Homosexuality is Natural, Harmless, and Deserves Your Respect

Let's clarify.

Anything that occurs in the natural world, meaning the physical existence we occupy, is NATURAL. When people say "homosexuality isn't natural" you have no idea what the duck you're talking about.

Human beings are animals, our cities and our lives are still a part of this earth, of this universe, of this nature. Also, bonobos are animals.

Homosexuality is Natural, Harmless, and Deserves Your Respect

In fact they are our closest DNA relatives. Studies have shown that homosexual behavior occurs in roughly 5-10 percent of many mammalian species. Including these bonobos, including dogs, sheep, dolphins, AND HUMANS.


You know what else is uncommon in humans? Dwarfism. But I don't hear anyone calling peter Dinklage an unnatural, disgusting individual. He's friggin awesome 😎

Homosexuality is Natural, Harmless, and Deserves Your Respect

I'll preempt another common stupidity here:

Homophobe say: "but pedophillia is just as natural, is that coming next? Are we going to start accepting pedos?"

No, and here's the difference. Please listen and take notes.

CONSENTING ADULTS!!!!! Homosexual relationships are between CONSENTING ADULTS!!!!!!

You're only trying to conflate two people loving each other as on the same level as child rape, because you're fucking scum and you've run out of excuses to justify your prejudice. No other reason.

On to how harmless homosexuality is.

Did you know that thousands of gay people fucked last night, and you didn't die? What is this sorcery? It's almost like...it doesn't even affect you😱Omg

keep it in your pants homophobes, I'm way ahead of you on your laundry list of bullshit claims.

Homophobe say: "but AIDS!!!!!"

Occurs in straight couples too, in fact the lesbian community has the least occurrence of aids and it's not like straights are the holy ones and therefore immune to genital warts, syphilis, chlamydia, herpes, I can go on.

Homophobe say: "but domestic abuse rates!!!!"

Are bullshit, because it's very hard to get any kind of statistic like that accurate due to the majority of cases going unreported. And also, like straight people are the holy ones and never have abusive relationships? Bitch please.

Homophobe say: "but they don't add to the population!!!"

Neither do sterile straight people. Neither do straight people who just decide they don't want kids or just stay single. Besides have you heard of overpopulation? I think we can spare 5-10%of the population not helping us race toward exhausting all resources on this planet ffs.

Point? You have no excuses to see gay people as less than you. So grow the fuck up.

So here's my challenge. I want you to think about your best friend. Someone you've known all your life and highly respect. What if they told you they were gay?

Does knowing that information now change all the laughs you had together? All the good times and bad times that you stuck together in? I would hope not. All the while you were ignorant of that part of them you were able to appreciate them as a marvelous human being. What's stopping you now?

Furthermore, homosexual relationships deserve your respect, because they deserve the same respect as anyone else's relationship. Would you tell a straight bride on her wedding day "I don't support that"? You'd be a complete douchebag if you did, because the proper response to hearing about someone's wedding is " hey good for you congratulations"

Then you shouldn't say that about gay marriage/relationships/people, and yes they are people just like you.

Homosexuality is Natural, Harmless, and Deserves Your Respect

I'm making this my take for the sheer volume of homophobic people on this site and there's a lot that's for sure. Please read what I wrote here and think about it. Drop the bullshit for two seconds and you might just walk away with a new perspective.

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22 43
  • Age consent is a man made rule. If animals are gay and that can cross over to humans where do we draw the line -because animals sex up females without regard for age. Again age is a man made rule. So essentially it's ok to wanna dick up 12 year olds? Is that what you mean because it's natural?

    How do you draw the line between enviromental factors that influence people to become a certain way? Would we still have this many homosexuals etc if society didn't have a structure as it does today?

    These aren't very good reasons to support being homo. Better to just say you were born a certain way because we all know pussy on pussy won't create life and dick on dick won't either. From a biological stand point, it's a error in the matrix BUT --> an acceptable error that is

  • I won't desrespect someone immediately becuase he's gay or try to hurt him or anything, but to me personally its kinda disgusting, unatural and against nature, women and men make babies, gays can't make babies, they are literally together just to f*ck, thats their sole purpose, to f*ck, its not normal at all, the more we try to normalise it the more shit will happen, plus they're so dumb its unbelieveable, gays against islamophobia? bitch they kill gays

    • Just there to fuck? How about they fuck and LOVE just the same as straights. I went over this in my take.

    • no that doesn't cut it, love each other like straights? they can't function like human beings together their being together thing has 0 use for anyone, Zero, they sexual parts aren't even compatible , there is really no reason for any person to be with another person of the same sex, and quite frankly its disgusting, when i stumbled upon gay porn a while ago i almost threw up in my mouth.

    • also gays act too weird, like super weird.

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  • I agree that it deserves respect, but not that is natural or harmless

  • It does harm people. People are structured to form meaningful bonds with concept of family life and raising kids. Homosexual couples can't do that. While I don't agree with pedophilia either, at least it is more natural than homosexuality because there's a slim chance that they can start a family.

    It doesn't matter if homosexual couples consent to it or not. 2 people can consent to kill each other but it doesn't make it okay. You don't belong to yourself. It isn't your right to make your sexuality perverse. That animal kingdom of homosexuality thing is a myth. The cases where it happens, they use their own sex as a substitute before the opposite sex isn't available.

    Of course you'd accept perversion because you want people to molly coddler you and say it's okay. Be yourself, etc. You can handle stern disapproval and hatred of abomination. Homosexuality destroys and it is despicable. I will never respect sin because it impacts lives.

