How does one suppress attraction to a certain person?

I'm attracted to my boss and afraid that it could affect my performance. How do I make the best out of it and keep my focus?

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Superb Opinion

  • Distract yourself from your crush by doing things you enjoy.

    You could also take your mind off of your feelings by taking on an extra project at work if you feel up to it. Try something new like taking tennis lessons or going to a painting class. This will engage your mind and give you something to do with your time.

    • This is really helpful advice but what do I do if I have to work for him?

    • What I’m going to tell you will work, but it will sound crazy. The first thing you need to know is that an emotion you do not admit to, controls you. Own it, and its power is gone. You are back in control. So first, admit it. Not to him (good Lord, not to him!), to yourself. You’re fighting the attraction right now, aren’t you? Don’t. Fully own it. You say to yourself, “Man, I like this guy! Sure would love to do something about that.” And then you say, “Oh, well” and you let it go. Sounds too easy to be that powerful? Sounds crazy? Fine. But it works. I know it works.

Most Helpful Girls

  • I am also in a similar position. I've just tried my best to only speak to him about work related topics. Try to keep my head down when he's around. Keep as must space as possible. Avoid looking in his direction. Listening to music when possible. And just trying your hardest to focus on the task at hand.

    Unfortunately for me my boss is a super flirt so it's difficult. If you dont get over it after 6-12 months and he's actively doing things to show you he's also into you I'd say you should try asking him out for coffee or something. You two might hit it off. There's been plenty of people who have had great success meeting their partner at work just as there have been horror stories about it.

  • Welcome to what it’s like to be male. You just deal with it.

Most Helpful Guy

  • Well decide do you wanna stay or move on and take the chance of being able to date him. (As I'm probably aware as you are about kinda dating and work cred works, if you want to pursue the relationship. Its best if you do that your not like his assistant, or directly work under him)

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What Girls & Guys Said

0 4
  • The best way is to just keep focus on your work and ignore hanging besides him

  • may be after u get banged... u could perform better

  • dont think about him anymore..

    • I work directly for him...

    • consider him like ur bro.. or text him on his phone and tell him u like him and 99% he would be happy to have free sex with co-worker... if ur attractive and beautiful..

    • I'm not attractive and beautiful

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  • Screw someone else until you're sleepy.