How often do stay at home moms actually masturbate?
So my wife is a stay at home mom and all the sex toys are kept in the night stand on my side of the bed so I see them all the time when I open the drawer to get my phone charger or what ever i always see them so I notice when they are moved, rearranged, put back differently and I can see how much is in the lube bottle and in the toy cleaner bottle. I noticed it awhile back that it looked like two toys but mostly one the one I know is her favorite is in a different spot almost every evening and the level of the bottles are going down kinda fast. I haven’t actually asked her because she doesn’t like talking about sex all much, we have a great sex life she just gets embarrassed kinda easy and I don’t want to embarrass her and have her stop. But how often do other stay at home moms do it?
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