    • @Mzhyde19 Then act like you love her by informing her that it is dangerous and quit molly coddlering up to her. You shouldn't put your sister before Jesus. Real people don't pamper others and enable their destructive lifestyle. Keep blocking me and I'll hack your g@g account. You're unstable and cuss. Only a wuss would post a comment and block a user knowing they can't reply to it. Keep doing it and play games and you'll see what I did to @cartermay_ @Eternal_Flame and @Bonnie676 so be careful.

    • @Mzhyde19 Your sister will be better as a pedo than a gay. At least children have 1% probability to get pregnant and give birth. Gays have 0%. @WhereIsTheInternet Right.. You will read this from another account i hope.

  • YES!
    Long live yaoi!!!

    • Omg, I srsly love yaoi too lol

    • Bara > yaoi

  • Do I also deserve respect for being hetero?

    Also this is not quite correct: "Studies have shown that homosexual behavior occurs in roughly 5-10 percent of many mammalian species"

    Many of those studies observe animals in an unnatural environment. Thus makign the study results invalid

  • @OPyou dont seem to have any useful arguments and you have no way of arguing which is why you lost against almost everyone on here, emotions can never win against logic.

    If you believe being gay is 100% normal then being a pedophile is normal as well and so is the need to have sex with animals, they can't consent you say? Oh i beg to differ, numerous videos on the internet prove that animals will stick their dick in anything with a hole so thats more than consent... as for kids, yes its not consent but the desire to have sex with them is similiar to the desire of having sex with those of the same gender.

    if you say that wanting to have sex with dogs or kids is wrong then how come the same desire towards those of the same gender is right? the act is illegal? sure but the desire is the same so according to your logic its all the same.

    as for your second argument claiming that gay animals exist and its normal, well lets be clear with that, some animals eat their newborns, some kills their mates after sex, are you suggesting humans start doing the same? but its illegal you say? but its okay since animals do it too, and according to you we're not better so why not.


  • I'm not against it but what respect do they deserve? Pray tell 🤔

    • The same as anyone else.

    • I think you mean ked glory them for being homosexual.

    • Lets* let's give some respect to straight people please as everything that's said by them theses days is deem rude/homophobic even if it wasn't. 🙄

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  • I agree with everything except the overpopulation part. The overpopulation of earth was a myth and as living conditions rise with education the less we reproduce. Besides, there is now technology that allows two gay people to have a child so In the near future I dont think this will make a big difference as a lot of people will be happy to sign up for this. ALthoguh you still need two opposite sexes to make a child there is now a method that involves a third part so now the child would rally have three parents. 2 females and 1 male, or 2 males and 1 female. So in the recent future gay people will be able to reproduce.

  • I find the word duck offencive on account of being half duck spring roll half sponge cake so would much rather everyone just swear with a little * to avoid offending me.

    But other than that I agree completely.

  • For fucks sake the dense motherfuckers in the comment section are annoying...

  • Natural? No
    Harmless? Maybe
    Deserves respect? Maybe

  • Rape, cancer and birth defects are also natural, absolutely everything in existence is natural by definition.
    That doesn't mean it is "normal".

    Homosexuality is just an abnormal psychological behavior, one that will be easily correctable by medical advancements of the future.
    I'm not saying that to insult homosexual people or anything, I don't have anything against gay people, you don't either and they may be absolutely happy with their alternate sexuality, but let's stop lying about things just so a certain few people don't get offended by the truth.

    • Rape is not natural. Look at other animals like lions, if the female doesn't want to have sex they attack the male lion humping them etcetera. Cancer is normal, but it is mainly caused by human creations. 'Natural' cancer often only occurs at old age, and becoming old isn't natural. Birth defects, yes they are natural, but because of natural selection those with defects would be left to die thus eliminating them. Homosexuality is a-okay and doesn't need fixing, so stop preaching it does.

    • @bente2 "Rape is not natural." You just used the argument that since homosexuality occurs in animals it is natural. Rape occurs in the animal kingdom too, suddenly that argumentation doesn't apply? I'm not preaching that homosexuality needs fixing. I'm just saying that people need to accept the fact that it isn't normal. Because otherwise we will have a ton of butthurt pc people when medicine finds out what is causing it and that it is in fact something we can easily influence with modern medicine. We are already chopping dicks off of crazy people, it won't be too long until people start getting surgeries to turn gay or straight.

    • @bente2 How is becoming old not natural? Aging isn't something that occurs from humankind.

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  • But an old book says it's bad.

  • I honestly don't care about if your gay or not but it is not natural in the sense that biologically we need to mate to survive and keep the human race alive and can two men or two women mate no... so it is not biologically coherent. But if you're gay be gay no one is stopping you and should not stop you but don't call it things it is not

    • I explained it, you didn't read it.

  • Im over it, if someones gay he's gay.
    But that doesn't make me respect them.
    I dont just go respecting anyone just because they are gay, or look a certain way, or are a certain gender or whatever.
    I respect you when you EARN my respect

    • respect is about being considerate, not making fun of others for no reason, choosing to not hate on them. Respect doesn't mean you treat them like royalty.

    • @frozencoconut You mean not being disrespectful Not being disrespectful =/= having respect. Different usage of terms

    • at least you have some respect if you don't want someone to feel bad

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  • Ok so here are my thoughts on homophobia. I believe most of these people come in two forms either: The person doesn't or can't care about others welfare and so uses differences as a sort of leverage to try and get ahead in life or the person has strong religious beliefs. Neither of two are exactly easy to change.

  • I'll respect whatever earns my respect. Your post does not. I don't care whose genitals you like to fondle, not my problem until you make it problem.

  • Yeah, well, most guys look somewhat like your first picture, so I'm staying straight.

    In spite of how confusing and crazy human females are...

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