How do I attract naughty girls?

I only always get girls who like sex, but are to afraid to explore. I like threesomes, kinks, rope play, group, voyeur and I know there are women up for it but I cannot find them, or attract them. Except for older women, older women are the kinkiest things on this planet. But I would like some around my age. The most naughtiest girls I've been with thought it was "freaky" for a quick shag behind a club. Surely there are open minded girls out there. How does a guy find or attract the naughtier ones? (lol like repressed catholics or something)
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Most Helpful Girls

  • I'm shy and I'm of the cuter variety when people describe me but the naughtiest girl I know. I almost scare myself with my thoughts sometimes. The psychology behind this? I think because during my everyday life I'm mostly quiet and get walked on by most humans, I find naughtiness to be a sweet sweeettt release. but anyways. how to attract these women? First off I'd go right to a source, like a website where you can meet kinky women. To be attractive to these women? grab their ass... Like you own it. tease them with your cock, kiss every inch of their body until they're begging you to give them an orgasm. Good luck :)

    • Thanks hun, I am going to the source, I ended up at BDSM party last night;-) But if you could elaborate on the "grabbing and owning the ass" part because I am so used to the slow escalation to the sex part that I think Im not dominant as I should be to attract these girls. So should I just approach it as power dominant, "I own you and your body" type thing?

    • If you're taking the dominant role you should absolutely be treating your submissive like you own them. Slow escalation is normal but if you want to quicken the pace... push her down on the bed, tie her hands and have fun. To be dominant, you want to have a firm grip on her body when you touch her and alternate between fast paced handling and slow paced handling. Meaning when you put her hands over her head and tie them be fast paced but when your like touching her hips be slow paced. for example I like when a guy grabs my hips and kind of massages them while eating me out, so I don't want to be messaged at a fast paced. So if its for position switching: fast. touching: firm but slow... or like super light if you want to give her goose bumps.

    • The sex part for me is easy, I am dominant that way. its attracting the girl to get her into the bedroom or wherever else. I am a middle ground nice guy in that I am not that "really nice guy" but I dont know if I am that badboy to get these types of women. I feel I need to be a bit more assertive in personality. Do you think that's valid? My approach is chat a bit first (show my intentions slowly since I do go to the source and we all know why we are there) then start escalating via text and then after a few days im like, Ok lets meet. Some guys (maybe im wrong) go on websites with dick pics and their first message is "lets fuck". is that the best way or my way?

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  • Older women have done it all so I can see why they would need to participate in kinkier activities to get them off

    Im surprised you can't find a girl your age to do a threesome. A lot of young people have tried that. I would like to but a bit of a coward

    • Im sure there are, but how to find and attract you;) That's my question. If you are shy, for example, and you have an online profile, how would I tackle this subject with you without looking like a desperate creep or plain creep;)

    • LOL I'm freaky but too cowardly to go through with it. three years ago I had the opportunity to have a threesome with two friends, while in the backseat of a car and the police rolled up on us. we were still dressed so we didn't get fined or anything lol but we could never find another opportunity to make it happen. it sux. i so want to do it

    • Shit... that is so shit (backseat 3some) nice one. Look most guys are up for a threesome especially. Just ask a friend and Im sure he will be up for it.

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  • You would be interested in my website. It's just starting out but I'm sure you'll find something you like. It's called

    You gotta go where the naughty girls are. Like swingers clubs or concerts or something like that.

    • hey i just went on that site and there's a pic of you in the promotional page.

    • What?

    • Hey, thanks. Love your profile name. Will check it out. Maybe you can help me quick: I went to a source, got involved in BDSM party last night and there was this really cute cage girl who liked me. She played the "kitten role" with me. I think she is into me, we had some really heated flirt banter and she gave me her details (she also bit my finger and ripped my shirt). But I am great at first impressions, its that gap between first approach and sex that I struggle with. Like I will contact her but I want to do it in a way that makes her so amped to pounce me. But she is wild and I don't know how to play it.

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  • They are usually women who you least expect it. People don't expect me to be freaky, but I am. I enjoy it.

    • That's awesome, but how does a guy find you without looking like a desperate creep. I find I struggle to overtly say to a girl on a kink site for example, : Hey you look cool, want to hook up? are you into this shit? I come from a vanilla world and need help in being more direct and assertive in my wants without scaring a girl. Its like I need to attract her with these kinks?

    • You should always start with getting to know the girls wants and desires before sharing certain things. Start out subtle and as a few small questions on the matter, watch her reaction closely. Body language is a good way to tell if she is uncomfortable. If she isn't, talk a little more about it. Ease into it.

Most Helpful Guy

  • be ready to spend the money and a bad bitch yourself.

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  • Join a forum/local community lol. Beggars can't be choosers :P

    • Joined fetlife... hoping the bdsm immunity can help me out there.

    • Community :p

    • I gotcha. Update us later lol.

  • In what way are older women kinky?

    • I've heard people say that when you attend swinger's parties there's usually a bunch of old middle aged people there.

    • I don't attend swinger parties. Why would you just assume I would? Would you want me to assume you attend gangbangs?

    • Well take one girl that I met who was 7 years younger than me. I met her, after a week we were comfortable with flirty texts. I had a little quickie 2 weeks later. That's the fastest I've been normally. Then my other girl now, 33, doesn't like sharing nudie pics. She says she may do a threesome with a girl. Versus this 45 year old lady that I met now who sends me her group sex photos, invites me to her place for sex (we did it 3 times), wants me in her next mmf threesome and today she sends me a pic of her using her vibrator. I met another 41 year old who wants to hook up and she is a domme wit slaves. She wants to screw me in front of her slaves as punishment for her slaves. See the difference here?

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  • Wish there was a given clue. Im that chic but you wouldn't know it if you were my neighbor, coworker, or random person at the deli counter.

    • Ha... you are an older lady;) That's why. I have an older lady friends with benefits who is showing me the ropes. She has kids, a job, does the usual but behind the curtains she is so kinky. The photos she sent me of groups and threesomes etc are insane. But again, I am looking for girls in my age group. I find I have an old school charm that gets the older ladies, but I am looking for the younger ones. So lets say, hypothetically, I am available, what's the best way to approach you? and what type of guy would qualify for your kinky adventures?

    • Very hard to find my type I like. Approach me and have a general conversation and I'll give you clues that Im interested. A guy has to be open to almost anything. Be prepared for naughty and allow me to dominate when I want but know when to force me to submit. I'll always be back for more.

    • That's very vague. So from what I get from you, is that I should strike up a conversation, see if you into these things from clues you give, then what? After the convo, must I pull the trigger and say, "cool, lets go back to my place and get this ball rolling?" I'm trying to find that "type" that girls like you like, so I know how to best play my cards?