Homosexuality is Natural, Harmless, and Deserves Your Respect

Let's clarify.

Anything that occurs in the natural world, meaning the physical existence we occupy, is NATURAL. When people say "homosexuality isn't natural" you have no idea what the duck you're talking about.

Human beings are animals, our cities and our lives are still a part of this earth, of this universe, of this nature. Also, bonobos are animals.

Homosexuality is Natural, Harmless, and Deserves Your Respect

In fact they are our closest DNA relatives. Studies have shown that homosexual behavior occurs in roughly 5-10 percent of many mammalian species. Including these bonobos, including dogs, sheep, dolphins, AND HUMANS.


You know what else is uncommon in humans? Dwarfism. But I don't hear anyone calling peter Dinklage an unnatural, disgusting individual. He's friggin awesome 😎

Homosexuality is Natural, Harmless, and Deserves Your Respect

I'll preempt another common stupidity here:

Homophobe say: "but pedophillia is just as natural, is that coming next? Are we going to start accepting pedos?"

No, and here's the difference. Please listen and take notes.

CONSENTING ADULTS!!!!! Homosexual relationships are between CONSENTING ADULTS!!!!!!

You're only trying to conflate two people loving each other as on the same level as child rape, because you're fucking scum and you've run out of excuses to justify your prejudice. No other reason.

On to how harmless homosexuality is.

Did you know that thousands of gay people fucked last night, and you didn't die? What is this sorcery? It's almost like...it doesn't even affect you😱Omg

keep it in your pants homophobes, I'm way ahead of you on your laundry list of bullshit claims.

Homophobe say: "but AIDS!!!!!"

Occurs in straight couples too, in fact the lesbian community has the least occurrence of aids and it's not like straights are the holy ones and therefore immune to genital warts, syphilis, chlamydia, herpes, I can go on.

Homophobe say: "but domestic abuse rates!!!!"

Are bullshit, because it's very hard to get any kind of statistic like that accurate due to the majority of cases going unreported. And also, like straight people are the holy ones and never have abusive relationships? Bitch please.

Homophobe say: "but they don't add to the population!!!"

Neither do sterile straight people. Neither do straight people who just decide they don't want kids or just stay single. Besides have you heard of overpopulation? I think we can spare 5-10%of the population not helping us race toward exhausting all resources on this planet ffs.

Point? You have no excuses to see gay people as less than you. So grow the fuck up.

So here's my challenge. I want you to think about your best friend. Someone you've known all your life and highly respect. What if they told you they were gay?

Does knowing that information now change all the laughs you had together? All the good times and bad times that you stuck together in? I would hope not. All the while you were ignorant of that part of them you were able to appreciate them as a marvelous human being. What's stopping you now?

Furthermore, homosexual relationships deserve your respect, because they deserve the same respect as anyone else's relationship. Would you tell a straight bride on her wedding day "I don't support that"? You'd be a complete douchebag if you did, because the proper response to hearing about someone's wedding is " hey good for you congratulations"

Then you shouldn't say that about gay marriage/relationships/people, and yes they are people just like you.

Homosexuality is Natural, Harmless, and Deserves Your Respect

I'm making this my take for the sheer volume of homophobic people on this site and there's a lot that's for sure. Please read what I wrote here and think about it. Drop the bullshit for two seconds and you might just walk away with a new perspective.

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  • "Deserves Your Respect"

    i think that 'deserves your acceptance' would be a better way to write it.

    i accept the fact that homosexuality exists and that people can be homosexual, yes; but i'm not going to fork over respect to them just because they're homosexual.

  • Whether or not it's natural it is still immoral and disgusting. And it DOES harm society by normalizing immoral behavior. Now they're even teaching it to very young children and filling their minds with sexual perversion. The gay agenda comes straight from the stinking pits of hell. As time goes on, society will continue to become more and more morally bankrupt.

  • It is perversion and if you loved her, you'd not let her destroy herself. Toodles, ass wipe!!!