How do you announce your orgasm?

I say "I'm cumming"
Vote A
I moan/grunt/yell
Vote B
I do something else (describe in comments)
Vote C
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What Girls & Guys Said

22 21
  • I take out an advert in the New York Times.

  • Breath rythm change.

  • By singing "Don't stop me now" by Queen
  • I haven't figured that out yet

  • *Flails uncontrollably like inflatable noodle man*

    I''m not cleaning that up.

  • I either say it or just moan loudly.

  • I moan

  • It would probably be groaning or whatever.

  • I voted for b

  • I yell like tarzan

  • I use loud speaker and say I m done ladies and gentleman

  • Usually by fax machine

    • lolll

    • @xobrowneyedbeauty glad I could make you laugh

  • like this ooooo ahhh

  • "Oh don't stop hnnngggg" yeah

  • My boyfriend always tells me 'it's about to happen'

  • I just breathe really heavy and then groan loud when I get off

  • nothing, i quiet in general so

  • Why - with royal fanfare of course!

    I am knobility of course :)