How do you feel about beastiality?

Do you think it should be banned all across the US and people be punished for it?
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Most Helpful Guy

  • Of course it's disgusting, but there are a lot of perverts who like it. If gay marriages and abortions are already legal, I fear that after 20-30 years beastiality will become also legal.

    • bestiality and being gay or getting abortions are by far not even close on how bad they r... the fact that u brought those two up makes me question what u think is bad

    • You are an American and was raised in the United States. So no wonder that you think that it's not bad. But ask your grandparents how these issues were considered at time when they were young. I'm not against gays but I view homosexualism as a sin. At least you can read in Bible that both homosexualism and bestiality are disgusting in the eyes of God. Though I don't impose my opinion upon you.

    • u do realize the bible was written by a person who was bias. it also says it's a sin to wear to different kinds of fabric at once but everyone does it

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Most Helpful Girls

  • grils should be aloud to suck a animal but guys shouldn't be aloud to do it with animals

    • that's disgusting

    • LOLwut.

    • lol now I'm curious about the reasoning behind this

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  • Animals cannot consent so it is morally wrong and a form of animal abuse.

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What Girls & Guys Said

3 7
  • its banned everywhere isn't it?

  • It's disgusting.
    Poor animals.

  • It should be legal, even though it is morally wrong.

  • its ok

  • No I think it should be legal.

    • I just find some of the women hot that's it I imagine me fucking the woman and not the dog