How old should a kid be when they stop sleeping in the same bed with the opposite sex parent?

0 2

Most Helpful Girls

  • my aunt has said that she’s going to stop sleeping with my (11 year old male) cousin soon, if that helps. i’ve never slept in a bed with my dad, so i can’t say anything about opposite sex parent sleeping personally.

    i think it’s probably different for everyone and depends on what the child and parents feel comfy with. i still sleep in the same bed with my mom, although i guess that’s didferent because we’re both girls.

  • I slept in the bed with my dad until about age 8 or 9. I don’t remember exactly, but I do know it wasn’t beyond age 10. My mother worked at night a lot and I was an only child at the time. Therefore, I was scared to sleep in my room alone.

Most Helpful Guys

  • Never.

    Same room is ok. But different bed.

    When it come over in the middle of sleep, allow it to sleep but morning must ask why and then discourage it. Help remove the fear.

    Then tell it to go to the other parent instead.

  • Regularly or just because of illness or fear

    The former (if at all) I'll say 4-5 years old
    The latter say 8

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What Girls & Guys Said

2 11
  • I’m 36 and I will still sleep in a bed with my mom or dad. That’s not weird to me. We aren’t having sex. 😂

    • Lol, nice

    • @WanderingLoveWizard I’d also never share a bed with a baby. It’s super dangerous. But sharing beds with family isn’t a bad thing.

    • Absolutely

    • Show All
  • I don't agree with co sleeping. Put the kids in their own bed from the beginning.

    • Sanity and good parenting this is.

    • @SnowedIn yep I need the bed to myself. I put the babies in a bassinet next to me so I can easily watch them all night. There is no need to share the bed

    • Agree completely! And it saves so many problems in the future

  • Immediately after birth.

  • Never an age to start

    Worst idea in the history of parenting

  • parents share a bed. when is you question ever real?