How do I get my boyfriend to go raw again?

I really would rather go raw. I hate condoms so freaking much but he is super scared to go raw in me again because he's afraid he will cum inside of me.

I don't think he would and think he has good pull out game but he doesn't think so. He says if he were to do it again he might not be able to pull out but the condoms are getting in the way of me truly feeling satisfied.

How do I tell him this without hurting his feelings? That I think it feels so much better without condoms and that it satisfies me when we go without condoms.
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  • Well one of you get on the pill and you could do it everyday at least he's being smart and he knows that he's not ready to have a kid somebody has to be because it's something like 80% 80 to one without protection using the pull out you're going to get pregnant it's just a matter of time so do it right either he gets on some kind of protection or you get on protection and go for it three times a day

    • Yeah he's not going to do the pull out method again. He's dead set on using condoms. So I guess I will have to find the best ones out there like I think Skyn will do the trick. We've been using Trojan so far.

    • Yeah there's a couple good brands but I know what you mean that for me that was always the best way it was raw but the girls that I dated they were on the pill and I mean when you're making love having sex fucking for me I want to do it all about the girl and I want to be relaxed I don't want to be thinking about making a baby from the moment I start to the moment it ends I want to be into it and make it all about her to drive her wild and when you are worried about getting to go pregnant you can't really do that

    • Yeah that's true. I guess condoms would be the best thing since I am not on the pill and don't plan on being on the pill since he said he still wouldn't go raw even I was on the pill. He's that scared of getting me pregnant but I don't blame him. I don't want a kid right now either.

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  • If he's that dead set, then you can't. If you love him then you are just going to let him wear a condom. Sometimes you have to sacrifice for the person/people you love.

    I go without but girlfriend is fixed. She might get fixed even more. Tubes are tied now but she may have a partial hysterectomy. Just have uterus removed and keep ovaries so doesn't have to take estrogen pills.

    • I suppose you're right. I will just have to do it with condoms because I love him.

    • Gonna have to have him do more oral and more foreplay before sticking it in.

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  • Every girlfriend I was ever with was on the pill. We always went raw. I estimate that I've came inside women well over 5000 times with never a pregnancy scare.

    • Wish you could tell him that. He's too scared to even do that.

  • Have you considered other forms of birth control?

    • No. Just condoms. He wouldn't go raw in me even if I did go on bc so it's pointless.

    • So he will go raw when it is something other than PIV?

    • No he won't go raw at all unless it's giving a blowjob

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  • Why don't you just get on some form of contraction? An IUD is set and forget.

    • Because he still wouldn't go raw even if I did go on bc

  • You many want to consider going on the pill or some other form of BC besides condoms so the risk of pregnancy is very low. Also discuss with him how you would deal with a pregnancy.

    • Ok I guess I could do that but I see no point in going on the pill or some other form of bc when he still won't go raw with me if I was on it.

    • I understand. Does he know for certain he will never want kids? If so, he could consider having a vasectomy.

    • I think he wants kids just not now.

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  • It's an easier sell to go raw if you are on birth control.

    • Not from this guy. He is just that scared.

    • i do think birth control makes a difference for many since can just let loose and cum, but you could be right too there are some guys that are pussy about raw because of no long-term experience of doing it.