relationship if they really want one.

  • I'm not sure relationships are really dead. I know a lot of people who are in them.

    • To be honest - they are. Girls would rather fuck 8 different guys every month than be in a relationship.

    • I have a lot of family members and acquaintances who are in relationships. Sure, there are more single people than in the past, but I wouldn't go so far as to say that relationships are dead.

    • I'll repeat what I said. Most young girls would rather sleep around than be in a relationship.

    • Show All
  • And for true relationships don't forget porn

  • You're 💩

  • The only difference is that now men are less likely going date a girl just to get sex. How is that a bad thing?

    "Because if girls didn't do anything casual guys would be forced to date her to get sex and of course he would most likely fall for her in the process"

    I wouldn't say that, but yeah some people don't know what they want before they try it. Just like fuckbuddies can fall for each other and become a monogamous couple.

    • Very few fuckbuddies end up dating though. Also there is not only one difference and girls use guys for sex all the time. What's changed is that girls would rather fuck a guy than let him take her out and get to know each other. Everything is just sex, sex, sex and that's all things stay at.

    • That's my point. It's as likely to happen. I don't think men (or women) who don't feel like being in a relationship should force it. "girls would rather fuck a guy than let him take her out and get to know each other." Ummmmmm what planet are you from again? Why do you feel that way? Maybe it's just the type of girls you pay attention to.

    • Because young women are very promiscuous.

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  • Religion doesn't important

  • Why bother with a relationship when it’s basically a consensual form of slavery for men

  • It's all because of online dating. People sit on the toilet and swipe left or right on other people.
    Before online dating both men and women had to get dressed and make themselves look nice to go out and meet others. Now they do it literally sitting on the toilet.
    Technology has led people to lose track of what's right and wrong.

    • Um no not really. Tinder plays a part but ultimately girls OPT FOR casual sex over meaningful relationships. That's the issue really.

  • i didn't finishe reading your take...

    romance died becasue mothers are raising men to be big boys. not taking responsible for their actions.
    and keeping these big boys under their wings... so these guys never learn how to be a man to take care of a woman.

    • i am not blaming the guys lol... i am blaming women who are control freaks won't cut the core... and train guys grow up with no respect to women or how to love a woman but to never let go of their mother

    • Not really. Guys definitely play a part as they don't care for women anymore but I think Feminism is to blame. But girls are the ones who allow the hookup culture to thrive so it's girls fault.

    • Agree 💯!! I was shock to learn about the hookup couture 7 years ago... and terms such as friends with benefits, F buddies.. I guess all these are not new... So a lot out there killed love/relationship... sad

  • "Of course, Guys being biologically wired to sleep around, are going to take advantage of this, and they do contribute to the death of relationships, however, ultimately, most of the blame falls on girls."


    • Because girls have all the power in sex. If girls didn't go home with random guys, or were on Tinder looking for cock, guys wouldn't be able to sleep around. The Hookup Culture and therefore the death of Relationships ultimately falls on women's shoulders - as they have ALL the power when it comes to sex, and they use this power to act like wild animals.

    • Uh, if guys weren’t looking to sleep around, girls wouldn’t be able to sleep around either. I don’t get how that’s a fair comparison?

    • It's still girls fault as they have the power of rejection and standards when it comes to this.

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  • U know Im srsly getting worried now you need to start changing your mind you are fuckd up

    • Even though what I said is pretty much true.

  • Boys are MORE guilty of desiring casual sex. I disagree with your mytake on most levels though understand you have a misguided opinion.

    • Yeah we are but using the word "guilty" implies that there's something wrong with that, when there's not.

    • @Anon-ymous1 fair point!!!

    • No they are not. Girls are the ones sleeping around more than guys. Girls have all the power when it comes to sex and they use that power to sleep around like wild animals.

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